
72 Instagram Story Prompt Ideas

Instagram stories represent the new you. 

They need to fun, creative catchy while at the same time different from the previous one. 

But with so many saturated options out there, where do you begin exploring? 

We think we can help. 

How, you may ask? 

Check these Instagram story prompt ideas and thank us later. 

Instagram Story Prompt Ideas

“This or That” Challenge: Post two options related to a theme (like summer: beach or mountains?) and ask followers to reply with their preference. You can use colorful backgrounds and playful fonts to make it visually appealing.

Behind-the-Scenes Peek: Share a photo or video showing a part of your day or work process that people usually don’t see. It could be your home office setup, a sneak peek of a project you’re working on, or even your morning routine.

Ask Me Anything (AMA): Encourage followers to ask you questions about a specific topic or anything in general. You can answer these questions in subsequent story slides, offering a more personal connection with your audience.

Photo Challenge: Post a unique photo theme (like “Shadows and Light” or “Urban Wildlife”) and challenge your followers to share their own photos on the same theme, tagging you so you can repost their content on your stories.

Gratitude Moment: Share something you’re grateful for and ask your followers to do the same. This can create a positive and supportive community feeling.

Guess the Sound: Post a short audio clip of a mystery sound (like rustling leaves, a distant train, etc.) and ask followers to guess what it is. Reveal the answer later in the day.

Caption This: Post an unusual or funny photo and ask your followers to come up with the best caption. Share the most creative responses.

Two Truths and a Lie: Share three statements about yourself, two of which are true and one that is false. Ask your audience to guess which one is the lie.

Tutorial Time: Share a quick tutorial or how-to on something you’re good at. It could be a simple recipe, a makeup tip, a quick DIY project, or even a short yoga routine.

Polls on Current Events: Create polls about recent news or trends to see where your audience stands on different issues. This can be a great way to gauge the interests and opinions of your followers.

Virtual Book Club: Share what you’re currently reading and ask your followers for their book recommendations. This can turn into a monthly book club discussion.

Mood Meter: Share a slider poll with different moods (happy, stressed, excited, etc.) and ask your followers to share how they’re feeling. It’s a simple way to check in with your audience and show empathy.

Dream Destination Poll: Post pictures of two dream destinations (like Paris vs. Bali) and ask followers to vote on where they’d rather go. This can spark conversations about travel and adventure.

Fitness Challenge: Start a 7-day fitness challenge and encourage followers to join in. Share daily exercises or goals and ask them to share their progress.

Flashback Friday: Share an old photo or memory and ask your followers to share their own throwback pictures, creating a nostalgic connection.

Daily Affirmation Share: Post a positive affirmation and ask your followers to share their own or how the affirmation resonates with them.

Mystery Object Game: Post a close-up photo of a common object and ask followers to guess what it is. Reveal the answer later, creating curiosity and engagement.

Favorite Recipe Swap: Share your favorite quick recipe and ask followers to share theirs. This can be a great way to exchange ideas and find new dishes to try.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt: Post a list of items for followers to find in their home or neighborhood. Encourage them to share photos of the items they find.

Pet Showcase: Ask followers to share cute or funny photos of their pets. This is always a crowd-pleaser and can lighten the mood.

DIY Craft Tutorial: Share a simple and creative DIY craft idea and ask followers to show their own creations.

Music Exchange: Share what you’re currently listening to and ask followers for their music recommendations. This can help everyone discover new tunes.

Home Decor Tips: Share a home decor tip or a picture of a part of your home, and ask followers to share their home decor ideas or images.

What’s in My Bag?: Reveal the contents of your bag and ask followers to share what unique or essential items they always carry.

Self-Care Tips Exchange: Share your favorite self-care practice and ask followers to share theirs, promoting a sense of well-being and community support.

Local Love: Highlight a local business or spot you love, and ask followers to share their favorite local gems, promoting community support.

Virtual Dinner Party: Share what you’re having for dinner and ask followers to share photos of their meals, creating a sense of togetherness.

“Day in the Life” Series: Document a typical day in your life with a series of photos or short videos, encouraging followers to share a glimpse of their day as well.

Favorite Film Scene Reenactment: Share a clip or photo reenacting your favorite movie scene and challenge followers to do the same with their favorite films.

Virtual Bookshelf Tour: Showcase your book collection and ask followers to share a photo of their bookshelf or their current read.

Skill Swap: Share a unique skill you have (like juggling, calligraphy, etc.) and ask followers to share a skill they’re proud of.

