
25 Writing Prompts About Volcanoes


Those mountains that erupt with molten lava, ash, and rocks are pretty damn cool (and scary!). But they’re also way more than just troublemakers.

They’re like, super interesting to scientists, super important for the planet, and even inspiring stories and myths.

This post is all about these fiery giants.

Whether you’re a science geek, a writer wannabe, or just curious, we’ve got prompts to get your creative juices flowing.

We’ll imagine what it’s like to be in an eruption, explore volcano stories from different cultures, and even wonder what life would be like next to a sleeping volcano.

So grab your metaphorical pen and get ready to unleash your inner volcano storyteller!

It’s gonna be an epic adventure!

Writing Prompts About Volcanoes

Explore the geological history and potential future of a dormant volcano that is a major feature in your hometown or a city you know well. Consider what might happen if it were to suddenly become active. How would it affect the local economy, the environment, and daily life? Use scientific facts about volcanic activity to lend realism to your story.

Write a travelog for an adventure tourism company that organizes trips to active volcanoes. Discuss the thrilling and terrifying aspects of being near an active volcano, what precautions are needed, and how such an experience might change a person. Base your writing on real volcanoes and use vivid descriptions to enthrall potential travelers.

Consider an historical event like the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD that wiped out the city of Pompeii. Write a fictionalized diary of a survivor of this disaster. The diary should include the survivor’s experiences before, during, and after the eruption. Make sure to research about the event to provide an accurate representation of the event.

Write a series of letters between two lovers separated by a volcanic eruption. One person could be trapped in the city, while the other has managed to escape. Detail their fears, hopes, and determination to reunite. Use the volcano not just as a setting but also as a metaphor for the sudden and unpredictable challenges that can strain a relationship.

Imagine a future where climate change has increased the activity of volcanoes worldwide. Write a speculative fiction story where scientists have found a way to use these eruptions to counteract global warming. How might this discovery change the world’s approach to climate change? What could be the unintended consequences?

Write a children’s story where the central character is a young, misunderstood volcano who doesn’t want to hurt anyone with his eruptions. This story can help teach children about natural phenomena like volcanoes and also impart lessons about empathy and understanding.

Research an indigenous culture that lived or lives near a volcano, and consider the mythology they might have developed around it. Write a short story incorporating this mythology and its impact on the lives of the people. How does the volcano figure into their religious beliefs, and how does it affect their day-to-day decisions?

Consider the experience of a wildlife photographer assigned to capture images of a rare species living on the slopes of an active volcano. Describe the challenges and dangers of such an assignment, as well as the excitement and wonder. Use this story to explore the themes of risk, passion, and the pursuit of a unique, potentially life-changing shot.

Narrate the experience of a volcanologist who has been studying a particular volcano for years. Detail their emotional connection to the volcano, their excitement at each discovery, and their fears when they realize the volcano is about to erupt. Use your narrative to explore the human side of scientific research and the deep relationships scientists can form with their subjects.

Picture a small coastal town with a beautiful but threatening volcano. The inhabitants live with the constant fear of an eruption. Write a screenplay where the volcano is a silent character influencing the lives and actions of the townsfolk. How does this looming threat shape their world view, their relationships, and their decisions?

Write a poem from the perspective of a volcano. It could be about the loneliness of centuries of dormancy, the exhilaration of an eruption, or the guilt and regret it feels about the destruction it causes. Use rich, evocative language to bring this unusual perspective to life.

Envision a post-apocalyptic world where volcanic eruptions have caused a ‘nuclear winter’ effect. The protagonist is a young survivor who has never seen the sun. Write a short story about their quest to find a place where the sun still shines. Use this narrative to explore themes of hope, resilience, and longing.

Imagine a world where volcanic eruptions can be predicted precisely. Write an essay on how such knowledge would impact our lives, our infrastructure, and our relationship with the environment. Would it remove the fear associated with volcanoes, or would it create new anxieties and problems?

Write a science fiction story where volcanic activity on earth is controlled by an advanced civilization living in the core. Explore how they might react to human attempts to harness or suppress volcanic power. Use this premise to delve into themes of power, control, and the consequences of meddling with nature.

Imagine an alien planet dominated by volcanic activity. Write a report as a space explorer documenting the unique flora and fauna that have adapted to live in such an environment. Incorporate real biological principles to make your report scientifically plausible.

Recreate the story of Krakatoa’s 1883 eruption from the perspective of a sailor passing by when it happened. Describe their awe and terror as they witness one of the most catastrophic volcanic eruptions in history. Research the event to ensure your recreation is accurate and vivid.

Construct a narrative about a team of miners who inadvertently dig into a dormant volcano, and have to quickly figure out a plan of escape as it shows signs of awakening. Explore themes of teamwork, survival, and man’s struggle against nature.

Picture an ancient civilization that sacrifices to their god of volcanoes to prevent eruptions. Write a narrative from the viewpoint of a priest or priestess questioning these practices when they witness an eruption after a sacrifice. Discuss their inner turmoil, their conflict with societal norms, and their journey to truth.

Explore the perspective of an indigenous tribe that reveres a local volcano as a deity. Write a series of short stories about the tribe’s rituals, myths, and customs, focusing on their connection to the volcano. Use this as a lens to explore concepts of faith, respect for nature, and community.

Write a speculative fiction piece about a time when humans can harness the power of volcanoes for energy. Discuss the benefits and potential drawbacks of this energy source, the geopolitical implications, and how it could transform society.

Imagine a world where volcanic ash has medicinal properties that can cure fatal diseases. Write a story about a doctor who goes on a dangerous mission to collect this ash from an active volcano, driven by the desperate hope to save a loved one.

Write a series of news articles covering the events before, during, and after a major volcanic eruption. The stories should include interviews with locals, updates from authorities, and reports from scientists. Highlight the role of journalism in communicating crucial information during natural disasters.

Write a historical fiction piece set during the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980. The protagonist is a park ranger tasked with evacuating the area. Explore their emotional journey as they face the danger, deal with uncooperative people, and grapple with the potential loss of the land they love.

Compose a first-person narrative of a tourist visiting an island with an active volcano. Their thrill turns into a terrifying survival story when the volcano erupts unexpectedly. The story should be a gripping tale of survival, resilience, and human spirit amidst chaos.

Write a piece from the perspective of an artist who draws inspiration from an active volcano near their home. The artist sees beauty in the volcano’s destructive power and tries to capture it in their work. Explore how this unique environment influences their artistic process and shapes their perspective on life and death.