
32 Writing Prompts about America

America is a super interesting place, right?

Just think about it: giant cities, peaceful countryside, tons of history, and people from all over the world. It’s like a giant mixing pot of cultures, and it’s always been a place where people chase their dreams.

So, if you’re looking to write a story, America has to be your go-to theme.

You could write about anything from the Founding Fathers to everyday heroes, or you could explore the things that make America, well, America.

Social issues, amazing landscapes, the feeling of starting fresh – it’s all there.

Basically, let your imagination run wild!

Check these prompts and you are good to go.

Writing Prompts about America

Cultural Mosaic of Modern-Day America: With the vast array of cultures, ethnicities, and traditions present in the U.S., America is often referred to as a melting pot. Delve into the lives of three families from different cultural backgrounds living in the same city. Explore their daily challenges, their celebrations, and how their diverse traditions weave together to form the intricate fabric of modern-day American society.

Historical Monuments and Their Untold Stories: Every monument in America, from the Statue of Liberty to Mount Rushmore, has a tale behind its construction, often tied to the socio-political climate of its time. Pick a lesser-known monument and dive deep into its history. Unearth the hidden narratives that aren’t commonly discussed and highlight the significance they hold in the story of America.

Road-Tripping Through Small-Town America: The vast American landscape is dotted with small towns, each with its unique flavor and tales. Embark on a fictional road trip, stopping at five small towns. At each location, introduce us to a local resident and tell their story, allowing readers to feel the heartbeat of lesser-known America.

The American Dream Redefined: The classic notion of the American Dream often centers around success, often defined by material prosperity. However, as times change, so does the definition of success. Write from the perspective of someone who pursues a non-traditional American Dream. Highlight their journey, the societal expectations they face, and how they redefine success for themselves.

Post-COVID America: The world, including America, changed drastically post the COVID-19 pandemic. Explore the life of an individual or family as they navigate this new landscape. From changing job markets to evolving societal norms, delve into the transformations that reshaped the American experience in the post-pandemic era.

America’s Natural Wonders: The U.S. is home to a plethora of natural wonders, from the Grand Canyon to the Redwood Forests. Through the eyes of a nature photographer, explore the beauty and fragility of these marvels. Focus on the photographer’s journey as they capture the essence of America’s wilderness and reflect on the importance of conservation.

The Resilience of American Industries: Throughout history, industries in America have faced various challenges, from economic downturns to technological revolutions. Dive into the story of an old industry (e.g., coal mining) and its community. Explore how they adapt and evolve in the face of modern challenges, painting a picture of resilience and innovation.

The Fine-Art of American Music: From blues to hip-hop, American music genres are deeply rooted in historical and cultural movements. Take readers on a journey through time, focusing on a specific music genre, and trace its evolution. Highlight the key moments and artists that shaped its trajectory, illustrating the broader societal and historical shifts they represent.

Writing Prompts about American History

Revolutionary Voices: The Unsung Heroes: While names like Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson are widely celebrated, many lesser-known figures played pivotal roles in the American Revolution. Dive into the narrative of one such individual, exploring their contributions, personal sacrifices, and challenges. Shed light on the overlooked narratives that were essential to the birth of a nation.

Reconstruction Era’s Silent Battles: The period following the Civil War was a tumultuous time, filled with efforts to rebuild and integrate the South back into the Union. Dive into the story of a former enslaved person navigating the complexities of newfound freedom, while also facing the backlash of the Jim Crow South. Highlight the struggle for identity and place in a rapidly changing nation.

Manifest Destiny from Native Perspectives: The westward expansion in the 19th century brought prosperity to many but also meant the loss of ancestral lands for Native Americans. Craft a narrative from the perspective of a Native American tribe, detailing their challenges, resistance efforts, and the impact of Manifest Destiny on their way of life.

Ellis Island Tales: At the turn of the 20th century, Ellis Island stood as a beacon of hope for countless immigrants. Through the eyes of a newly arrived immigrant family, unfold their journey — the excitement, anxieties, and hopes they hold. Capture the essence of the diverse stories that shaped the American immigrant experience.

The Roaring Twenties & The Silent Shadows: The 1920s is often remembered for its prosperity, jazz music, and flappers, but it also had its dark sides. Dive into the lives of individuals who lived in the shadows during this era, such as those affected by Prohibition’s criminal underworld or the hardships faced by marginalized groups. Explore the duality of this era, highlighting both its vibrancy and its challenges.

The Home Front during World War II: With a significant portion of the population shipped overseas during World War II, many changes occurred at home, from women entering the workforce en masse to racial tensions escalating. Narrate a story set in a small American town during this time, focusing on the social dynamics and transformations that reshaped the nation.

Civil Rights Movement through Children’s Eyes: Children of the 1950s and 60s bore witness to significant societal upheaval as the Civil Rights Movement gained momentum. Through the perspective of a young child, explore their understanding, experiences, and emotions as they navigate a world grappling with questions of equality and justice.

