
24 Earth Day Writing Prompts

Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd. It’s all about taking a second to think about how amazing our planet is, and also how we need to take better care of it.

Sometimes, as students, it’s tough to do big things to help the environment. But there’s actually a super cool way you can get involved and even make other people want to help out – writing!

Words can be powerful tools to share your worries, get creative, and inspire change. If you’re into that, here’s a bunch of Earth Day writing ideas to get you started. Whether you love writing already or just want to give your thoughts a voice, these prompts will get the ideas flowing!

24 Earth Day Writing Prompts

A Day in the Life of Mother Earth – Imagine you are Mother Earth for a day and you have the power of speech. Write a diary entry detailing what you feel, see, and experience. Capture the beauty of your landscapes, the impact of human activities, and your thoughts on how humans can improve their relationship with you. Try to personify Earth to make your writing more creative and engaging.

The Future Earth – Write a science-fiction story based on Earth 100 years into the future. How has climate change affected the environment and living beings? What measures have humans taken to adapt or mitigate these changes? Create an optimistic yet realistic vision of the future, demonstrating how humans have learned to live more sustainably.

In the Shoes of a Wildlife Conservationist – You are a wildlife conservationist working in a national park. Describe a typical day in your life, discussing the challenges you face and the triumphs you have to experience. Include vivid descriptions of your encounters with wildlife and the ways your work helps protect Earth’s biodiversity.

Earth Day Every Day – Many people celebrate Earth Day once a year, but what if we celebrated it every day? Write a persuasive essay arguing that every day should be Earth Day. Discuss how regular, small-scale environmentally friendly actions can have a significant impact on our planet. Emphasize how sustainable habits could make a real difference.

The Biography of a Tree – Choose a tree in your local area and write its “biography”. Discuss its life from a sapling to its current state. What events has it witnessed? How has its surroundings changed over time? What threats does it face? Consider the ecological importance of trees in your writing.

The Plastic Problem – The world has a significant problem with plastic pollution. Research about this issue and write an informative report detailing the severity of the problem, its impact on the environment and wildlife, and solutions to this problem. Highlight creative solutions that are already in place and propose your own ideas as well.

Letter to a Policy Maker – You have the opportunity to write a letter to a policymaker about an environmental issue that you are passionate about. Identify the issue, explain its significance, and propose feasible solutions. Make a compelling argument for policy change, backing up your claims with evidence.

The Power of Local Action – We often hear about global environmental problems, but what about local ones? Write a story about a group of people in your community who come together to solve a local environmental problem. Demonstrate the power of collective action and community spirit in addressing environmental challenges.

The Role of Technology in Conservation – Technology has had a tremendous impact on our lives, but what about its role in conservation? Write an essay discussing various technologies that have been used for environmental conservation and their effectiveness. In your writing, analyze the potential of technology to aid in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.

If Animals Could Talk – Imagine if animals could talk and voice their thoughts on how human activities affect them and their habitats. Choose an animal and write a story from its perspective, detailing its experiences and its plea for help. Give voice to the voiceless and increase awareness of the impacts of human actions on wildlife.

The Journey of an Aluminum Can – We use and throw away items without much thought about where they end up. Follow the life of an aluminum can from its creation to its disposal, and possibly, to its recycling. Highlight the importance of recycling and how it can significantly reduce waste and save resources.

Influence of Climate Change on My Hometown – Write an essay discussing how climate change could potentially affect your hometown in the next 50 years. Include both physical and social changes, such as shifts in weather patterns, impacts on local businesses, or changes in community structure. Discuss adaptation strategies your community could implement to manage these changes.

Interview with a Climate Activist – You have been given the opportunity to interview a well-known climate activist. Write a list of questions you would ask, as well as the answers you expect to receive. Delve into their motivations, challenges, and their vision for a sustainable future.

My Carbon Footprint – Your task is to calculate your carbon footprint and write a reflection on your findings. Were you surprised by the results? What aspects of your lifestyle contribute most to your footprint? Write about the steps you could take to reduce your carbon emissions.

Poetry for the Planet – Write a poem celebrating Earth and its natural beauty. It could be about a particular landscape, animal, plant, or natural phenomenon. Use evocative imagery and language to capture the essence of what you’re describing and to instill in your readers a greater appreciation for the natural world.

Designing a Green City – Imagine you are an urban planner tasked with designing a sustainable city. What features would you include to make it green and environmentally friendly? Describe the city in detail, explaining the reasoning behind your choices and how these features would help reduce environmental impact.

Message in a Bottle – Suppose you could write a message about the Earth’s current environmental status and put it in a bottle for future generations to read. What would your message contain? Express your hopes, fears, and advice for those who will inherit the planet.

Climate Change and Health – Write a report examining the impact of climate change on human health. Look into different health issues that could arise or exacerbate due to changing climate conditions, such as heat stress, infectious diseases, or mental health problems. Discuss preventative measures and adaptation strategies that could help mitigate these health risks.

The Forgotten Species – We often hear about the plight of charismatic species like polar bears or pandas, but there are many lesser-known species facing extinction as well. Choose a less popular endangered species and write a profile about it, highlighting its importance in the ecosystem. Bring attention to the underrepresented species and why they also deserve to be saved.

A Day Without Waste – Imagine that you decided to live a day without producing any waste. Write a narrative describing how your day would go, the challenges you would face, and how you would overcome them. Detail the practical ways to reduce waste in everyday life and the impact this could have if practiced consistently.

Transforming Schools into Green Spaces – Write a proposal on how your school or a school in your community could be transformed into a green, sustainable space. Discuss changes like installing solar panels, starting a recycling program, or creating a school garden. Outline the benefits of such transformation for students, staff, and the environment.

Our Oceans, Our Future – The ocean is a vast, often overlooked part of our planet that plays a critical role in regulating the Earth’s climate. Write an essay exploring the importance of our oceans, the threats they face due to pollution and overfishing, and why we need to protect them. Emphasize the crucial role of oceans in Earth’s health and our own survival.

Revolutionizing Agriculture for a Sustainable Future – Modern agriculture contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss. Write a research paper exploring sustainable farming practices like organic farming, permaculture, or vertical farming. Discuss how these practices can revolutionize agriculture and make it more sustainable in the long run.

Climate Change Through the Eyes of a Polar Bear – Imagine you’re a polar bear witnessing the effects of climate change firsthand. Describe your experiences and challenges in a shifting environment, and express your hopes for a sustainable future. Humanize the impact of climate change by telling it through the eyes of a vulnerable creature.