
31 Persuasive Writing Prompts

Persuasion: it’s basically magic words that can change minds and stuff. It’s how people got us to wear weird clothes back in the day and how cool new ideas spread like wildfire.

Even in this internet age, where everyone’s talking at once, persuasion still rocks. Whether you’re writing that next big blog post or just trying to convince your friend that pineapple totally belongs on pizza, these prompts will help you craft words that people will listen to (and maybe even love).

So without further ado, let’s unlock the power of writing that gets things done!

Persuasive Writing Prompts

Implementing a Four-day Work Week: With the rise of burnout and the need for better work-life balance, there’s a strong argument to be made for a four-day work week. Discuss the potential benefits such as increased productivity, improved mental health, and positive environmental impacts. Persuade your audience that businesses should transition to this model.

The Importance of Learning a Second Language: In a globalized world, communication across cultures and countries has become essential. Explore the cognitive, cultural, and career benefits of learning a second language. Argue for its inclusion as a mandatory part of school curriculums worldwide.

Investing in Space Exploration: Over the past few decades, space exploration has yielded numerous benefits, from technological advancements to a better understanding of our place in the universe. Make a case for increased funding and interest in space exploration. Highlight its potential for scientific discovery, technological innovation, and unifying humanity.

Mandatory Volunteering in High Schools: Some believe that introducing mandatory volunteering as part of the high school curriculum can foster community spirit, develop life skills, and create a sense of responsibility in students. Delve into the potential advantages and disadvantages, and convince your readers of its long-term societal benefits.

The Repercussions of Fast Fashion: The fashion industry, especially the fast fashion segment, has significant environmental and ethical implications. Describe the impact on the environment, the exploitation of workers, and the quality of the products. Argue for a more sustainable approach to fashion consumption.

Adopting Renewable Energy Sources: As the climate crisis looms, the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources has never been more crucial. Discuss the environmental, economic, and societal advantages of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Urge your audience to advocate for faster adoption of these technologies in their communities.

The Role of Art in Education: While STEM fields often get the limelight in modern education, the importance of art can’t be overlooked. Reflect on how art fosters creativity, critical thinking, and cultural awareness. Emphasize the need to maintain or even increase funding for arts programs in schools.

Rethinking Standardized Testing: Standardized tests have long been a cornerstone of educational assessment. However, critics argue that they don’t truly measure student potential or intelligence. Explore the inherent biases and limitations of such tests, and argue for a more holistic approach to student assessment.

The Benefits of Urban Green Spaces: In bustling cities, green spaces such as parks and community gardens offer a respite from the concrete jungle. Discuss the mental, physical, and environmental benefits they bring. Persuade municipalities to prioritize and expand urban green spaces in their city planning efforts.

Limiting Screen Time for Children: As digital devices become ever-present in our lives, children are spending increasing amounts of time in front of screens. Dive into the potential developmental and health implications of excessive screen time and advocate for structured digital detox periods for young minds.

Promoting Local Produce Consumption: With global supply chains, food on our plates often travels thousands of miles before consumption. Highlight the environmental toll of this transport, along with benefits of supporting local farmers and fresher produce. Make a case for choosing locally-sourced foods whenever possible.

Value of Elderly Wisdom in Modern Society: In many cultures, the elderly are revered and seen as reservoirs of wisdom. However, in some modern societies, they can feel overlooked or undervalued. Delve into the rich experiences and insights they offer, and argue for a renewed societal respect and integration of their knowledge.

Supporting Mental Health in Workplaces: Workplace stress and burnout are significant concerns in today’s fast-paced corporate culture. Emphasize the importance of mental well-being for overall productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction. Urge businesses to implement mental health initiatives and support systems for their employees.

The Ethical Implications of AI and Automation: As artificial intelligence and automation technologies advance, they raise significant ethical and employment concerns. Discuss potential job displacements, biases in AI decision-making, and the overall societal impact. Advocate for a guided and ethical approach to AI implementation.

Encouraging Community-based Tourism: Mass tourism can sometimes lead to environmental degradation and cultural erosion. Highlight the advantages of community-based tourism, where travelers engage more authentically with local cultures, contributing directly to the community’s well-being. Persuade readers to opt for such enriching and sustainable travel experiences.

