
29 Allegory Writing Prompts

Allegories are basically stories with hidden messages.

Think of them like puzzles where everything – characters, places, events – has a deeper meaning. Writers use them to explain big ideas or teach lessons in a fun, interesting way.

Want to try your hand at writing one?

Here are some prompts to get you started.

Allegory Writing Prompts

The Hourglass Realm: In a parallel universe, time is visualized as sands in an hourglass. Citizens are given a set amount of sand (time) at birth, but they can earn or lose sand based on their actions. The value and ethics of time become central to society, forcing individuals to ponder the real value of a moment, a day, or a year, especially when they can be traded or stolen.

The Library of Lives: Deep within a hidden forest, there’s a grand library that contains not books, but memories and moments of every person’s life. The catch is, once you relive a memory from the library, it’s erased forever from your own mind. This allegory delves into the nature of nostalgia, the pain of the past, and the price of reliving cherished moments.

The Monochrome City: A city where all colors have faded, leaving everything in grayscale. The citizens have forgotten the existence of colors, living their mundane lives. However, an artist possesses a forbidden palette, painting secretly at night. This tale emphasizes the importance of creativity and individuality in a world of conformity.

The Masked Carnival: Once a year, a carnival arrives where attendees don masks representing their true selves or desires. As the night progresses, they forget who they were and fully assume the identities of the masks. It’s a reflection on the duality of identity, the roles we play, and the personas we adopt.

The Two Oceans: Two vast oceans exist side by side, one of freshwater and one of saltwater. There’s a legend that drinking from both oceans on the same day can grant enlightenment. This allegory focuses on the balance of hardship and ease, with the saltwater symbolizing life’s trials and the freshwater representing life’s joys.

The Silent Orchestra: In a world where sound doesn’t exist, an orchestra performs in silence, and the audience “hears” through emotions and sensations. When a musician discovers actual sound, the society is forced to confront what they’ve been missing. This story delves into the dimensions of experience, and what it means to truly listen and feel.

The Glass Forest: A forest made entirely of fragile glass trees stands as a testament to nature’s fragility. Those who enter must tread lightly or risk shattering everything around them. This allegory highlights the delicate balance of nature and human responsibility, questioning how much care and attention we give to the world we inhabit.

The Ever-Shifting Maze: Deep within a desert lies a vast maze, known to change its walls every dawn. Those who enter the maze find their deepest regrets and joys carved into the walls, directing or misdirecting their path. This allegory touches upon the journey of introspection and how our past can either guide or mislead us, depending on how we perceive it.

The Mirror Metropolis: In a sprawling city, every building and street is made of mirror, reflecting not just appearances but also emotions and thoughts. Citizens see their internal worlds projected outwardly, making secrets a thing of the past. This world raises questions about privacy and authenticity, and the balance between personal reflection and societal transparency.

The Tower of Tongues: A towering structure exists where each floor is dedicated to a different language. However, once you ascend to a floor and learn its language, you forget the ones below. This allegory ponders the value of diverse communication and the sacrifices made to understand others while potentially losing parts of oneself.

The River of Reverie: A mysterious river flows, its waters imbued with the power to show one’s might-have-beens and alternate lives. Drinking from it makes those alternative lives seem as real as memories. This allegory serves as a meditation on choices, fate, and the paths not taken in our lives.

The Shadow Society: When night falls, people’s shadows come alive, leading lives of their own. These shadows harbor desires, dreams, and fears that their human counterparts suppress during the day. The narrative would explore the hidden aspects of human nature, and what happens when these concealed parts desire to be seen.

The Garden of Whispering Stones: A tranquil garden exists where stones whisper tales of ancient wisdom and forgotten histories to those who listen closely. However, as modernization encroaches, the whispers grow fainter. This tale serves as a reminder of the value of tradition and the voices of the past in a rapidly changing world.

The Loom of Destiny: Deep in the mountains, an elderly weaver crafts tapestries on a grand loom. These tapestries shape the fate of the world below. When a young apprentice joins her and wishes to weave her own patterns, questions arise about predestination versus free will and who truly has the right to shape destinies.

