
35 March Writing Prompts

March is all about change!

Nature’s finally getting over its winter grumpy phase and everything’s bursting with new life. It’s like the world hit the refresh button. If you’re looking for some writing inspiration, March is totally your month.

We’ve got writing prompts that’ll take you on a little adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just love putting words together, these ideas will get those creative juices flowing.

Let’s get started!

35 March Writing Prompts

The Ides of March: This historically significant day, March 15th, played a significant role in ancient Rome and is most well-known for being the day Julius Caesar was assassinated. Write a historical fiction short story centered around this day. Bring to life the characters and events leading up to this historic event, and consider how different perspectives might shed a new light on old narratives.

Women’s History Month: March is celebrated as Women’s History Month in many parts of the world. Write an essay detailing the life and achievements of a lesser-known woman in history who made significant contributions to society. Focus on her struggles, accomplishments, and the lasting impact she made on the world.

Signs of Spring: As March ushers in the first signs of spring in many parts of the world, the environment around us starts to change. Write a personal narrative detailing a memorable spring experience from your past. Capture the essence of the transition from winter to spring, and how it paralleled changes in your own life.

St. Patrick’s Day: This Irish holiday is celebrated around the world with lots of fun and festivity. However, the original Saint Patrick had a life filled with trials and tribulations. Write a dramatic monologue from the perspective of Saint Patrick, detailing his experiences, hardships, and faith. Highlight the contrast between his real-life story and the modern celebration of the holiday.

The March Equinox: This is the time when day and night are of almost equal duration. Using this as a metaphor, write a poem or a short story about balance and equilibrium in life. Highlight the struggle of a character trying to balance different aspects of their life, mirroring the equinox.

March Madness: This prompt is inspired by the annual NCAA college basketball tournament, colloquially known as March Madness. Write a short story about a basketball player who has one chance to make their mark during this tournament. Focus on the pressure, determination, and resilience of the player in the face of overwhelming odds.

World Water Day (March 22nd): This is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of fresh water and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Write an opinion piece discussing the ongoing water crisis in many parts of the world. Detail the socio-economic and environmental implications of water scarcity and potential solutions to combat it.

National Nutrition Month: March is also National Nutrition Month in the United States. Write a persuasive essay about the importance of nutrition education in schools, arguing for or against it. Explore the impact of such education on children’s health, habits, and understanding of food.

Remembering the Past: In many cultures, March signifies the beginning of a new year and a time to reflect on the past. Write a reflective piece on the last year of your life. What were the highs and lows? What lessons have you learned? Discuss how these experiences have shaped your outlook for the future.

Emerging Life: March signifies the beginning of the spring season when life emerges from its winter slumber. Write a descriptive piece on a day in the life of a forest, a garden, or a farm during this transformational period. Focus on the intricate details of flora and fauna awakening to the warmth of spring.

A Letter to Your Past Self: On the theme of reflection and new beginnings that March brings, write a letter to your past self. Discuss the things you wish you knew a year ago, the mistakes you could have avoided, and the successes you never anticipated. Highlight the wisdom you have acquired and how it will shape your future decisions.

Daylight Saving Time: Many regions shift their clocks an hour ahead in March for Daylight Saving Time. Write a fictional piece that plays with this concept. Perhaps your character gets stuck in the “lost hour” or uses it to their advantage. Use the idea of manipulating time as a key element in your story.

March Wind: March is often associated with blustery, unpredictable weather. Write a story where the unpredictable March wind plays a crucial role in the plot. It could be a symbol of change, a force of nature affecting the characters, or even a sentient entity. Ensure that the wind serves as an integral part of your narrative.

Pisces vs. Aries: March sees a transition from the zodiac sign of Pisces to Aries. Write a character study or a short story involving two characters, one a quintessential Pisces and the other a typical Aries. Examine the contrasts and interactions between these two characters based on their zodiac traits.

World Poetry Day (March 21st): This day celebrates the expression of our innermost thoughts and feelings through poetry. Write a poem dedicated to a person, an event, or an idea that has significantly impacted your life. In your poem, vividly express emotions and thoughts that normal prose can’t capture.

The Color Green: March is often associated with the color green, from Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations to the budding leaves of spring. Write an essay or a story where the color green takes a symbolic or significant role. Interpret and incorporate the color’s various connotations, such as renewal, nature, envy, or luck.

Migratory Birds: March is a time when many bird species start their migratory journey. Write a creative piece from the perspective of a migratory bird undertaking this long journey. Describe the challenges faced, the sights seen, and the instincts driving the bird to its destination.

