
32 Writing Prompts About Jesus

Hey everyone, feeling a little stuck in your writing routine?

Been staring at that blank page for ages?

Maybe you’re itching to explore some faith-based themes, or just want to delve into a historical figure who’s endlessly fascinating. Well, look no further than Jesus Christ himself!

Whether you’re a believer or not, Jesus’ life and teachings offer a treasure trove of inspiration for writers.

From his parables overflowing with wisdom to the dramatic events of his ministry, there’s a story waiting to be told from a fresh perspective.

So, grab your notebooks, fire up your laptops, and let’s get writing about the man who changed the world!

Writing Prompts about Jesus

A Day with Jesus: Imagine having the opportunity to spend an entire day with Jesus during his time on Earth. Think about the conversations you’d have, the places you’d visit, and the miracles you might witness. Write a detailed account of your day, highlighting the lessons you learned and the emotions you experienced.

Modern Miracles: Reflect on the miracles that Jesus performed, such as healing the sick, turning water into wine, or feeding the thousands. Imagine if Jesus were to perform a miracle in today’s world. Describe the setting, the people involved, and the impact of the miracle on society.

The Sermon on the Mount: Consider the powerful teachings of Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount. Choose one of the Beatitudes or another teaching that resonates with you. Explore how that particular teaching could be applied in your own life and the lives of those around you.

In the Garden of Gethsemane: Picture the emotional intensity of Jesus’s time spent in prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane. Think about what it would be like to be a silent observer during that moment. Write about the experience, describing the atmosphere, Jesus’s emotions, and your own reactions.

A Conversation with Jesus: Imagine having the opportunity to ask Jesus any question you wanted. Consider what you might ask about life, love, forgiveness, or finding purpose. Write out your question, Jesus’s response, and how his answer might change your perspective or actions.

Walking on Water: Recall the biblical story where Peter walks on water towards Jesus, but starts sinking when he loses faith. Imagine yourself in Peter’s shoes, experiencing the doubt, fear, and eventual trust. Describe the emotions, the lessons learned about faith, and how this experience might affect your future actions.

The Parables of Jesus: Jesus was known for teaching through parables – short stories with deeper moral or spiritual lessons. Think about a modern-day situation that could be explained through a parable. Write a parable inspired by the teachings of Jesus, and explain the lesson it conveys.

The Last Supper: Envision being present at the Last Supper, witnessing the camaraderie, the teachings, and the foreshadowing of events to come. Reflect on the significance of the breaking of the bread and the sharing of the wine. Write about the experience, the emotions in the room, and the personal insights gained from being a part of that moment.

The Compassion of Jesus: Think of a time in the gospels where Jesus shows profound compassion, such as when he forgives an adulterous woman or heals a leper. Place yourself in the shoes of the person receiving Jesus’s compassion. Write about the experience, your feelings before and after, and how the encounter changes your life.

Learning from the Children: Jesus often spoke about the importance of welcoming and learning from children. Imagine you are a parent or guardian in the crowd as Jesus invites children to come to him. Describe the scene, your initial skepticism, and the valuable lessons learned from the simplicity and faith of children.

The Temptations in the Wilderness: Reflect on Jesus’s 40 days in the wilderness, where he faced temptations from Satan. Picture yourself in a similar situation, facing temptations that challenge your values and beliefs. Write about the inner struggle, the resources you draw upon to resist, and the personal growth that results.

Healing on the Sabbath: Think about the stories where Jesus heals on the Sabbath, challenging the religious leaders’ interpretation of the law. Imagine you are a witness to one of these healings, torn between the traditional teachings and the miraculous act you’ve just seen. Explore your internal conflict, the conversations you have with others, and the conclusions you reach about faith and law.

The Transfiguration: Picture the awe-inspiring moment of the Transfiguration, where Jesus’s appearance changes, and Moses and Elijah appear beside him. If you were one of the disciples present, write about the experience, your initial fears, the revelations you receive, and the impact on your faith.

Feeding the Five Thousand: Imagine being a young child in the crowd as Jesus feeds five thousand men (plus women and children) with just five loaves and two fish. Describe the scene from your perspective, focusing on the confusion, the miracle, and the joy of being part of such an event. Write about how this experience shapes your understanding of generosity, community, and faith.

The Woman at the Well: Consider the story of Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman at the well, breaking social norms and offering her living water. Place yourself in her shoes, carrying the burden of your past and the surprise at Jesus’s offer of acceptance and love. Write about the conversation, your initial skepticism, the moment of realization, and the transformation in your life thereafter.

The Prodigal Son’s Return: Reflect on the parable of the Prodigal Son, focusing on the moment the wayward son decides to return home. Imagine you are the son, feeling the weight of your mistakes but also the hope of forgiveness. Write about your journey back, the flood of emotions as you see your father running towards you, and the lessons you’ve learned about love, forgiveness, and home.