The Counterculture Revolution: The 1960s and 70s in America were marked by anti-establishment sentiments, protest movements, and a quest for alternative lifestyles. Dive deep into the life of a young adult during this era, possibly a student activist or a member of a commune. Chronicle their journey as they challenge societal norms and search for a deeper meaning amidst political and cultural turmoil

Writing Prompts for American Literature

Hemingway’s Lost Chapter: Imagine discovering an unpublished chapter from one of Ernest Hemingway’s novels. This chapter offers a twist or adds depth to one of his famous stories. Write this “found” chapter, maintaining Hemingway’s distinct style and voice, while introducing a fresh perspective to a beloved tale.

The Salem Diaries: Dive into the hysteria of the Salem witch trials. Through the lens of a diary kept by a fictional resident of Salem, witness the rise and fall of the panic. Chronicle not only the public events but the personal turmoils and moral dilemmas that come with such a harrowing time in history.

A Letter to Fitzgerald: Imagine you’re a contemporary of F. Scott Fitzgerald, reading “The Great Gatsby” just after its publication. Pen a detailed letter to the author, expressing your thoughts, critiques, and the cultural impact you foresee. Engage deeply with the themes and characters of the novel, offering a fresh interpretation.

Whitman’s Modern Wanderer: Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass” celebrated the vastness of America and the spirit of its people. Craft a series of poems or a short story in the style of Whitman but set in the 21st century. Capture the essence of modern America, its technological wonders, cultural shifts, and the ever-present search for self.

Alcott’s Alternate Ending: “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott is a beloved classic. Reimagine the fate of the March sisters by writing an alternative ending or a sequel. Focus on the sisters’ later life journeys, exploring paths of empowerment, challenges, or unexpected turns that Alcott might not have envisioned.

Poe’s Modern Mystery: Channel the eerie, suspenseful style of Edgar Allan Poe and craft a tale set in contemporary America. Perhaps it involves a tech mogul’s mysterious disappearance or a haunted digital artifact. Weave a story of suspense that melds the gothic atmosphere of Poe with the intricacies of today’s digital age.

Steinbeck’s Silicon Valley: Drawing inspiration from John Steinbeck’s empathetic portrayal of the American working class, write a narrative set in modern-day Silicon Valley. Dive deep into the lives of those who aren’t tech billionaires: the janitors, the food truck owners, the struggling start-up dreamers. Highlight the contrasts and human stories amidst the backdrop of technological progress.

The Harlem Renaissance Reimagined: The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural and artistic explosion in the 1920s. Imagine a similar movement in today’s context, where artists, writers, and thinkers come together to reshape cultural narratives. Set in a city of your choice, explore the artworks, literature, and societal impact of this modern renaissance, drawing parallels and contrasts to its historical counterpart.

Writing Prompts about the American Dream

Faded Hopes in Silicon Valleys: In the age of tech startups and billionaires, explore the life of a young entrepreneur who moves to Silicon Valley with dreams of creating the next big thing. As they navigate the competitive world of technology, they confront failures, betrayals, and moral dilemmas. Dive into their journey as they grapple with what the American Dream means in a digital age.

From Fields to Boardrooms: Trace the multi-generational story of an immigrant family that starts with farm laborers and culminates in a descendant becoming a CEO. Highlight the sacrifices, cultural clashes, and evolving definitions of success, asking the question: Is the American Dream a destination or a journey?

The Artist’s Pursuit: Set in the bustling streets of New York, follow an aspiring artist from a disadvantaged background. As they juggle multiple jobs, personal challenges, and societal expectations, explore their relentless quest to make a mark in the world of art. Delve into the nuances of passion versus practicality when chasing the American Dream.

Suburban Struggles: The suburbs often represent a quintessential image of the American Dream: a house, a yard, and a sense of community. But beneath this facade, many challenges can lurk. Write about a family in the suburbs grappling with unseen issues like mental health, financial strain, or identity crises, revealing that achieving the dream might not always mean finding happiness.

Dreams Deferred in Academia: In a prestigious American university, an ambitious student from a marginalized background strives to break the barriers of race, gender, or socio-economic status. As they navigate the complexities of academia, friendships, and personal ambition, reflect on how institutions can both aid and obstruct one’s path to the American Dream amidst academia’s ivy-covered walls.

Second Chances in Small Towns: After facing a series of personal and professional setbacks in a big city, a middle-aged individual moves to a small town seeking a fresh start. Explore their journey of rediscovery, the challenges of starting over, and the evolving notion of what it means to pursue happiness and contentment outside the city lights.

The Dream in Melting Pots: Set in a diverse urban neighborhood, interweave the stories of several residents, each hailing from different cultural backgrounds. While their dreams differ — be it opening a restaurant, becoming a local council member, or simply finding belonging — their paths intertwine, painting a mosaic of the American Dream’s multifaceted nature in a multicultural setting.

The Green Mirage: In a future impacted by climate change, a family in a coastal American city decides to move inland to a newly developed “green” city, touted as the new American Dream. Explore the challenges they face in this eco-utopia, the realities versus the promises, and the evolving definition of the American Dream in a world grappling with environmental challenges.