Fashion Throwback: Post an old fashion trend you loved (or a fashion mistake!) and encourage followers to share their own fashion throwbacks.

Language Learning: Share a word or phrase in a language you’re learning and ask followers to share words from languages they know or are learning.

Bucket List Share: Reveal something on your bucket list and ask followers to share one item from their bucket list.

Favorite Childhood Memory: Share a favorite memory from your childhood and invite followers to reminisce about their own cherished memories.

Art Showcase: Post a piece of art you’ve created and encourage followers to share their own artwork.

Wellness Wednesday: Share a wellness tip (like a relaxation technique or a healthy snack idea) and ask followers to share their wellness tips.

Dance Challenge: Start a dance challenge with a simple routine and ask followers to post their version of the dance.

Mental Health Check-In: Provide a safe space for followers to share how they’re feeling or coping strategies, fostering a supportive community.

Favorite Podcasts: Share a podcast you’re currently enjoying and ask followers to recommend their favorite podcasts.

Virtual Travel Guide: Post about a place you’ve visited and ask followers to share tips or photos from their favorite travel destinations.

Goal Setting Session: Share a personal goal and encourage followers to share their goals, creating a community of motivation and support.

Guess the Ingredient: Share a photo of a dish you’ve made and challenge followers to guess the ingredients. Later, reveal the recipe.

Virtual Coffee Date: Post a photo of your morning coffee and ask followers to share their coffee or tea moments, creating a cozy, communal vibe.

Desk Makeover: Show before and after photos of your desk or workspace and encourage followers to share their workspace transformations.

Eco-Friendly Tips: Share an eco-friendly habit or product you use and ask followers for their green living suggestions.

Favorite Local Walks: Post pictures from a favorite walking route in your area and invite followers to share scenic spots from their walks.

Creative Writing Prompt: Share a writing prompt (like “A day in the life of a lost key”) and ask followers to write a short story or poem based on it.

Myth Busting: Share a common myth related to your field of expertise and ask followers to send myths they want busted.

Virtual Movie Night: Suggest a movie to watch and ask followers to share their thoughts or favorite scenes after watching it.

Hidden Talents: Reveal a hidden talent you have and encourage followers to share theirs, no matter how quirky or unusual.

Gardening Tips: Share a gardening tip or a photo of your garden/plants and ask followers to share their gardening experiences or questions.

Flash Fiction Challenge: Write a short, 50-word story and challenge your followers to do the same, possibly providing a theme or opening line.

Time Capsule Ideas: Share what you would put in a time capsule and ask followers what they would choose to include.

Favorite Childhood Games: Reminisce about a game you loved as a child and invite followers to share their favorite childhood games.

Local Cuisine Showcase: Share a photo of a local dish from your area and ask followers to share a dish that’s popular in their region.

Life Hacks: Post a life hack that makes your daily life easier and ask your followers to share their favorite hacks.

Sunrise/Sunset Photos: Share a photo of a beautiful sunrise or sunset you’ve captured and invite followers to share their own scenic sky photos.

Favorite Quote and Why: Post a quote that inspires you and ask your followers to share their favorite quotes and the reasons behind their choices.

“In My City” Series: Showcase unique or lesser-known spots in your city and encourage followers to share hidden gems from their own cities.

Virtual Karaoke: Share a clip of you singing your favorite karaoke song and challenge followers to share their karaoke moments.

Guess the Place: Post a photo of a place without revealing its location and let followers guess where it is. Reveal the answer later.

Share a Cause: Highlight a cause or charity you support and ask followers to share causes they are passionate about.

Favorite Childhood Cartoon: Share a picture or memory of your favorite childhood cartoon and ask followers to share theirs.

“How I Relax” Tips: Share your favorite relaxation technique or activity and ask followers to share what they do to unwind.

Throwback Playlist: Post a playlist from a specific era (like the 90s) and ask followers to share their favorite songs from that time.

Creative Makeup or Fashion Challenge: Show a unique makeup look or outfit and challenge followers to create their own creative looks.

DIY Home Project: Share a home project you’re working on and invite followers to share their DIY home projects.

Favorite Local Eateries: Recommend a local restaurant or café and ask followers to share their favorite local dining spots.

“What I’m Learning”: Share something new you’re learning, whether it’s a skill, subject, or hobby, and ask followers to share their learning journeys.

Virtual Game Night: Propose a simple game (like Pictionary or trivia) and play it with followers through story updates.

“Under $10” Finds: Share a great find you’ve purchased for under $10 and ask followers to share their best budget-friendly finds.

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