The Story of Zacchaeus: Imagine the scene where Zacchaeus, a tax collector, climbs a sycamore tree to see Jesus. Picture yourself as Zacchaeus, despised by your community but curious about this man named Jesus. Write about your desperation to see him, your surprise when he notices you, and the transformation that occurs in your life after your encounter with Jesus.

The Calming of the Storm: Recall the story where Jesus calms a storm while he and his disciples are on a boat. Envision yourself as one of the disciples, experiencing the terror of the storm and the awe when Jesus brings calm. Describe the raw emotions, the questions racing through your mind, and the lessons learned about faith and trust.

The Raising of Lazarus: Reflect on the moment when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Imagine you are a close friend of Lazarus, mourning his death, and then witnessing this miraculous event. Write about the grief, the disbelief, and the joy experienced, as well as the impact this miracle has on your belief in Jesus.

The Rich Young Ruler: Think about the story of the rich young ruler who asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Place yourself in his shoes, eager to follow Jesus but attached to your possessions. Explore the inner conflict, the decision you ultimately make, and the lessons learned about wealth and following Jesus.

The Healing at Bethesda: Picture the scene at the Pool of Bethesda where a paralyzed man waits for someone to help him into the water for healing. Imagine you are that man, desperate for help but feeling forgotten. Write about your years of waiting, your encounter with Jesus, and the transformation that occurs in your life, both physically and spiritually.

Jesus Blessing the Children: Consider the moment when parents bring their children to Jesus to be blessed, despite the disciples’ initial resistance. Imagine you are one of the parents, determined to have your child blessed by Jesus. Describe your perseverance, the moment of blessing, and the significance it holds for you and your child.

The Widow’s Offering: Recall the story of the widow who gives two small copper coins at the temple, which Jesus notes is all she has to live on. Envision yourself as the widow, giving sacrificially out of your poverty. Write about your motivation to give, the struggles you face, and the lessons learned about faith and generosity.

Peter’s Denial and Redemption: Reflect on Peter’s experience of denying Jesus three times and then being forgiven and reinstated after Jesus’s resurrection. Imagine yourself in Peter’s position, feeling the guilt of betrayal but also the overwhelming grace of forgiveness. Write about the emotional turmoil, the moment of forgiveness, and the transformative power of grace in your life.

The Beatitudes in Practice: Reflect on the Beatitudes and how they portray a counter-cultural way of life. Choose one of the Beatitudes and imagine living it out in a real-life situation today. Describe how you would embody this Beatitude in your actions, the challenges you might face, and the impact it could have on others.

Jesus as a Child in the Temple: Picture Jesus at twelve years old, staying behind in the temple to speak with the teachers while his parents frantically search for him. Imagine you are one of the teachers, impressed by this young boy’s understanding and questions. Write about the conversation, your initial impressions, and how this encounter might alter your perceptions of faith and wisdom.

The Woman Caught in Adultery: Recall the story where religious leaders bring a woman caught in adultery before Jesus, expecting him to condemn her. Place yourself in the crowd, witnessing Jesus’s response and the accusers leaving one by one. Explore your thoughts and feelings during the event, the lessons learned about judgment and grace, and the impact on your future actions.

The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus: Imagine the scene where Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, calls out to Jesus for healing, despite the crowd telling him to be silent. Place yourself in Bartimaeus’s position, desperate for healing and recognition. Write about the persistence, the moment of healing, and the newfound sight both physically and spiritually.

Jesus Washing the Disciples’ Feet: Picture the intimate setting of the Last Supper, where Jesus washes his disciples’ feet, teaching them about servitude. Imagine you are one of the disciples, feeling unworthy of this act. Explore the emotions, the lessons learned about leadership and humility, and how this act of service transforms your understanding of greatness.

The Good Samaritan: Think about the parable of the Good Samaritan, where a man is left beaten on the side of the road, and only a Samaritan stops to help him. Place yourself in the position of the beaten man, helpless and ignored by many, but saved by an unlikely hero. Write about the experience, the surprise at who helps you, and the impact this act of kindness has on your life and beliefs.

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman: Consider the story of Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman at the well, breaking cultural barriers to offer her living water. Imagine you are a disciple, witnessing this unconventional interaction. Explore your initial reservations, the unfolding conversation, and the shift in your understanding of acceptance and grace.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep: Reflect on the parable where a shepherd leaves ninety-nine sheep to find the one that is lost. Imagine you are that lost sheep, scared and alone, but eventually found and rejoined with the flock. Write about the fear, the moment of rescue, and the lessons learned about the shepherd’s love and persistence.

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