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32 Writing Prompts About Courage and Bravery

Stories about courage and trusting your gut are the best! You see them everywhere – in old-school myths, modern movies, you name it.

These stories remind us how to overcome tough stuff, be brave, and how awesome that feels!

So, if you’re into writing, I’ve got some cool prompts for you to play with.

Whether you want ideas for a whole novel, a short story, or just want to get your thoughts down, these questions will help you explore courage and bravery in your own way.

Dive in and let’s get creative!

Writing Prompts About Courage and Bravery

Reflection on Personal Trials: Consider an event in your life that tested your courage like never before. It could be a crisis, a significant life change, or an unexpected challenge. How did you react to it? Did it alter your perception of bravery? Explore your thoughts and feelings about this moment in your life, focusing on how it forced you to confront and demonstrate your bravery. Write a narrative recounting this event, examining your emotions, reactions, and the aftermath.

Bravery Through Others’ Eyes: We often perceive ourselves differently from how others perceive us. Think about an incident when someone told you that you were brave, but you didn’t feel brave at the time. Why did they think you were courageous, and why did you disagree? What did this incident teach you about the multiple dimensions of courage? Write a reflective piece exploring this incident and its impact on your understanding of bravery.

Courage in Everyday Life: Bravery doesn’t always involve grand gestures or life-and-death situations; sometimes, it’s the little things that count. Think of a day-to-day situation where you had to show courage — it could be as simple as speaking up for yourself or someone else, confronting a fear, or taking on a new responsibility. Write a short story about this situation, exploring how it called on your courage and how it changed you.

Inspiration of Bravery: Everyone has someone they admire for their bravery, whether it’s a real person or a fictional character. Reflect on why you admire this person’s courage and how it influences your own behavior. Are there any aspects of their courage you aspire to emulate? Write an essay analyzing the nature of their courage and how it has inspired you.

Fear Versus Courage: Fear is a natural part of being human, and true courage often involves confronting and overcoming our fears. Reflect on a fear that you’ve had to face head-on. How did you muster the courage to do so? What were the outcomes, and how did this experience shape your perception of bravery? Write a personal essay on this fear, your process of overcoming it, and its impact on your concept of bravery.

The Cost of Courage: Bravery can sometimes come at a price. There could be times when standing up for what you believe in led to loss or difficulty. Reflect on such a time and how you dealt with the consequences. Did it make you question your actions, or did it strengthen your resolve? Write a narrative detailing this experience and its effect on your understanding of courage.

Unexpected Acts of Courage: There are moments when we surprise ourselves by acting bravely in unexpected circumstances. Recall such a moment when your actions surprised you. What led you to act courageously, and what was the outcome? How did this incident affect your understanding of your own courage? Write a reflective piece describing this event and its impact on your self-perception.

Bravery in Leading: Being a leader often requires courage, as it involves making difficult decisions, facing criticism, and setting an example for others. Reflect on a time when you had to step up and lead, whether in a small group or a larger community. How did you show bravery in this role? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? Write an account of your leadership experience, focusing on the role courage played in it.

Silent Bravery: There are moments of quiet courage that often go unnoticed – standing up to a personal bias, reaching out to someone despite past misunderstandings, or persisting in the face of consistent failure. Reflect on a moment of such silent bravery in your life. How did it transform you, and what did it teach you about the nuances of courage? Write a personal narrative focusing on this silent act of bravery and its impact on your personal growth.

Unconventional Acts of Courage: Society has defined sets of expectations and norms. Breaking away from these norms and being true to yourself often requires a lot of courage. Think about an instance when you displayed bravery by defying societal expectations to stay true to your convictions. Write a reflective piece on this incident, exploring your struggle, triumph, and lessons learned.

Bravery in Vulnerability: Showing vulnerability, opening up about our feelings, and seeking help can be some of the bravest acts. Reflect on a time when you had to open up about something deeply personal and how it demanded courage from you. How did it affect your relationships and your perception of strength and courage? Write a memoir-style piece about this event and its lasting effects on you.

Cultivating Courage: Bravery isn’t an inborn trait; it can be cultivated over time. Reflect on your journey of cultivating courage. How did you recognize the need for it? What actions did you take, and how did you overcome setbacks? What were some significant milestones along this journey? Write an essay detailing your journey of cultivating courage, emphasizing the growth process.

Empathy and Courage: Empathy often requires courage as it involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others, which can sometimes be painful or uncomfortable. Reflect on a time when your empathy for someone else’s situation led you to act courageously. Write a narrative exploring how empathy propelled you into an act of courage and how this event influenced your perception of bravery.

Bravery in Forgiveness: It requires immense courage to forgive, especially when the hurt is deep. Reflect on an experience where you demonstrated courage by choosing to forgive. How difficult was it to take this step? How did this act of bravery affect you and the other person involved? Write an introspective piece examining this act of forgiveness and its impact on your understanding of courage.