Save a Spider Day (March 14th): This day encourages people to understand and appreciate these eight-legged creatures instead of fearing them. Write a persuasive article on the importance of spiders to our ecosystems. Emphasize the ecological role they play and debunk common myths leading to unnecessary fear of spiders.

Spring Cleaning: The tradition of spring cleaning is often undertaken in March, as winter ends and spring begins. Write a personal essay reflecting on what “spring cleaning” could mean in a metaphorical sense for your life. Contemplate what mental clutter, old habits, or negative emotions you might want to ‘clean out’ to make room for positivity and growth.

National Reading Month: March is National Reading Month in the U.S., encouraging people to enjoy books and reading. Write a piece that explores your relationship with reading. Reflect on a book that profoundly affected you and explain why it moved you and how it may have shaped your worldview.

Blossoming Cherry Trees: In many parts of the world, cherry blossoms start blooming in March, a sight that is both beautiful and symbolic. Write a love story set beneath these blooming trees, using the transient beauty of cherry blossoms as a metaphor for fleeting moments. Explore themes of love, impermanence, and beauty in your narrative.

In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb: This saying describes the weather in March, which can start with winter-like weather (“in like a lion”) and end with milder spring-like weather (“out like a lamb”). Craft a transformative character arc that follows this pattern, where the character starts off “lion-like” (aggressive, dominant, or negative) and transforms into a “lamb-like” state (gentler, kinder, or more positive).

Pi Day (March 14th): This day celebrates the mathematical constant π (pi). Write a story centered around a math competition or a mathematician’s life, using the concept of pi as a recurring motif. Depict the protagonist’s passion for mathematics and the impact of pi on their life or work.

Wearing of the Green: The tradition of wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day is well known. Write a story where wearing green on this day results in an unexpected adventure or a strange series of events for your protagonist. Ensure the color green plays a significant, symbolic, or transformative role in your story.

March from the Animal Kingdom’s Perspective: With spring’s arrival, many animals come out of hibernation or return from migration. Write a narrative from the perspective of an animal experiencing the world’s awakening in March. Focus on sensory descriptions and the instinctual response to the changing season.

World Sleep Day (March 18th): This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of good and healthy sleep. Write an insightful piece about the struggles of a character dealing with sleep issues, such as insomnia or sleep apnea. Discuss the impact of sleep disorders on their daily life, mental health, and personal relationships.

The Start of a Journey: March is often seen as the start of the agricultural year. Write a tale set in an agrarian society where the protagonist embarks on a journey or a quest as the new farming year begins. Detail their motivations, the challenges they face, and the wisdom they gain from their journey.

A Leap Forward: With the Daylight Saving Time “spring forward” in March, we all lose an hour. Write a speculative fiction story where this lost hour takes on a tangible form. Imagine what happens during this elusive hour and how your characters interact with this temporal anomaly.

Sibling Rivalry: March 10th is celebrated as National Siblings Day in some countries. Write a narrative that explores the complex dynamics of sibling relationships. Detail the bonds, conflicts, rivalry, and unconditional love that often exist between siblings.

The Swallows Return to Capistrano: Every March 19th, swallows are said to return to the Mission San Juan Capistrano in California after their winter migration. Write a piece that intertwines human lives with this annual bird phenomenon. Delve into how the return of these birds affects the town and its inhabitants.

World Puppetry Day (March 21st): This day celebrates the art of puppetry. Write a story where puppets are not merely objects but play a crucial role, perhaps as a medium of communication, a source of comfort, or even as sentient entities. Develop an intricate narrative that explores the unique relationship between humans and their puppet counterparts.

National Agriculture Day: March hosts National Agriculture Day in the U.S., celebrating the abundant provision of food, fiber, and renewable resources. Write a personal essay discussing your connection (or disconnection) with agriculture and food sourcing. Reflect on how this understanding (or lack thereof) affects your view on food consumption and sustainability.

The Last Frost: In many areas, March often signifies the last frost before the onset of warmer weather. Write a poem using the “last frost” as a metaphor for the end of a difficult period, or a time of hardship. Create vivid imagery and emotional depth relating personal experiences to this climatic event.

International Day of Happiness (March 20th): This day recognizes the importance of happiness in the lives of people worldwide. Write a character study of someone who seems to have everything but struggles to find true happiness. Explore the quest for contentment and the realization that happiness often lies in unexpected places.

March of Time: As the third month of the year, March can represent progression and the relentless march of time. Write a reflective piece on how you have evolved over the years. Discuss key events that have shaped you, lessons learned, and how you envision your personal growth in the future.