The Impact of Microplastics: Tiny plastic particles, known as microplastics, are infiltrating our oceans, soils, and even the air we breathe. Discuss the environmental and health risks associated with them. Argue for stricter regulations on plastic production and disposal and the necessity of researching more sustainable alternatives.

Transitioning to a Circular Economy: Traditional linear economies operate on a “take, make, dispose” model. Introduce the concept of a circular economy, where products are designed to be reused and recycled indefinitely. Make a case for businesses and governments to champion this sustainable model to combat waste and resource depletion.

Incorporating Mindfulness in Education: Stress and anxiety among students are growing concerns. Discuss the potential of mindfulness practices — like meditation and deep breathing — in improving focus, reducing stress, and enhancing academic performance. Advocate for the integration of mindfulness curricula in schools.

Redefining Beauty Standards: Media and advertising often promote narrow beauty ideals, impacting self-esteem and body image. Discuss the negative implications of these limited standards and the benefits of diverse representation. Urge media outlets and advertisers to adopt a broader, inclusive definition of beauty.

Reviving Traditional Crafts and Skills: In an age of mass production, many age-old crafts and skills are fading. Explore the cultural, environmental, and economic value of hand-made products and traditional skills. Argue for initiatives that support and celebrate artisans and their unique crafts.

Conserving Water in Urban Areas: Rapid urbanization often strains water resources, leading to shortages and environmental challenges. Delve into water conservation methods such as rainwater harvesting, greywater reuse, and xeriscaping. Persuade urban dwellers and municipalities to adopt these sustainable practices.

The Role of Libraries in the Digital Age: With information at our fingertips, some argue that traditional libraries are becoming obsolete. Counter this by exploring the multifaceted roles libraries play as community centers, hubs for learning, and repositories of knowledge and culture. Make a case for continued investment and innovation in public libraries.

Addressing Food Waste: Globally, a significant portion of food produced goes to waste, while many go hungry. Examine the economic, environmental, and ethical implications of food wastage. Advocate for comprehensive strategies, from farm to table, to reduce this wastage and promote food security.

Promoting the Use of Public Transport: Urban congestion and increasing greenhouse gas emissions have become significant challenges for cities worldwide. Highlight the environmental, social, and personal benefits of using public transport. Argue for governments and communities to prioritize and improve their public transit systems.

The Significance of Digital Detox Retreats: In our hyper-connected world, taking time away from screens can offer notable mental health benefits. Discuss the potential positive impacts of regular digital detox periods, such as increased creativity and better interpersonal connections. Persuade individuals to consider periodic digital breaks or retreats.

Prioritizing Sleep in Today’s Hustle Culture: Modern society often celebrates constant busyness at the expense of adequate rest. Delve into the numerous health, cognitive, and emotional benefits of proper sleep. Advocate for a cultural shift that values rest as a vital component of success.

Bridging the Intergenerational Gap: Many societies experience a disconnect between the elderly and younger generations. Reflect on the richness of experiences, stories, and lessons that can be shared across ages. Argue for initiatives that foster intergenerational communication and understanding.

Supporting the Revival of Native Languages: Numerous indigenous and native languages are on the brink of extinction. Discuss the cultural, cognitive, and historical significance of preserving these languages. Persuade educational institutions and governments to invest in their revitalization.

Rooftop Gardening in Urban Areas: As space becomes a premium in crowded cities, utilizing rooftops for gardening can offer multiple benefits. Dive into how such gardens can improve air quality, provide local produce, and offer therapeutic spaces. Advocate for urban planning that integrates green rooftops.

Understanding and Embracing Neurodiversity: The world is gradually recognizing the spectrum of human neurodiversity, from autism to ADHD. Explore the strengths and unique perspectives that neurodivergent individuals bring to society. Argue for inclusive education and workplace practices that celebrate and support neurodivergent individuals.

Preserving Dark Skies: Light pollution is not only a barrier to stargazing but has ecological and human health implications. Highlight the importance of experiencing natural nightscapes and the issues associated with over-illumination. Persuade communities to adopt lighting solutions that protect our dark skies.