
30 Letter Writing Prompts

Ever feel like texting and social media just don’t cut it?

You wanna ditch the emojis and go for something a little more heartfelt? Yeah, me too. That’s where the magic of letter writing comes in.

The problem?

Sometimes staring at a blank page can be as intimidating as a troll guarding a bridge.

But fear not, fellow writers!

This blog is here to banish your blank-page blues with a treasure trove of letter-writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing.

Let’s check them out.

Letter Writing Prompts

The Apology to an Old Friend: Think about an old friend with whom you’ve lost touch due to a misunderstanding or disagreement. Reflect on the incident that caused the rift and how both of you might have felt at the time. Consider what you’ve learned since then and how you would approach the situation now. Write a letter to apologize and express your desire to reconnect.

The Gratitude Letter to a Former Teacher: Remember a teacher from your past who had a significant impact on your life. This could be someone who inspired you, challenged you, or supported you during a difficult time. Consider specific instances where this teacher made a difference and how they have influenced your path. Compose a letter to express your gratitude and share how they have positively impacted your life.

The Unsent Letter to a Public Figure: Choose a public figure, past or present, who has had a profound effect on your views, life, or aspirations. This could be a politician, artist, activist, or any other prominent person. Think about what you admire in them, how they have influenced you, and any questions you might have for them. Write a letter you’d never send, detailing your thoughts, feelings, and questions.

The Time Capsule Letter to Your Future Self: Imagine writing a letter to your future self, say 10 or 20 years from now. Reflect on your current life, your hopes, dreams, fears, and the things that are most important to you right now. Consider what advice or reminders you might want to give your future self. Compose a letter to your future self, capturing the essence of your present.

The First-time Parent Advice Letter: Think about what it was like (or imagine what it might be like) to be a first-time parent. Reflect on the joys, challenges, uncertainties, and learning experiences. Consider what advice or wisdom you would want to share with someone about to embark on the journey of parenthood. Write a letter offering advice and encouragement to a new or expecting parent.

The Letter of Forgiveness to Yourself: This is a deeply personal exercise. Reflect on a past mistake or regret, something you have been hard on yourself for. Consider the circumstances, what you learned from the experience, and how you have grown since then. Think about the importance of self-forgiveness and moving forward. Pen a letter of forgiveness to yourself, acknowledging your growth and self-compassion.

The Environmental Plea to a Local Politician: Consider an environmental issue that is particularly important to you, whether it’s climate change, pollution, conservation, or another topic. Think about how this issue is affecting your local community and what actions you believe need to be taken. Research if necessary to understand the current policies and proposals. Draft a letter to a local politician, articulating your concerns and suggesting concrete actions.

The Farewell Letter to a Beloved Pet: This prompt is for anyone who has lost a pet or might be preparing for that inevitable day. Reflect on your memories with your pet, the joy they brought into your life, and what they meant to you. Consider what you would want to say to them if they could understand your words. Compose a heartfelt farewell letter to your beloved pet, expressing your love and gratitude.

The Career Change Encouragement Letter: Imagine you’re writing to a friend who is contemplating a significant career change but is hesitant due to fear of the unknown and potential risks. Reflect on the importance of pursuing one’s passions and the value of personal and professional growth. Consider sharing your own experiences or observations about change and risk-taking. Write a letter to encourage and support your friend in making this life-altering decision.

The New Neighbor Welcome Letter: Think about a time when you were new to a neighborhood and what would have made you feel welcome. Alternatively, imagine what you would want to know or hear if you were moving to a new place. Consider including information about the community, local tips, or offers of assistance. Compose a friendly and informative welcome letter to a new neighbor moving into your community.

The Reconnection Letter to a Distant Relative: Reflect on a relative you haven’t spoken to in a long time due to distance, busy lives, or perhaps a mild falling out. Think about the shared memories, family history, and the importance of maintaining family connections. Consider what has changed in your life since you last communicated and any family news that might be of interest. Write a letter to reconnect and bridge the gap between you and your distant relative.

The Letter of Appreciation to a Community Hero: Identify someone in your community who has made a significant, positive impact — this could be a volunteer, a local business owner, a teacher, or anyone who contributes to the well-being of the area. Reflect on the specific ways in which this person has helped and why their actions are meaningful to you and others. Pen a letter expressing your appreciation and recognizing their contributions to the community.

The Inspirational Letter to a Struggling Student: Think about the challenges students face, such as academic pressure, social issues, or personal struggles. Recall your own experiences or empathize with their situation. Consider what words of encouragement, advice, or motivation you could offer to help them persevere. Compose a letter to a student who is struggling, offering support and inspiration.

The Goodbye Letter to a Colleague: Imagine a coworker who is leaving for a new opportunity, retirement, or another life event. Reflect on your time working together, the contributions they’ve made, and the memories you’ve shared. Think about what you’ve learned from them and how they’ve impacted your professional life. