
32 Argument Scene Writing Prompts

Hey there, word warriors! Ever feel like your characters are a little too…agreeable? Maybe your plot needs a spark, a verbal explosion to propel things forward.

Even we think so.


Because today, we’re diving into the glorious world of argument scene prompts.

We’re talking raised voices, hurt feelings, and revelations that will leave your characters reeling.

Buckle up, because things are about to get heated!

Argument Scene Writing Prompts

The Inherited House Dispute: Two siblings, Sarah and James, have recently inherited a large, old house from their late grandmother. They have different views on what should be done with it. Sarah sees it as a potential family home, rich in memories and sentiment, while James views it as a financial burden and wants to sell it. The prompt explores themes of family, memory, and practicality. The argument arises when they meet to discuss the future of the house.

The Ethical Dilemma in Journalism: This prompt involves a seasoned journalist, Mark, and a young, idealistic reporter, Emily, working in a reputable news agency. They stumble upon a sensitive story involving a major political figure. Mark insists on publishing it immediately for the sake of transparency, while Emily argues that they should wait to verify all facts, fearing the repercussions of a potentially false accusation. Their argument centers on journalistic ethics versus the urgency of news.

The Restaurant Renovation Rift: Linda and Carlos are co-owners of a popular local restaurant. Carlos wants to renovate the restaurant to attract a more upscale clientele, believing this is essential for the business’s growth. Linda, on the other hand, fears that this change will alienate their loyal customer base and compromise the restaurant’s cherished homey feel. Their argument is about balancing growth with tradition.

The Parenting Philosophy Conflict: This prompt focuses on a married couple, Rachel and Tom, who have different parenting styles for their two children. Rachel believes in a more free-range, lenient approach, arguing it fosters independence and creativity. Tom, concerned about safety and discipline, advocates for a more structured and strict method. Their argument highlights the clash between two distinct parenting philosophies.

The Environmental Project Debate: In a small town, a local environmental group, led by activist Mia, is opposing a new construction project proposed by developer Ethan. Ethan argues the project will bring jobs and economic growth, while Mia is concerned about its impact on local wildlife and the environment. The argument delves into the conflict between economic development and environmental protection.

The Career vs. Family Decision: Anna and her husband, Jack, face a crucial decision when Anna is offered a dream job in another country. The job is a significant career advancement for Anna, but moving would mean Jack has to quit his job and their children have to leave their school and friends. Their argument revolves around the dilemma of pursuing career opportunities versus family stability.

The Tech Implementation in School Systems: In a school board meeting, Principal Johnson and Teacher Ms. Greene have opposing views on integrating advanced technology in the classroom. Johnson believes that incorporating cutting-edge tech is crucial for modern education, while Ms. Greene argues that it may widen the gap between students from different socio-economic backgrounds. Their argument focuses on the balance between technological advancement and educational equality.

The Artistic Direction of a Theater Production: In a community theater group, director Alice and lead actor Ben clash over the interpretation of a classic play they are producing. Alice wants to present a modern, unconventional rendition, believing it will attract a wider audience and offer a fresh perspective. Ben, a purist, argues for a traditional approach, respecting the original vision of the play. Their argument is about the balance between artistic innovation and traditional fidelity in theater.

The Urban Development vs. Historical Preservation Debate: In a city council meeting, council member Laura and local historian Eric argue about a new urban development plan. Laura supports the plan, highlighting the need for new housing and commercial space to support the city’s growing population. Eric, however, is adamant about preserving the historical character of the area, fearing that the development will destroy important heritage sites. Their argument confronts the challenge of balancing urban growth with historical preservation.

The Family Business Succession Struggle: In a family-owned winery, the aging father, George, must decide which of his two children, Ava or Michael, will take over the business. Ava has innovative ideas and a modern approach but lacks experience. Michael has years of experience but is resistant to change and new ideas. The siblings’ argument over who should lead the business brings to the surface underlying issues of tradition, innovation, and capability. Their argument revolves around the future direction of the family business.

