
30 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Writing Prompts

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is super important for everyone, especially in our crazy-busy world. It’s about understanding your feelings, building awesome relationships, and making good choices.

One cool way to practice those SEL skills is with writing prompts.

They make you think about your emotions, connections with others, and how you’re growing as a person.

Writing things down helps you figure yourself out, see things from other perspectives, and generally feel more awesome.

These prompts are great whether you’re in a classroom, talking to a therapist, or just keeping a journal.

They’re all about becoming more aware of yourself, being kind, and staying strong.

Ready to get started?

Let’s go.

30 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Writing Prompts

Reflect on a Time You Experienced a Strong Emotion: Think back to a moment when you experienced a strong emotion – it could be happiness, anger, fear, sadness, or any other emotion. Describe the situation in detail, including who was involved, where you were, and what was happening. More importantly, explore the emotions that surfaced, how you dealt with them, and any lasting impacts they might have had. Your focus should be on the understanding and articulation of your emotional response.

Discuss an Instance of Conflict Resolution: Write about a situation where you experienced a conflict with someone and how you resolved it. This could be a minor disagreement or a major dispute. Dive into the causes of the conflict, the steps you took to resolve it, and how you felt during and after the resolution. This exercise aims to understand your approach to managing and resolving conflicts.

Describe a Time When You Demonstrated Empathy: Recall a moment when you displayed empathy towards another person. Describe the situation, how you understood the other person’s feelings or perspective, and how you responded. Discuss the importance of empathy in building relationships. The key part of this exercise is understanding your capability to empathize with others.

Identify a Personal Strength and a Weakness: Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Write about one of each that you recognize in yourself. Explain why you consider these traits as your strength and weakness, how they impact your life, and what steps you’re taking to leverage your strength and improve your weakness. The prompt requires self-awareness about your strengths and areas of improvement.

Write About a Time You Adapted to a Significant Change: Think of a moment in your life when you had to deal with a major change. It could be moving to a new city, a shift in your family structure, starting a new school, etc. Detail how you felt during this transition, the strategies you used to adapt, and the lessons learned from this experience. The focus here is your resilience and adaptability in the face of change.

Discuss a Situation Where You Displayed Leadership: Think about a time when you took on a leadership role. Describe the situation, your actions, and the result. Reflect on what you learned about leadership and yourself in this situation. This prompt emphasizes your ability to lead, make decisions, and inspire others.

Reflect on a Time When You Overcame a Fear: Write about a moment when you faced a fear and overcame it. It could be anything from public speaking to trying new things. Discuss the fear, why you decided to confront it, the steps you took, and how you felt afterward. This exercise aims to examine your courage and determination in overcoming obstacles.

Explore an Instance When You Helped Someone: Recall a situation where you stepped up to assist someone else, be it a friend, family member, or a stranger. Discuss why you decided to help, the actions you took, and how it affected both you and the person you helped. Your main objective is to reflect on your ability to support others and the impact of altruism.

Write About an Act of Kindness You Received: Reflect on a time when someone showed you kindness, no matter how big or small the act was. Describe the situation, how you felt, and how it affected your relationship with that person or your view of others. The focus of this prompt is your perception and reception of kindness.

Identify a Role Model and Why They Inspire You: Choose a person who you consider as a role model. It could be someone you know personally or a public figure. Describe what characteristics or actions make this person a role model for you and how they influence your actions or behavior. This exercise aims to understand your value system and what traits you admire in others.

Discuss a Time When You Stood Up for What is Right: Think about an occasion when you stood up for what you believed was right, even if it was difficult or unpopular. Detail the situation, the actions you took, and the consequences. Reflect on what you learned from the experience. The focus here is on your moral courage and ethical decision-making.

Reflect on a Goal You Accomplished: Recall a personal goal you set and accomplished. It can be an academic goal, a personal growth goal, or a physical achievement. Describe the steps you took to reach the goal, obstacles you faced, and how you felt when you accomplished it. This prompt emphasizes your goal-setting and perseverance skills.

Explore a Time When You Made a Mistake and Learned From It: Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s how we learn from them that defines us. Write about a mistake you made, how you handled the consequences, and the lessons you learned from it. Your main focus is on understanding how you deal with failures and learn from them.

Describe a Situation Where You Demonstrated Self-Control: Reflect on a moment where you had to exercise self-control, such as not responding to provocation or resisting temptation. Discuss the situation in detail and explain how you managed to maintain control over your actions or reactions. The exercise is aimed at assessing your impulse control and emotional regulation.

