
24 Writing Prompts About Home

Buckle up for a wild ride.

We’re gonna ditch the textbook stuff and dive deep into what “home” really means to you.

Sure, home can be your house or apartment, but it’s also much more than that. It’s a feeling, a memory box, and totally unique to each person.

Even though our experiences are all over the place, this whole “home” thing? Totally relatable.

So, we’ve got some prompts to get your creative juices flowing and pull out those hidden memories.

Maybe you’ll even find a brand new way to see what home means to you.


Let’s go!

Writing Prompts About Home

Reflections of Childhood Memories: A house isn’t just a structure, it is a vessel of memories. The scent of baking cookies, the screech of the screen door, the crack in the ceiling of your childhood bedroom – all can invoke powerful recollections. Write a story where you journey back in time through these vivid memories, focusing on how they have shaped your identity. How does this exploration affect your understanding of who you are today? Focus on the correlation between your childhood home and your personal development.

Unexpected Return: After years of living abroad, your character suddenly needs to return to their childhood home. They are filled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The moment they cross the threshold, the familiarity of the surroundings overwhelms them, awakening buried emotions. Explore this character’s journey as they navigate these feelings, discover old memories, and reconcile with their past. The main challenge is their struggle with past memories and current realities.

Empty Nest Syndrome: Your main character is a middle-aged parent who has just dropped their youngest child off at college. They return home to an eerily quiet and empty house. The prompt requires you to dive into the psychology of your character as they grapple with the loneliness and silence, their feelings of accomplishment and loss, and how they plan to redefine their identity now that their primary role as a parent is changing. Examine how the character reinvents their life in their suddenly too-large home.

The House That Built Me: Imagine the home you grew up in is slated for demolition. Write a letter to the local newspaper editor, arguing for the preservation of your childhood home. The letter should detail the historical and emotional significance of the house, weaving personal anecdotes with broader societal context. Your goal is not just to save a building, but to preserve a part of the town’s history and character. Convince the editor of the house’s importance beyond its mere structure.

The Home You Never Had: Write about a character who, due to circumstances beyond their control, never had a place they could truly call home during their childhood. As an adult, they now have the means to create that space for themselves. Explore their journey of designing and building their dream house, and how this process brings healing and closure to their past. Delve into the therapeutic journey of creating a personal sanctuary.

The Home Makeover: Your protagonist inherits an old, run-down house from a distant relative. Initially, they consider selling it, but then decide to renovate it themselves. Describe the process of transformation, not just of the house, but also of the protagonist, as they uncover hidden elements of the house, and simultaneously, hidden aspects of their personality and family history. Emphasize the house’s renovation as a metaphor for personal growth.

Surviving a Natural Disaster: A severe natural disaster, like a hurricane or wildfire, destroys your character’s home. They’re safe, but their house is severely damaged or completely lost. Explore their emotional journey as they sift through the wreckage, uncovering remnants of their former life. This story should examine the character’s struggle and resilience as they come to terms with the loss and the process of rebuilding. Focus on their journey from devastation to acceptance and hope.

Home as a Character: In this prompt, the home is not a setting, but a living, breathing entity. It has seen generations grow up and age, witnessed secrets, tragedies, and moments of joy. Write from the perspective of the house, describing its experiences, its feelings towards its inhabitants, and its journey through the years. Unfold a narrative through the eyes of the home itself.

The Symbolic Door: Doors are often considered symbols of new beginnings or gateways to the past. Write a piece centered around a particular door in your home. This could be a closet, a bathroom, or the main entrance. Explore the memories and significance associated with this door. Describe the door’s role as a symbol and a silent witness to various life events.

Migration and Home: Your protagonist moves to a different country, leaving their family home behind. The contrast between the two environments is stark, leading to homesickness and a feeling of disorientation. As they try to create a semblance of home in the foreign land, their ties to their original home becomes stronger. Dive into the complexities of the protagonist’s feelings towards their original and new homes.

