
30 Writing Prompts About Books and Reading

Books have a special kind of magic, don’t they?

They’re like these little portals to other worlds, filled with awesome stories and characters. Reading is such a cool way to travel without moving and learn a ton of new stuff.

So, here’s the thing: what if we mixed reading with another fun thing – writing?

It might seem weird at first, but trust me, it can be super inspiring!

The question is, how do we do it?

Well, how about some fun writing ideas all about books and reading?

Think of them as little adventures for your imagination. No matter if you’re an experienced writer or just starting, they’ll get your creative juices flowing.

Ready to jump in?

Let’s go!

Writing Prompts About Books and Reading

Exploring the Life-Changing Impact of a Book: In this prompt, think about a time when a book truly transformed your understanding of the world, your own self, or some particular idea. It can be a novel, a non-fiction book, a poetry collection, or even a graphic novel. Your task is to write a personal narrative detailing how that particular book changed your life, the emotions it evoked, and the lessons it imparted.

Travel Through Literary History: Imagine you have a time machine and the opportunity to meet a famed author from any period in history. You get to discuss one of their significant works with them and witness the environment that influenced their writings. Write an imaginative piece where you are conversing with this author and revealing the impact of their work on your life and the contemporary world.

Exploring the World Through Reading: For this prompt, consider a book you’ve read that transported you to a different place, culture, or time period that you knew little about previously. How did the author’s description and characters help you understand this new realm? Write an essay discussing how the book expanded your worldview and deepened your empathy for people or experiences different from your own.

The Life of an Antagonist: Every story has its antagonist, the character that often creates conflict and tension. Choose an antagonist from a book you’ve recently read, and consider their perspective, their motivations, their fears. Write a short story presenting the book’s events from this antagonist’s point of view, showing how they justify their actions and decisions.

Discovering Yourself in a Character: Often while reading, we come across characters that we strongly resonate with. They might mirror our own life experiences, feelings, or dilemmas. Reflect on such a character from a book you’ve read. Write a comparison piece detailing the similarities and differences between you and this character, and what these reveal about you.

The Unwritten Chapter: Choose a novel that you enjoyed but felt ended prematurely or left some questions unanswered. Now, imagine you have the chance to add an extra chapter to this book. What would you include? Would you provide closure, add a twist, or delve deeper into a character’s backstory? Write this additional chapter, maintaining the author’s style and the tone of the book.

The Power of Books: Reflect on the overall importance and influence of books in your life. What would your life be without the ability to read? How have books shaped your thinking, your values, your perspective? Write a heartfelt tribute to the power of reading, detailing its impact on your personal growth and understanding of the world.

Walking in a Protagonist’s Shoes: Consider a protagonist from a book you’ve read whose life or experiences drastically differ from your own. Now, imagine you wake up one day to find yourself living their life. Write a diary entry detailing your thoughts, feelings, and actions as you navigate this character’s world and challenges.

Reimagining the Genre: Pick a book you enjoyed but is outside your usual preferred genre. What if the book was written in the style of your favorite genre? How would the story change? Write a short piece reinterpreting the book’s plot or a scene within your favorite genre’s style while staying true to the characters and the essence of the story.

Books in the Digital Age: Consider the impact of digital reading platforms like eBooks and audiobooks on your reading habits and preferences. How have these technologies shaped the way you engage with books? Write an opinion piece discussing the advantages and disadvantages of digital reading, comparing it with the traditional experience of reading physical books.

Books and Emotional Intelligence: Reflect on a book you’ve read that significantly impacted your emotional understanding or helped you navigate a challenging time in your life. Write a personal essay on how this book aided in your emotional growth, helping you understand yourself and others better.

Book Club Discussion: Imagine you are part of a book club discussing a recent book everyone has read. The views are varied and the conversation is heated. Write a dialogue piece detailing this book club meeting, where you defend your interpretation of the book, its themes, and its characters.

Mysterious Bookshop Visit: While visiting a charming old bookstore, you stumble upon a dusty, forgotten book. As you start reading it, you realize it narrates your own life story. Write a short story describing your reactions and the subsequent decisions you make after discovering this unusual book.

