
25 Bullying Writing Prompts

Bullying sucks.

We’ve all seen it happen, maybe even experienced it ourselves.

It hurts and can really mess with your head. But we don’t have to just take it. One of the best ways to process everything and fight back is through writing.

It can be super helpful – letting you vent when you’re upset about being bullied, or maybe helping change the way others see the situation.

We’re putting together some writing prompts to get you started.

Whether you’ve been bullied yourself, have seen it happen to someone else, or just want to understand it better, these prompts will give you a space to express yourself.

Your words matter.

Together, we can make a difference – raising awareness, changing attitudes, and creating a world where everyone feels safe and respected.

Let’s get writing!

25 Bullying Writing Prompts

Reflecting on Personal Experience with Bullying: Write about a personal experience where you were either the victim, witness, or the person doing the bullying. Delve into the emotions you felt, the reasons behind the behavior, and the impacts this event had on your life. This will serve as a powerful exercise in empathy and understanding of the consequences of bullying.

Bullying from the Bully’s Perspective: Imagine yourself in the shoes of a bully and write a narrative explaining why you might be acting out in this manner. Try to understand what internal or external factors might be leading to these behaviors. Humanize the character and explore their struggles, while not justifying the act of bullying.

Creating Anti-Bullying Policies: Write a detailed plan about how you would develop and implement an anti-bullying policy in your school or workplace. What specific steps would you take to educate everyone involved, monitor behavior, and handle incidents of bullying? Emphasize the importance of creating a safe and respectful environment.

The Role of Bystanders: Bystanders play a crucial role in bullying situations. Write a story where a bystander steps up and stops a bullying incident from happening. Focus on the bystander’s decision-making process and the aftermath of their intervention.

The Long-Term Effects of Bullying: Write a piece exploring the long-term psychological and emotional effects of bullying on a character. This could be a personal narrative, or a fictional one, where you highlight how this person’s life has been impacted years after the bullying incidents took place. Pay particular attention to the residual impacts of bullying.

Cyberbullying in the Digital Age: With technology becoming an integral part of our lives, cyberbullying has become an increasing issue. Write a thought-provoking essay on the unique challenges cyberbullying presents and ways to counteract it. Discuss potential solutions to this pervasive problem in our digital age.

Bullying and Social Media: Social media platforms can sometimes serve as a stage for bullying. Write a narrative where the protagonist deals with bullying on such a platform, detailing their feelings, actions, and the eventual outcome. Highlight the specific ways social media can amplify bullying and the potential strategies to mitigate this.

Role of Parents and Teachers in Combating Bullying: Write an article addressing the roles that parents and teachers play in identifying, preventing, and dealing with bullying situations. Discuss how they can proactively educate themselves and their children about bullying. Emphasize the shared responsibility in fostering a bully-free environment.

Psychological Transformation of a Bully: Write a narrative illustrating the journey of a bully who realizes the error of their ways and undergoes a transformation. Examine the circumstances leading to their change, the process of seeking forgiveness, and the personal growth they experience. Highlight the potential for change in everyone, even those who have bullied others.

The Invisible Forms of Bullying: Many forms of bullying, such as emotional or psychological bullying, often go unnoticed. Write an informative piece shedding light on these less visible but equally harmful forms of bullying. Stress on the need for recognition and understanding of subtle bullying.

Bullying in Adult Life: Bullying is not confined to schoolyards; it can also take place in adult life, such as workplaces or social circles. Write a story centered around an adult facing bullying, how they cope, and the strategies they use to address it. Explore the complexities of bullying in adult settings and its implications.

A World Without Bullying: Write a speculative essay on what a world without bullying would look like. How would it impact individuals, communities, and societies? Use this as an opportunity to discuss the potential benefits of a bully-free world and how we might strive to achieve this.

Role of Pop Culture in Shaping Bullying Perceptions: Movies, TV shows, and music often depict bullying in various ways. Write an analysis on how pop culture shapes our understanding of bullying. Discuss whether these depictions are accurate or misleading, and their influence on public perceptions of bullying.

Impact of Anti-Bullying Campaigns: Choose a real or fictional anti-bullying campaign. Write an evaluation on its effectiveness, the strategies it uses, its reach, and its impact on the community. Pay attention to how these campaigns can raise awareness and foster a sense of empathy in society.

Bullying and Self-Esteem: Write a psychological profile of a character who has been bullied and is dealing with self-esteem issues as a result. Detail their emotional journey, their healing process, and how they regain their self-confidence. Explore the intersection of bullying and self-esteem and its long-term effects.

An Empowering Bullying Survival Story: Write an inspiring narrative of a character who has successfully overcome a bullying situation. This could involve various strategies like seeking help, standing up for themselves, or creating support systems. Highlight the courage and resilience shown by individuals in such situations.

Restorative Justice in Bullying Cases: Write about a scenario where a school implements restorative justice in a case of bullying. Discuss how it brings together the victim, the bully, and other involved parties to work towards healing and understanding. Focus on the role of restorative justice as a potential tool to resolve and prevent future bullying.

Bullying’s Effect on Academic Performance: Write an investigative piece examining how bullying can affect a student’s academic performance and their overall school experience. Use personal anecdotes or create hypothetical scenarios to explore this. Emphasize the connection between bullying and education.

Role of Technology in Preventing Bullying: Technology can be a powerful tool to help prevent and address bullying. Write an essay that explores different technologies (such as monitoring software, AI, apps) that could be used to combat bullying. Discuss their benefits, potential limitations, and how they could be integrated into existing systems to enhance bullying prevention.

Dealing with Bullying: A Guide for Young People: Create a practical guide for young people on how to deal with bullying. This could include advice on assertive communication, seeking help from trusted adults, and strategies for emotional resilience. Provide actionable strategies and advice for young people experiencing or witnessing bullying.

Intersectionality and Bullying: Write an essay discussing how aspects of identity such as race, gender, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status can intersect with experiences of bullying. Highlight the importance of understanding intersectionality when discussing and addressing bullying.

A Comparative Analysis of Bullying Across Cultures: Explore how bullying manifests in different cultures and societies. Compare and contrast the attitudes, approaches, and prevention strategies across these societies. Dive deep into cultural nuances of bullying and their implications.

Peer Support Systems Against Bullying: Write a narrative about a group of friends who create a strong support system to protect themselves and others from bullying. Discuss how they identify bullying, their strategies for support and intervention, and the impact they have on their community. Highlight the power of peer support in combating bullying.

Legislation Against Bullying: Discuss a real or hypothetical piece of legislation aimed at preventing bullying. Analyze its components, potential effectiveness, and public response. Make sure to focus on the role of law and policy in shaping social behavior and safeguarding vulnerable individuals.

Bullying Among Siblings: Often overlooked, sibling bullying can have significant impacts. Write a story or an analysis exploring the dynamics, causes, and effects of sibling bullying. Discuss ways to prevent and address bullying in the family context.