
30 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

Kids are basically walking, talking persuasion machines – think dinnertime battles and bedtime bribes!

But how do we take that skill and turn it into writing magic in the classroom?

Here’s the thing: persuasive writing is super important, not just for school stuff, but for life in general. This blog post is bursting with fun writing prompts that’ll get your little wordsmiths started on the right foot (and have a blast doing it!).

So, get ready to transform your young debaters into superstar writers!

Persuasive Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

Why school should be shorter: Everyone has an opinion on how long the school day should be. Some believe it’s just right, while others might think it’s too long. Put on your thinking cap and write a persuasive piece explaining why you believe school days should be shorter. Think about the activities you could do, the rest you could get, and any other reasons you can come up with.

The best school lunch: If you could design the ultimate school lunch, what would it look like? Maybe you think there should be more fruits, veggies, or even a dessert every day! Write a convincing argument for why your ideal school lunch should be the standard for all students.

Homework – yes or no?: Homework is a topic that students have strong feelings about. Some think it helps them learn, while others feel they do enough work at school. Make a case for why homework should or shouldn’t be given. Use examples from your own experience to back up your opinion.

Why everyone should play a sport: Playing sports is not just about competition or winning, but it also teaches teamwork, dedication, and discipline. Convince your readers about the importance of participating in at least one sport during the school year. Highlight the benefits and how it can help in other areas of life.

Books vs. Tablets: In today’s tech-savvy world, more schools are considering replacing traditional textbooks with tablets. What do you think? Argue for why schools should stick to physical books or shift to tablets. Think about cost, convenience, and the learning experience.

Saving the planet, one recyclable at a time: Our Earth needs our help to stay clean and healthy. Persuade your readers on the importance of recycling and how every student in the school can make a difference. Talk about the positive effects on our environment and how easy it can be to start.

The importance of a school garden: Having a garden in school can be a fun way to learn about plants, nutrition, and the environment. Write a compelling argument about why your school should start a garden project. Explain how it can be a hands-on learning experience and the numerous benefits it can offer.

Uniforms: For or Against?: Many schools around the world have uniforms, while others allow students to wear what they like. What do you think is the best policy? Argue either for the benefits of school uniforms or the freedom of personal clothing choices. Consider factors like individual expression, unity, and the potential to reduce bullying.

Pets in the Classroom: Having a classroom pet can teach responsibility, compassion, and science in a hands-on way. However, some people might be concerned about allergies or the well-being of the animal. Argue for or against the idea of having a classroom pet. Think about the lessons students might learn, potential challenges, and any experiences you might have had with animals.

Year-round Schooling: Some experts believe that students should attend school all year with shorter, more frequent breaks. They argue it helps retain knowledge and keeps students engaged. Write a persuasive piece on whether you think year-round schooling is a good or bad idea. Consider factors like summer vacations, retention of what you learn, and how it might affect holiday traditions.

Learning Outside: Outdoor classrooms and learning in nature can offer fresh air and a connection to the environment. Make a case for why schools should have more outdoor learning experiences. Talk about the benefits of being in nature, how it can make learning more engaging, and any personal experiences you’ve had learning outdoors.

The Arts in Schools: Budget cuts sometimes mean reducing arts programs like music, drama, and art classes. Argue for the importance of arts in schools. Think about how they boost creativity, improve academic performance, and offer a balanced education.

Longer Recess: Recess is a time to relax, play, and recharge. Some students believe that a longer recess would help them focus better in class. Write a persuasive essay on why extending the recess time is beneficial or not. Consider factors like physical activity, social skills, and its impact on academic concentration.

School Field Trips: Think about a place you’ve always wanted to visit on a school trip, whether it’s a museum, a historical site, or even a factory. Convince your readers why this place would be the perfect field trip destination. Describe the educational benefits, fun aspects, and any personal reasons why you believe it’s a great choice.

Benefits of Reading Every Day: Many people claim that reading every day, even if just for a short while, can hugely benefit students. Make a case for why students should spend at least 15 minutes reading daily, either in school or at home. Discuss the advantages it can bring to vocabulary, imagination, and cognitive development.

