
24 Writing Prompts About Literature

Feeling like reading is a chore lately?

Let’s fix that!

We’ve got a bunch of literature-themed writing prompts to jumpstart your creativity again.

These prompts will get your brain working and fingers flying.

Let’s go.

Writing Prompts About Literature

The Evolution of Literary Themes: Throughout history, literature has evolved to reflect the changing times, societal values, and human experiences. Dive deep into two distinct time periods and compare the predominant themes of their literature. How have these themes evolved, and what does this say about the societies of those times?

The Power of Setting: Often, the setting of a story can be as influential as its characters. Choose a novel where the setting plays a pivotal role in the narrative. Analyze how the setting shapes the story and the characters’ actions within it.

Literature as a Mirror: Literature often mirrors the society in which it was written, capturing its essence, flaws, and aspirations. Select a piece of literature that you believe best encapsulates the era it was written in. Discuss how this work reflects the societal norms, challenges, and dreams of its time.

The Role of the Antihero: The antihero, a protagonist who lacks conventional heroic qualities, has become increasingly popular in modern literature. Explore the rise of the antihero in literature and discuss why readers are drawn to these complex characters. What does the popularity of the antihero reveal about contemporary readers’ perspectives on morality and heroism?

Adaptations and Interpretations: Many classic literary works have been adapted into films, plays, and other forms of media. Choose a literary work and one of its adaptations. Analyze the differences between the original and its adaptation, and discuss the implications of these changes on the story’s message and impact.

The Influence of Folklore: Folklore and myths have been the foundation for countless literary works. Delve into a piece of literature that has its roots in folklore or myth. Examine how the author has reinterpreted the original tale and the significance of this reinterpretation in a modern context.

Literature and Technology: As technology advances, it not only changes our daily lives but also the narratives we tell. Explore a piece of speculative fiction that delves into the relationship between humans and technology. Discuss how the author envisions the future of this relationship and the moral questions it raises.

The Healing Power of Literature: Literature has the profound ability to heal, comfort, and provide solace. Reflect on a personal experience where a piece of literature helped you through a challenging time. Analyze the elements of the story that resonated with you and how it contributed to your healing process.

The Intersection of Literature and Politics: Throughout history, literature has often been a medium for political commentary, either overtly or subtly. Choose a piece of literature that you believe has strong political undertones or messages. Discuss how the author weaves political themes into the narrative and the impact it has on the reader’s understanding of the political climate of that era.

The Role of Nature in Literature: Nature has always been a profound influence on writers, offering a backdrop for introspection, conflict, and transformation. Dive into a literary work where nature is not just a setting but a character in its own right. Examine how the natural world influences the plot, characters, and overarching themes of the story.

Literature’s Exploration of the Human Psyche: Many literary works delve deep into the complexities of the human mind, exploring themes of sanity, perception, and reality. Choose a novel or play that delves into the intricacies of a character’s psyche. Analyze how the author portrays the fragility and resilience of the human mind and its impact on the narrative.

The Legacy of Lost Languages: There are languages that have faded or are on the brink of extinction. Imagine a piece of literature written in such a language being discovered. Discuss the challenges and significance of translating this work and the cultural insights it might offer.

Literature in the Age of Social Media: The digital age, especially the rise of social media, has transformed how stories are told and consumed. Reflect on a contemporary piece of literature that integrates elements of social media or is influenced by it. How does the inclusion of this digital dimension affect the narrative and its reception by modern readers?

The Dynamics of Family in Literature: Family dynamics, with its myriad of complexities, has been a central theme in many literary works. Choose a novel or play that delves deep into familial relationships. Discuss how the portrayal of family bonds shapes the characters’ evolution and the story’s climax.

Literature’s Exploration of Alternate Realities: Parallel universes, alternate histories, and other dimensions have always fascinated writers. Dive into a piece of literature that explores an alternate reality. Analyze the rules of this new world, its implications on the story’s characters, and what it reveals about our own reality.

The Role of Silence in Literature: Silence, whether it’s a pause in dialogue or an unspoken emotion, can be a powerful literary tool. Reflect on a piece of literature where silence plays a significant role, either in the narrative or between characters. Examine how silence drives the story forward and the weight it carries in the unfolding drama.

Literature’s Dance with Taboos: Every society has its taboos, subjects that are off-limits or considered controversial. Choose a piece of literature that bravely tackles one or more of these taboos. Discuss how the author navigates these sensitive topics and the reactions it might provoke in its readership.

The Immigrant Experience in Literature: Migration and the challenges of assimilation have been central to many narratives. Delve into a literary work that captures the essence of the immigrant experience. Analyze how the author portrays the struggles and triumphs of adapting to a new culture while holding onto one’s roots.

Literature’s Exploration of Time: Time can be a linear progression, a cyclical loop, or a malleable entity in literature. Choose a novel or story that plays with the concept of time in an unconventional way. Discuss how this manipulation of time affects the story’s structure, character development, and overall message.

The Role of Food in Literature: Food can be a symbol, a tool for bonding, or a means to convey cultural identity. Reflect on a piece of literature where food plays a central role in the narrative. Examine how the author uses food to weave deeper connections, evoke memories, or establish cultural contexts.

Literature and the Supernatural: Ghosts, spirits, and otherworldly entities have been a part of literary traditions across cultures. Dive into a work that integrates the supernatural into its narrative. Discuss how the presence of these entities influences the story’s tone, plot, and the characters’ decisions.

The Influence of Dreams in Literature: Dreams can be a window into a character’s subconscious, a prophetic vision, or a surreal break from reality. Choose a literary work where dreams play a pivotal role. Analyze the significance of these dreams and how they shape the trajectory of the story or the character’s understanding of themselves.

Literature’s Take on Artificial Intelligence: As AI becomes an integral part of our lives, literature has begun to explore its implications. Reflect on a contemporary piece that delves into the relationship between humans and AI. How does the author envision the ethical, emotional, and societal challenges of this coexistence?

The Power of Letters and Diaries in Literature: Personal writings like letters and diaries offer an intimate glimpse into a character’s thoughts and emotions. Dive into a novel or story that heavily relies on such personal writings as a narrative device. Discuss how this format shapes the reader’s understanding of the character and the unfolding events.