Books and Childhood: Think back to a book you adored in your childhood. How did it shape your thinking or imagination? How do you perceive this book now as an adult? Write a reflective piece on how your understanding and appreciation of this book have evolved over time.

The Unseen Character Select a book where a significant event or character is referenced but never directly shown or fully developed. Write a detailed backstory or a key event for this unseen character or incident, keeping in line with the book’s style and narrative.

Books That Challenge Beliefs: Consider a book that has challenged your beliefs or made you question your assumptions. It could be about a social issue, a historical event, a scientific theory, or a philosophical idea. Write an analytical essay about how this book provoked you to reevaluate your views, detailing the thoughts and discussions it sparked.

A Different Ending: Choose a book you’ve read where you weren’t satisfied with the ending. What would you change? How would the characters’ fates differ? Write your version of an alternative ending, ensuring that it is cohesive with the rest of the plot.

A Book as a Time Capsule: Imagine a book that encapsulates the current era, with its culture, technology, politics, and social issues. Which book would you choose, and why? Write a persuasive essay explaining why this book is a perfect time capsule of today’s society, and the insights future readers could glean from it.

In the Author’s Shoes: Choose a book you enjoy and put yourself in the author’s shoes. Consider the challenges they might have faced during the writing process – plot development, character creation, thematic exploration. Write a fictional letter from the author’s perspective, addressing a close friend about their experiences and struggles while writing the book.

An Ode to a Forgotten Book: Think about a book you’ve read long ago and almost forgotten about until something recent jogged your memory. How did you feel when you remembered it? Write a nostalgic piece reminiscing about the story, characters, and emotions tied to this forgotten book, and how it feels to remember it after all these years.

Reading Between the Lines: Consider a book that you’ve read where the unsaid or implied narrative was as powerful as the written one. This could be an undercurrent of tension, unexpressed emotions, or subtle thematic hints. Write an analysis exploring the book’s subtext and how it enhances the overall narrative and reader experience.

The Perfect Bookstore: Imagine you have the opportunity to create the perfect bookstore. What books would you stock? How would you organize them? How would you create an inviting environment for all kinds of readers? Write a descriptive piece detailing your dream bookstore and how it caters to the love of reading.

A Book’s Journey: Imagine a particular copy of a book and its journey through time and space. Who owned it? What did they feel while reading it? How did it influence their lives? Write a narrative tracing the journey of this book, creating a tapestry of different characters, settings, and emotions.

Reading Habits and Personality: Reflect on your personal reading habits. Do you prefer a specific genre, time of day for reading, or a certain reading spot? How do these habits reflect your personality or lifestyle? Write a self-reflective essay linking your reading habits to your personal traits, illustrating how our choices of literature can be a mirror to our souls.

Unplanned Book Discovery: Reflect on a time when you discovered a book randomly – maybe it was left on a park bench, recommended by a stranger, or picked up in a hostel. This book, not something you would usually choose, surprised you by how much you enjoyed it. Write a narrative describing the serendipity of this discovery and how the book unexpectedly influenced you.

Banned Books: Choose a book from the frequently banned or challenged books list. Discuss why it was banned and your perspective on the issues it raises. Write a thought-provoking essay analyzing the controversial elements of the book, and argue whether or not the reasons for its banning are justified.

The Book That Never Was: Think about an author you admire who has passed away. Imagine they left an outline for a new book they never got a chance to write. What would this book be about? How would it fit within the author’s existing bibliography? Write a synopsis or first chapter of this unrealized book, maintaining the author’s unique style and themes.

The Impact of Cover Art: Choose a book you decided to read solely because the cover art intrigued you. Discuss how the cover art reflected or contrasted with the story within. Write a review of the book emphasizing the role of the cover art in your reading experience and perception of the story.

Lessons from Biographies: Choose a biography or autobiography you’ve read that profoundly moved you or taught you valuable life lessons. Write a reflective piece detailing the insights you gained from this person’s life and experiences, and how these lessons have influenced your own journey.

A Conversation With Your Favorite Character: Imagine having the opportunity to meet your favorite literary character in person. What would you discuss? Would you question their actions or decisions in the story? Or would you seek their advice on personal matters? Write a dialogue piece detailing this imagined conversation with your favorite character and the insights you gleaned from it.