The Non-Profit’s Funding Ethical Dilemma: At the heart of this prompt is a debate between two board members of a non-profit organization, Diane and Raj. They’ve been offered a substantial donation from a corporation with a questionable ethical record. Diane argues that the donation could fund several important projects and benefit their cause, while Raj is concerned about the moral implications and the message it sends. Their argument is about the ethics of funding sources for non-profit work.

The Neighborhood Safety Measure Disagreement: Two neighbors, Helen and Bob, argue over a proposed safety measure in their neighborhood. The measure involves increased surveillance and police patrols. Helen, who has been a victim of a recent break-in, is in favor of it for added security. Bob, concerned about privacy and the potential for increased racial profiling, is strongly against it. Their argument explores the delicate balance between safety and civil liberties.

The High School Curriculum Reform Debate: A high school principal, Mr. Thompson, and a veteran teacher, Mrs. Clark, disagree on proposed changes to the school curriculum. Mr. Thompson wants to introduce more STEM-focused courses to prepare students for a technology-driven future, while Mrs. Clark advocates for preserving arts and humanities, arguing their importance in developing well-rounded individuals. Their argument centers on the direction of educational priorities in a changing world.

The Community Center’s New Policy Dispute: This prompt involves a dispute in a local community center between the new manager, Simon, and a long-time volunteer, Grace. Simon wants to implement a new policy that would charge a small fee for using the center’s facilities, arguing it’s necessary for maintenance and upgrades. Grace believes this goes against the center’s mission of being an inclusive and accessible space for all community members. Their argument delves into the values and accessibility of community services.

The Medical Treatment Decision Conflict: A married couple, Nora and Liam, face a tough decision regarding treatment for their sick child. Nora wants to pursue a new, experimental treatment with potential but unproven benefits. Liam prefers to stick with conventional treatment, fearing the risks of the experimental approach. Their argument embodies the dilemma many face between traditional and experimental medical treatments.

The Local Library’s Digital Transition: In a small town, the head librarian, Mrs. Jennings, and a group of young librarians are at odds over the future of the library. Mrs. Jennings wants to maintain a traditional library with a focus on physical books and a quiet reading environment. The young librarians advocate for a digital transformation, including e-books and multimedia resources, to keep up with technological trends and attract a younger audience. Their argument highlights the tension between tradition and modernization in community institutions.

The Climate Change School Initiative Disagreement: In a high school, science teacher Mr. Larson and parent association leader Mrs. Patel disagree over a new school initiative to integrate climate change education into all subjects. Mr. Larson believes it’s essential for preparing students for a future impacted by climate change, while Mrs. Patel argues it could detract from core academic subjects and over-politicize education. Their argument reflects the ongoing debate about the role of environmental education in schools.

The Book Club Selection Clash: In a neighborhood book club, two members, Janet and Leo, argue over the next book selection. Janet wants to choose a contemporary political memoir to encourage awareness and discussion on current affairs. Leo prefers a classic novel, arguing that the club should focus on literary quality and timeless themes rather than current, potentially divisive topics. Their argument explores the balance between contemporary relevance and classical literature in reading groups.

The Community Garden vs. Parking Lot Debate: In a community meeting, environmental activist Chloe and local business owner Mr. Anderson have a heated debate. The city plans to convert an unused plot of land into either a community garden, supported by Chloe, or additional parking space, advocated by Mr. Anderson, to benefit local businesses. Their argument centers on environmental sustainability versus economic convenience in urban planning.

The Family Vacation Dilemma: In a family of five, the parents and three teenage children are at odds over where to spend their annual vacation. The parents want a cultural and historical tour in Europe, believing it to be educational and enriching. The teenagers, however, are lobbying for a more relaxed beach resort vacation. Their argument highlights the differences in vacation preferences between generations.

The Historic Building’s Future: Local historian Emma and city developer Mr. Jacobs debate the fate of a historic but dilapidated building in the town center. Emma argues for its preservation and restoration due to its historical significance, while Mr. Jacobs proposes demolishing it to make way for modern, affordable housing. Their argument brings into focus the conflict between historical preservation and modern development needs.

The Shift in Church Leadership: In a small town church, a progressive new pastor, Reverend Smith, and a group of traditional congregation members, led by Mrs. White, clash over changes in church services and outreach programs. Reverend Smith wants to introduce contemporary music and community-focused outreach, while Mrs. White and her group prefer to maintain traditional hymns and internal community support. Their argument is about balancing tradition and modernization in religious practices.

