
28 Writing Prompts About Yourself

Okay, writer friends, let’s be real – sometimes the hardest person to write about is yourself.

It can feel awkward, or maybe even a little cheesy.

But, here’s the thing: digging into those personal stories and moments of self-reflection can lead to your most interesting and relatable writing!

So shake off those cringy feelings, let’s have some fun with it.

Here are some prompts to get those creative juices flowing.

28 Writing Prompts About Yourself

1. Reflection on Personal Values

Reflect on your core values. These are the principles that guide your actions and decisions, that form your perception of right and wrong. 

It could be loyalty, compassion, honesty, etc. Consider when you have acted according to these values and when you have compromised on them. 

Write about how these values shape your daily life, and how they might have evolved over time.

2. Self-Development Journey

Think about your personal growth and development journey. It could be about emotional maturity, professional skills, or any other aspect of your life. 

Discuss the key milestones, challenges, and achievements that have contributed to your growth. 

Narrate the most significant transformation you have undergone, and what brought about this change.

3. Strengths and Weaknesses

Consider your strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has areas where they excel and areas where they struggle. Identify and write about yours. This can involve personal characteristics, skills, habits, etc. 

Reflect on how these strengths and weaknesses impact your life and relationships.

4. Defining Moments

Reflect on the defining moments of your life. 

These are the instances or events that had a significant influence on your life trajectory or caused a fundamental change in your character or values. 

Elaborate on what these moments were, how they affected you, and the lessons you learned from them.

5. Future Self

Imagine your life 10 years from now. Where do you see yourself personally and professionally? 

What are the steps you believe you need to take to get there? 

Describe in detail your vision of your future self, and map out a possible journey towards that vision.

6. Role Models

Think about your role models or people who have influenced you positively. 

It could be someone close to you or a public figure. 

Describe who they are, how they have inspired you, and how you have applied their influence in your life.

7. Life Philosophy

Reflect on your philosophy of life. This is the overarching belief or approach you adopt towards life and living. It could involve your views on fate, destiny, the meaning of life, etc. 

Write about how this philosophy influences your actions, decisions, and your overall outlook on life.

8. Life’s Lessons

Consider the lessons you have learned so far in your life. They could have been learned through joyous experiences, challenging times, or even mundane moments. 

Detail out the most important lessons you’ve learned and how they have shaped your current self.

9. Personal Achievements

Reflect on your achievements, big or small. These could be in your personal or professional life and include anything from winning a competition to successfully navigating a challenging situation. 

Discuss how these achievements have boosted your self-confidence and contributed to your self-esteem.

10. Expression of Creativity

Ponder over the ways you express your creativity. It could be through writing, painting, problem-solving, or any form of unique expression. 

Analyze how these creative outlets contribute to your sense of self and well-being.

11. Embracing Change

Consider the significant changes you have experienced in your life, such as moving to a new city, changing jobs, or adapting to a new culture. 

Explain how these changes have affected you, and how you navigated through them.

12. Impact of Technology

Reflect on how technology has influenced your lifestyle, your habits, and your relationships. This could include your use of social media, online gaming, remote work, or any other tech-related aspect. 

Discuss the positives and negatives of this impact, and how it has shaped your interactions with others and the world.

13. Self-Perception vs. External Perception

Think about how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. Are these perceptions aligned or do they differ? 

Write about any instances where you noticed a stark difference between your self-perception and how others perceive you, and how that affected you.

14. Handling Conflict

Reflect on a situation where you had to manage conflict, either at home, with friends, or in a professional setting. 

Discuss the strategies you used, what you learned about yourself in the process, and how it has influenced your approach to conflict resolution since then.

15. Impact of Failure

Consider a time when you failed at something significant. This could be a job interview, a project, or a personal goal. 

Analyze how this failure affected you, what you learned from the experience, and how you bounced back.

16. Sources of Joy

Reflect on the simple things that bring you joy and contentment. These could be spending time with loved ones, a particular hobby, or even a favorite meal. 

Describe why these things bring you happiness, and how they contribute to your overall satisfaction with life.

17. Personal Boundaries

Reflect on your personal boundaries. Boundaries can be physical, emotional, or mental limits you establish to protect yourself from being manipulated, used, or violated by others. They also help you separate your own needs, wants, and thoughts from those of others. 

Consider instances where you had to enforce these boundaries, and explore how they have helped shape your relationships and self-esteem.

18. Impact of Childhood Experiences

Ponder on your childhood experiences. Childhood plays a significant role in shaping our adult lives, influencing our behaviors, choices, and even our personality. 

Analyze how your childhood experiences have shaped the person you are today.

19. A Letter to Your Younger Self

Imagine writing a letter to your younger self. Think about the advice, warnings, or encouragement you would give. 

Write a detailed letter with the insights you have gained over the years, and what you wish you had known at a younger age.

20. A Day in Your Life

Describe a typical day in your life, from morning to evening. Include your routines, interactions, thoughts, and feelings. 

Reflect on how these daily rituals and routines impact your mood, productivity, and overall life satisfaction.

21. Expressions of Gratitude

Think about the people, experiences, or things in your life that you are grateful for. Gratitude can enhance our emotions, improve our health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. 

Write in detail about the elements in your life you feel grateful for and how expressing gratitude affects your wellbeing.

22. Conquering Fears

Consider a fear or phobia you have conquered or are still trying to overcome. This could be anything from a fear of public speaking, heights, or deep-seated psychological fears. 

Describe how you worked or are working towards overcoming this fear and how the process has affected you.

23. Role of Culture

Reflect on how your cultural background has influenced your life. This could include traditions, values, social behaviors, and even thinking patterns. 

Discuss how your cultural heritage has shaped your identity and worldview.

24. Compassionate Acts

Think about acts of kindness or compassion you have shown to others. Compassion is a strong component of our social interactions and overall wellbeing. 

Reflect on these acts, why you were compelled to act kindly, and the impact these actions had on both you and the recipient.

25. Physical Health and Wellness

Reflect on your physical health and wellness journey. This could involve changes in your diet, workout routines, or any health challenges you might have faced. 

Describe the impact of your physical health on your mental well-being, productivity, and general quality of life.

26. Handling Stress and Anxiety

Consider the instances where you have faced significant stress or anxiety. These could be situations related to work, relationships, health, or any other facet of life. 

Discuss the coping strategies you’ve developed, how they’ve helped you, and the lessons you’ve learned about managing stress and anxiety.

27. Exploration of Spirituality

Ponder on your spiritual beliefs, whether they are connected to an organized religion or more personal in nature. Spirituality often guides our values, morals, and actions. 

Analyze how your spiritual beliefs affect your daily life, decisions, and your perception of the world around you.

28. Personal Interpretation of Success

Reflect on your definition of success. Society often dictates success as wealth, power, or fame, but individual interpretations can vary greatly. 

Describe what success means to you personally, and how this perspective shapes your goals, efforts, and overall life trajectory.