Sacrificial Courage: There are moments when we display bravery by making sacrifices for the benefit of others. Recall an instance when you had to make a significant sacrifice that required courage. What were the consequences, and how did they affect your outlook on bravery? Write a narrative detailing this sacrificial act and its influence on your perception of bravery.

Overcoming Physical Limitations: Often, we find courage within ourselves when dealing with physical limitations or illnesses. Reflect on a time when you or someone close to you showed courage in the face of physical adversity. How did this situation highlight the essence of bravery for you? Write a personal essay on this experience, focusing on how it shaped your view of courage.

Story Ideas About Courage and Bravery

  1. A small-town firefighter battling a citywide fire: Imagine a small town where everyone knows everyone else, and a dangerous fire breaks out, threatening to consume it all. Your main character is a local firefighter who is under-equipped but brimming with courage. The story should focus on their determination and the risks they take, exposing their bravery under intense circumstances. Write about how they rise to this daunting challenge, leveraging their deep connection with the community and their extraordinary courage.

  2. Stand against a corrupt regime: Picture a world where your protagonist lives under a tyrannical government. Despite the risks associated with dissent, they decide to take a stand against the regime. Their actions start small but gradually gain momentum, leading to unforeseen consequences. Delve into the story of their bravery, illustrating the courage it takes to stand against systemic corruption.

  3. An encounter with a wild animal: Your character is an average person who stumbles upon a potentially dangerous wild animal while hiking in a remote area. With no one else around to help, they must rely on their courage to manage the situation. Write a thrilling account of how their bravery plays a pivotal role in their survival.

  4. Facing terminal illness: Your protagonist is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Instead of letting the diagnosis rule their remaining days, they decide to face it with courage, living life to the fullest. Tell their heart-wrenching tale of bravery, depicting how they inspire others around them with their optimistic outlook and courageous spirit.

  5. The reluctant hero: Your main character is an everyday person who is unwillingly thrust into a crisis situation, such as a hostage situation, natural disaster, or act of terrorism. They must summon their courage and step out of their comfort zone to navigate this life-threatening situation. Craft a compelling narrative that explores their journey from reluctance to bravery.

  6. Revealing a personal truth: The protagonist holds a secret related to their identity, such as their sexual orientation or a hidden past, which, if revealed, could ostracize them from their conservative community. They decide to come out with the truth, despite the societal backlash. Write about their brave journey of self-acceptance and the courage to live authentically.

  7. An unexpected hero: Imagine a timid, introverted character who everyone overlooks. However, when a crisis arises, they surprise everyone by demonstrating unprecedented courage. Spin a tale that unfolds their transformation from an underdog to a hero, highlighting their journey of courage and self-discovery.

  8. Protecting a loved one at all costs: Your character is a pacifist who abhors violence. But when a loved one is in danger, they are forced to step into a violent confrontation to save them. Narrate this intense story of love-induced bravery, where the character must face their fears and take action they would never have imagined.

  9. Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking: Your protagonist suffers from a severe fear of public speaking, yet finds themselves having to deliver a speech at an important event. The story should focus on the mental and emotional preparation leading up to the event. Explore their journey of summoning courage to overcome their fear and bravely face the audience.

  10. Choosing a Difficult Career Path: Your character is passionate about a career path that is notoriously difficult and fraught with failure. Despite the odds, they choose to pursue it, navigating obstacles with relentless determination and courage. Write about their courageous choice and how their unwavering bravery propels them towards their dream.

  11. A Nurse During a Pandemic: Imagine your protagonist as a nurse working in a hospital during a global pandemic. Faced with uncertainty and danger, they show immense courage in tending to the sick. Narrate the stories of their brave acts in the face of life-threatening risk, painting a vivid picture of their everyday courage.

  12. Championing Environmental Conservation: The protagonist is an environmental activist in a region where ecological concerns are sidelined by economic interests. Despite threats and backlash, they dare to stand up for the environment. Tell their story, showcasing their courage to fight against powerful adversaries for the cause they believe in.

  13. The Unlikely Athlete: Your character has a physical disability, yet they have the courage to train and compete as an athlete. Craft an inspiring narrative highlighting their bravery and determination to overcome their physical limitations and societal stereotypes.

  14. Refugee’s Journey to Safety: Your protagonist is a refugee forced to flee their home due to conflict or persecution. Their journey to safety is fraught with danger, but they bravely push forward, holding onto hope. Depict their harrowing journey, emphasizing their bravery in the face of unimaginable adversity.

  15. Teacher in a Struggling School District: Your main character is a teacher in an underfunded and underperforming school. Despite the challenges, they take innovative measures to ensure their students get quality education. Detail their story of courageous dedication to their students and their brave fight against the systemic challenges of their environment.

  16. Against Bullying: The protagonist is a high-school student witnessing daily bullying incidents in their school. Instead of staying silent, they decide to stand up against the bullies, despite the fear of becoming a target. Write about their acts of courage, demonstrating how their bravery helps to change the bullying culture in their school.