The Local Festivals Funding Cut: City councilor Mr. Barnes and cultural committee chairwoman Ms. Rodriguez argue over budget cuts that threaten the funding of local cultural festivals. Mr. Barnes insists the cuts are necessary due to financial constraints and wants to allocate funds to infrastructure. Ms. Rodriguez argues that these festivals are vital for preserving the city’s cultural heritage and community spirit. Their argument is about prioritizing cultural preservation versus infrastructure development in city budgeting.

The High-Stakes Academic Competition: In a prestigious high school, two top students, Aiden and Sophia, argue over their approaches to a national academic competition. Aiden believes in aggressive competition and doing whatever it takes to win, seeing it as preparation for real-world challenges. Sophia advocates for collaboration and ethical conduct, emphasizing the importance of integrity over victory. Their argument explores the ethics and pressures of academic competitiveness among students.

The Local Library Censorship Conflict: In a small town, librarian Ms. Ellis and a group of concerned parents, led by Mr. Johnson, argue about a selection of books that the parents deem inappropriate for children. Ms. Ellis defends the books, citing the importance of diverse viewpoints and intellectual freedom, while Mr. Johnson argues for their removal to protect the community’s values and children’s innocence. Their argument delves into the delicate balance between censorship and freedom of expression in public libraries.

The Homeowners Association Pet Policy Debate: In a residential community, homeowner Maya and the president of the Homeowners Association (HOA), Mr. Franklin, clash over a new policy restricting certain breeds of dogs. Maya, a dog owner, argues the policy is discriminatory and unfounded, while Mr. Franklin insists it’s necessary for the safety and comfort of all residents. Their argument brings to light the tensions between individual rights and community standards in residential areas.

The High School Dress Code Modification: A group of high school students, led by outspoken senior Zoe, confronts the school board, including a conservative member, Mrs. Thompson, about modernizing the school’s dress code. The students argue it’s outdated and restricts self-expression, while Mrs. Thompson believes it promotes discipline and a respectful learning environment. Their argument is a clash between generational views on self-expression and conformity in educational settings.

The Community Health Clinic Funding Issue: In a city council meeting, Dr. Lewis, who runs a local health clinic, and Councilman Rodriguez argue over the reallocation of funds from the clinic to a new road development project. Dr. Lewis argues that the clinic provides essential services to underserved communities, while Rodriguez contends that the road project will benefit more people in the long run. Their argument revolves around the allocation of public funds for healthcare versus infrastructure.

The Small Business vs. Chain Store Dilemma: In a town hall meeting, local small business owner Ella and a representative from a national chain store, Mr. Carter, present opposing views on the chain store opening a branch in the town. Ella argues it will harm local businesses and the town’s unique character, while Mr. Carter highlights the job opportunities and convenience the store will bring. Their argument confronts the impact of large chain stores on local communities and economies.

The School Technology Ban Proposal: School principal Ms. Walker and technology teacher Mr. Daniels have a heated debate over Ms. Walker’s proposal to ban smartphones and tablets from the school campus. She argues it’s necessary to reduce distractions and cyberbullying, while Mr. Daniels contends that technology is an integral part of modern education and communication. Their argument reflects the ongoing struggle to balance technology use and educational focus in schools.

The Public Park Renovation Plans: Landscape architect Ms. Kim and a group of local skateboarders, led by teenager Kyle, argue at a community meeting about the redesign of a public park. Ms. Kim’s design removes the existing skate park to make way for more green spaces and a community garden, while Kyle and his group argue for the importance of the skate park to youth in the community. Their argument highlights the challenge of accommodating diverse interests in public space planning.

The Employee Dress Code Policy Change at Work: In a corporate office, HR manager Susan and a group of employees, led by creative director Alex, argue over a proposed change in the company’s dress code policy to a more formal attire. Susan argues it’s necessary to maintain a professional image, especially with clients, while Alex and his team believe that a relaxed dress code fosters creativity and a comfortable work environment. Their argument deals with the tension between professionalism and personal expression in the workplace.

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