The Homecoming: After a long, exhausting war, a soldier finally returns home. As they cross the threshold of their home, a wave of relief and melancholy washes over them. Describe the emotional journey they undergo, from initial joy and relief to facing the stark reality of the changes war has brought upon them and their family. Highlight the bittersweet feelings of coming home after an intense, life-changing experience.

Digital Nomad’s Home: In a world where work-from-home has become the norm, your character is a digital nomad who constantly changes their location. Write a story about their quest for a sense of home and belonging amidst their nomadic lifestyle. How does their understanding of home shift and evolve over time? Examine the concept of home from the perspective of a digital nomad.

The Memory Box: Your character discovers a box in the attic of their home filled with old photos, letters, and trinkets. Each item unravels a different tale about the history of their family and the house. As they delve deeper into these memories, they uncover secrets and stories that reshape their understanding of their family and themselves. Reveal the history and secrets of the home through the items in the box.

The Haunted House: A family moves into a new home, only to find out that it’s haunted. But the ghosts are not malevolent; they just seem to be attached to the house. How does the family deal with their spectral co-inhabitants? How does this affect their perception of home and family? Explore the interaction between the living and the dead within the boundaries of the home.

Home as Refuge: Your main character is going through a personal crisis – it could be a breakup, a loss, or a professional failure. Their home becomes their sanctuary, a place to heal and regroup. Write about how the comfort and security of their home helps them navigate this difficult time. Highlight the role of the home as a refuge during a challenging period in the character’s life.

Evolution of a Neighborhood: Your character has lived in the same house in a small town for several decades. They’ve witnessed the town evolve around them, with old houses making way for new ones, the arrival of big corporations, and the changing demographics. Write about how these changes have affected their relationship with their home and the community. Focus on the impact of societal changes on the perception of home.

Home Is Where the Art Is: Your protagonist is a struggling artist who has converted their home into a studio. They paint, sketch, or sculpt in every corner of their home. How does this unconventional use of their home affect their relationship with it? How does their creativity shape their understanding of home? Explore the relationship between art, home, and personal identity.

A House with a Secret Room: Your character discovers a hidden room in their home. This room, untouched for years, holds secrets about the previous inhabitants of the house. As your character explores the room and unravels the secrets, they gain a new perspective about the house they thought they knew so well. Investigate the mysteries of the hidden room and its impact on the character.

Home Renovation as a Fresh Start: A significant event prompts your character to embark on a major home renovation project. This could be a divorce, a career change, or the death of a loved one. As the character transforms their living space, they also process their emotions and cope with the changes in their life. Concentrate on the therapeutic role of the renovation process in the character’s life.

The Houseboat Dweller: Your character lives in a houseboat, constantly moving from one location to another. Their experiences differ greatly from someone living in a traditional, stationary home. How does their unique living situation influence their relationships, their daily routines, and their overall perception of home? Examine the unique challenges and freedoms of living in a mobile home on water.

A House of Refugees: A family opens their home to a group of refugees. Write about the process of accommodating these new residents, the cultural exchanges, the shared meals, the stories told, and the bonds formed. Explore how this experience redefines the family’s concept of home. Detail the transformation of a home into a multicultural sanctuary.

Home, an Architectural Masterpiece: Your protagonist lives in a house designed by a renowned architect. The house is a piece of art with its unique design and thoughtful layout. How does living in such a house influence their lifestyle and their attitude towards architecture and design? Analyze the influence of architecture on the daily life of the character.

The Elderly Perspective: Write from the perspective of an elderly person who has lived in the same house for most of their life. They’ve seen the world change from their porch, experienced different seasons, raised a family, and witnessed that family grow. As they navigate their twilight years, they reflect on the meaning of home. Explore the sense of home from an elderly person’s perspective.

Home as an Environmental Haven: Your protagonist is a staunch environmentalist who turns their home into an eco-friendly haven. From solar panels to a rainwater harvesting system, they’ve done it all. Explore how their commitment to sustainable living affects their relationship with their home and their lifestyle. Dive into the experience of living in an eco-friendly home.