Choosing Class Topics: Imagine if students could choose a topic they’re passionate about and study it in-depth for a week or a month. Persuade your audience on the advantages or disadvantages of letting students select their own study topics occasionally. Reflect on the enthusiasm, depth of understanding, and potential challenges such an approach might bring.

Daily Journaling: Keeping a journal can help students reflect on their day, express their feelings, and improve their writing skills. Write a piece convincing your school to make 10 minutes of journaling a daily practice. Think about its emotional benefits, improvement in writing skills, and the joy of keeping memories.

Starting the Day with a Puzzle or Brain Teaser: Some say that beginning the school day with a puzzle or brain teaser can get the mind working and make students more alert. Argue for or against the idea of starting each day with a mental challenge. Consider factors like fun, cognitive benefits, and its effects on academic performance.

Banning Sugary Snacks: With health being a primary concern, there’s a debate on whether sugary snacks should be allowed in schools. Make a case for why schools should or shouldn’t ban sugary snacks from the premises. Think about health concerns, energy levels, and the idea of choice.

Having a Buddy System: Some schools use a buddy system where older students are paired with younger ones to help them adjust to school life. Write about the advantages or disadvantages of implementing a buddy system in your school. Consider aspects like mentorship, friendship, and the responsibilities involved.

Benefits of a Global Pen Pal Program: Connecting with students from different cultures and countries can be a rich experience. Persuade your readers about the importance of starting a pen pal program with a school from another part of the world. Discuss cultural exchange, learning about different lifestyles, and improving communication skills.

School Assemblies – Quality over Quantity: Some believe that fewer, more meaningful assemblies are better than having them frequently. Argue for or against reducing the number of school assemblies but enhancing their quality and content. Consider factors like student engagement, the educational value, and time management.

Flexible Seating in Classrooms: The traditional classroom setup has everyone facing forward in rows. However, some educators believe in flexible seating – bean bags, standing desks, or group tables. Convince your audience of the benefits or drawbacks of flexible seating arrangements. Think about comfort, collaboration, and focus.

The Power of Gratitude: Expressing gratitude can positively impact one’s mental health and relationships. Advocate for starting a “Gratitude Moment” at the beginning or end of each school day, where students share something they’re thankful for. Reflect on its potential to improve mood, foster a positive school environment, and strengthen bonds among students.

Classroom Pets: More than Just a Distraction: Some educators believe classroom pets can be distracting, while others see them as valuable teaching tools. Persuade your audience on the benefits or drawbacks of having more than one classroom pet. Think about the lessons in responsibility, empathy, and science, versus potential disruptions and care responsibilities.

The Role of Technology-Free Days: In an increasingly digital world, some argue that students need a break from screens. Advocate for or against the implementation of one technology-free day per month at school. Discuss the potential benefits, such as improved social interactions, a focus on traditional learning methods, and eye health, versus potential drawbacks.

The Importance of Learning Life Skills: While subjects like math and language arts are essential, so are life skills like cooking, budgeting, and basic first aid. Argue for the introduction of a life skills class in the elementary curriculum. Consider the long-term benefits, preparation for real-world challenges, and fostering independence.

Weekly Show and Tell: A weekly “Show and Tell” session can help students improve their speaking skills and boost confidence. Make a case for why every class should have a regular Show and Tell session. Discuss benefits like developing presentation skills, encouraging creativity, and strengthening class bonds.

Having Student-led Assemblies: Instead of always having teachers or guest speakers lead assemblies, what if students took charge? Write a persuasive piece on the advantages or disadvantages of student-led assemblies. Consider aspects of leadership, creativity, student representation, and potential challenges.

Cultural Exchange Days: Our world is diverse, and every culture has its traditions, food, and festivals. Advocate for the introduction of monthly cultural exchange days where students learn about and celebrate a different culture. Reflect on the importance of understanding, mutual respect, and broadening horizons.