
25 January Writing Prompts

January is the perfect time to get those creative writing juices flowing!

If you want to work on your writing, or just need to let your imagination run wild, we’ve got a ton of cool prompts to get you going.

Think of them as little challenges to explore new ideas and feelings. They’re perfect if you’re stuck and just need something to spark your creativity.

Whether you want to look back at the past year or dream about the future, we’ve got prompts for everyone.

Let’s dive in!

January Writing Prompts

Reflection and Goals: Start the year by considering the year that’s just passed and the year ahead. Reflect on your accomplishments and challenges from the previous year, and based on this, set personal and professional goals for the new year. What do you want to achieve? How will you achieve it? What steps will you take to ensure that you remain committed to these goals?

New Year, New Habits: January is often seen as a month for fresh starts and setting new habits. Choose one habit that you’d like to develop this year. Write about why you chose this particular habit, the steps you’ll take to develop it, and how it will benefit your life. How will you make sure you stick with it? How will you handle potential setbacks?

Inspiring People: January is a time when we often hear about people making huge changes in their lives. Think about someone you know, either personally or a public figure, who has made significant positive changes in their life. Describe their transformation, focusing on the specific changes they’ve made and how it has impacted their lives. How does their journey inspire you?

Winter Wonderland: The first month of the year can be a magical time, depending on where you live. Even if you live somewhere warm, you can still imagine a wintry scene. Describe a perfect winter day, capturing the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of the winter season. What activities would you be doing? How would you feel?

January Traditions: Many cultures have unique traditions and celebrations that take place in January. Research a January tradition from a culture different than your own. Write about what you learn, including the history of the tradition, how it’s celebrated, and its significance to the people who observe it. How does this compare to your own January traditions?

The Power of Kindness: Think about the power a simple act of kindness can have. Write a story about a character who decides to do one act of kindness every day for the entire month of January. What impact does this have on the character’s life and the lives of those around them?

Reviving an Old Hobby: January is a great time to take up a hobby that you’ve abandoned in the past. Consider why you let this hobby slide and how you might reintroduce it into your life. Describe the hobby, why you initially loved it, and how you plan to revive it. What obstacles might you face and how will you overcome them?

The Year in Review: January is often a time for retrospectives. Look back at the events of the last year and pick one that had a significant impact on you. Write a personal reflection on this event, discussing why it was important, how it affected you, and what you learned from it. How will this event shape your actions or perspectives in the upcoming year?

In the Quiet of Winter: The winter months, including January, can often bring a sense of stillness and quiet. Use this concept as a basis for a short story. Create a narrative set in a tranquil, snowy landscape, focusing on the themes of solitude, silence, and introspection. How does the serene environment influence your characters or the progression of the story?

One Day at a Time: January is a popular month for setting lofty resolutions, but it can be more productive to focus on small, daily changes. Choose a simple, positive change you could make each day for a month. Write about the potential impact of this small change over time, considering both the immediate and long-term effects.

The Historical January: Pick a notable event from history that occurred in January. Research and write a detailed account of this event, including its causes, key players, immediate effects, and long-term impact. Why is this event significant, and what can we learn from it today?

Reimagining a Classic: January is often associated with new beginnings and fresh perspectives. Choose a classic novel or fairy tale and reimagine it in a modern setting. How would the story change in the context of the 21st century? What would stay the same?

Nature’s Rebirth: Despite the cold and often harsh weather, January can be a time of rebirth and renewal in nature. Write a detailed, descriptive piece about the natural world in January, focusing on elements like the crisp air, the barren trees, or the hardy wildlife. How does this contrast with other seasons, and what beauty can be found in these wintry scenes?

A Month of Gratitude: Start the new year on a positive note by focusing on gratitude. Write a journal entry for each day of January, noting something for which you are grateful. Reflect on how this daily practice of gratitude affects your mindset and overall outlook on life.

Inside a Snow Globe: Imagine you are a character living inside a snow globe. Write a narrative from this unique perspective, detailing your day-to-day life and your thoughts and feelings about living in a world that’s shaken up and then calm again. How does your character cope with these regular upheavals?

A January Birthday: Not everyone has the pleasure of a summer birthday party. Think about what it would be like to celebrate a birthday in January. Create a story about a character celebrating their birthday in the midst of winter. How do they feel about having a winter birthday, and how do they celebrate it differently from those with birthdays in warmer months?

A Promise Kept: New Year’s resolutions are notoriously hard to keep. Think about a character who makes a significant promise at the start of the year. Detail the character’s struggles and ultimate success in keeping this promise. How does this commitment shape their year and impact their relationships with others?

An Unexpected Journey: January often marks the start of new adventures. Write a story about a character embarking on an unexpected journey in January. What triggers this journey? How does the character respond, and how does this experience change them?

The Impact of Silence: January, with its often quieter, introspective mood, can be the perfect time for a retreat into silence. Write a personal essay on the impact of spending a day, or even a week, in complete silence. Reflect on how this experience might affect your thoughts, feelings, and insights.

A Taste of January: Food can tell a rich story about our lives and cultures. Consider a meal or food tradition that you associate with January. Write a detailed piece about this food tradition, discussing its origins, significance, and the sensory experiences associated with it.

The Warmth of January: January may be a cold month physically, but it can also be a time of emotional warmth and coziness. Explore the Danish concept of “hygge,” or the art of creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life. Write about how you would create a sense of hygge in your own life during January.

Letter to My Future Self: At the start of the year, it’s common to contemplate the future. Write a letter to your future self, outlining your hopes, dreams, and goals for the year. Consider what advice or reminders your present self would like to pass on.

The January Landscape: The natural world undergoes dramatic changes in January in many parts of the world. Write a descriptive piece about how a landscape of your choice transforms during January. Focus on the changes in the flora, fauna, and the general atmosphere of the place.

A Day in the Life of a Winter Animal: January is a challenging month for many animals. Write a narrative from the perspective of a winter animal surviving in the harsh January climate. How does the animal adapt to the weather conditions, find food, and protect itself from predators?

The January Blues: After the festivities of December, January can sometimes feel like a letdown. Explore the emotions associated with this ‘January Blues’ phenomenon. How can one cope with these feelings, and what steps can one take to create a more positive outlook for the remaining winter months?