The Infinite Library: A vast library stretches beyond sight in all directions. Every book tells the story of a different universe, but once a reader opens a book, they are transported into that world, faced with the decision to return or stay forever. This allegory delves into the seductive power of escapism and the costs and benefits of immersing oneself in alternate realities.

The Seasons’ Courtroom: The world is ruled by four monarchs representing each season. Every year, they convene in a grand courtroom to debate and decide the fate of the year ahead. But when Winter refuses to cede its reign, a cosmic struggle ensues. This tale reflects on the cycle of life and change, and what happens when one force tries to dominate.

The Compass of Morality: In a distant realm, every individual possesses a compass that points not to the north, but to the morally right action in any given situation. As a protagonist finds a broken compass, they’re thrust into moral dilemmas, questioning innate versus external ethics and the nature of right and wrong.

The Gallery of Echoes: An art gallery exists where every painting captures not a scene but a specific emotion. When someone stands in front of a painting, they’re consumed by that emotion. This allegory dives deep into the power and vulnerability of feelings, and how external stimuli can influence our inner state.

The Clockwork Isle: On a remote island, everything operates like clockwork, dictated by gears and cogs beneath the surface. One day, a gear goes missing, causing chaos. This story ponders the interdependence of systems and societies, and how a small change can have profound implications.

The Fountain of Voices: A fountain stands in a town square, where every drop of water is a voice from the past. Drinking from it allows one to hear the life stories of those who’ve come before. The allegory serves to highlight the importance of history and the collective wisdom that shapes our present.

The Celestial Lighthouse: In the vastness of space, there’s a lighthouse illuminating paths for drifting souls. However, some souls are drawn to its dangerous beams, leading them astray. This narrative discusses guidance and misdirection, probing what happens when well-intentioned guidance can sometimes lead one astray.

The Orchard of Truths: An orchard bears fruits that, when eaten, bestow a universal truth upon the eater. But not all truths are easy to digest. Venturing into the depths of human understanding, this story explores the weight of knowledge and the duality of enlightening yet painful realizations.

The Market of Memories: A bustling market exists where memories can be bought, sold, or traded. While some seek to buy joyful memories, others sell painful ones to forget. The allegory underscores the value and burden of experiences, questioning the price one is willing to pay for momentary happiness or relief.

The Moonscape Labyrinth: On the moon’s dark side, there’s a maze that reshapes itself based on the dreams and nightmares of those who dare enter. As one ventures deeper, they are confronted with both their greatest aspirations and darkest fears. This tale examines the interplay of ambition and apprehension and how these dual forces shape our journey through life.

The Boundless Bookstore: A bookstore exists where the story in each book unfolds in real-time, trapping readers in its narrative until the story concludes. Some are short tales, others, endless epics. This allegory delves into the consequences of immersion and the lines between reality and fiction, raising questions about our own roles as characters in the story of life.

The Archive of Echoes: Deep underground lies an archive, housing the last words ever spoken by anyone who has passed away. These words hold power, and when uttered, can summon the essence of the departed. The story contemplates legacy and the weight of final words, underscoring the importance of our lasting impressions.

The Valley of Unseen Mirrors: In a secluded valley, mirrors reflect not the present, but potential futures, each one showing a different path. However, these visions are fleeting, and one can easily become lost chasing after them. This allegory delves into choices and the paralysis of potentiality, pondering whether knowing the future can be more of a curse than a blessing.

The Garden of Silenced Songs: A garden thrives where plants grow from notes of songs unsung and words unspoken. When tended to, these plants produce melodies and voices of what might have been. The narrative reflects on the power of suppressed expression, and how stifled creativity and emotions can find alternative ways to flourish.

The Infinite Staircase: A grand staircase stands where each step represents a different age in one’s life. Climbing the staircase allows one to revisit any age, but one can’t skip steps or go backward without consequence. This allegory emphasizes life’s linear progression and the allure of nostalgia, exploring the challenges and temptations of revisiting our past.