Write About a Time You Appreciated Diversity: Think about a moment when you appreciated the value of diversity, such as learning from someone from a different culture, or understanding a different viewpoint. Describe the situation and how it enriched your perspective or understanding. The main aim of this prompt is to reflect on your ability to appreciate and learn from diverse cultures and viewpoints.

Reflect on a Time When You Showed Gratitude: Write about an occasion when you expressed gratitude. What led to this, who were you grateful to, and how did you express it? Reflect on the effects of showing gratitude on you and the other person. This prompt is about understanding the role and impact of gratitude in your life.

Explain a Situation Where You Demonstrated Patience: Reflect on a time when you had to be patient, such as when dealing with a challenging situation or person. Describe the situation, your feelings during the process, and the outcomes. The focus of this prompt is to assess your ability to exhibit patience in difficult circumstances.

Write About a Time When You Showed Respect for Another’s Viewpoint: Think about a situation where you disagreed with someone but respected their viewpoint. Discuss the circumstances, the differing viewpoints, and how you navigated the disagreement while maintaining respect. This exercise aims to evaluate your tolerance and respect for differing opinions.

Discuss a Challenge You Overcame by Being Persistent: Recall a time when persistence helped you overcome a challenge. Describe the challenge, the steps you took to overcome it, and the outcome. Discuss what you learned about the power of persistence. This prompt emphasizes your ability to persevere through adversity.

Reflect on a Time You Demonstrated Honesty in a Difficult Situation: Write about a moment when you had to be honest, even if it was challenging or uncomfortable. Detail the situation, why honesty was crucial, and the consequences of your honesty. This exercise aims to explore your value of honesty and integrity.

Describe a Situation Where You Worked Well in a Team: Recall an instance where you effectively worked as part of a team, be it in a school project, sports team, or other group activity. Discuss your role, how the team collaborated, and the end result. Reflect on the lessons learned about teamwork. The focus of this prompt is your ability to collaborate and work as part of a team.

Write About a Time When You Showed Forgiveness: Reflect on a time when you forgave someone who hurt you or made a mistake. Discuss the situation, why you chose to forgive, and how it impacted you and your relationship with that person. This exercise is about understanding the role of forgiveness in personal growth and relationship building.

Discuss an Instance When You Expressed Love or Affection: Think about a time when you showed love or affection towards someone. Describe the situation, your feelings, and the person’s reaction. Reflect on how expressing these emotions impacted your relationship. The aim of this prompt is to explore the expression and impact of positive emotions.

Reflect on a Time When You Used Humor to Diffuse a Situation: Recall a situation where humor helped to ease a tense or difficult situation. Discuss the circumstances, how you used humor, and how it affected the situation and those involved. This prompt focuses on your ability to use humor as a coping mechanism or social tool.

Reflect on a Time You Used Mindfulness Techniques: Think about a moment when you used mindfulness to calm yourself or focus your attention. It could be deep breathing, focused attention, or other mindful activities. Describe the situation, the technique used, and how it affected your emotions or behavior. The focus of this prompt is your use of mindfulness to manage emotions and attention.

Discuss a Time When You Showed Appreciation for the Environment: Write about an instance when you demonstrated an appreciation for nature or the environment, such as participating in a cleanup activity or simply enjoying a quiet moment in a natural setting. Discuss the situation, your feelings, and your thoughts about environmental conservation. This exercise aims to understand your connection and appreciation of the natural world.

Describe a Situation Where You Showed Bravery: Recall a moment when you had to be brave. Describe the circumstances, the actions you took, and the outcome. Reflect on how this instance of bravery affected you and what you learned from it. The focus of this prompt is on your courage in face of adversity or fear.

Write About a Time You Demonstrated Personal Responsibility: Think about a situation where you took personal responsibility for a task or a problem. Detail the situation, your actions, and the result. Reflect on the importance of personal responsibility in your life. This exercise aims to understand your sense of responsibility and accountability.

Reflect on a Time You Exhibited Optimism in a Difficult Situation: Recall an occasion where you chose to remain positive despite facing challenging circumstances. Discuss the situation, how you maintained optimism, and the impact of your attitude on the situation and on those around you. This prompt focuses on your ability to stay positive and hopeful during challenging times.

Describe a Time When You Helped a Friend Make a Difficult Decision: Write about a moment when you helped a friend or peer navigate a tough decision. Discuss the situation, the advice you gave, and the outcome. Reflect on what this experience taught you about decision-making and supporting others. The focus of this prompt is your ability to guide others and empathize with their situations.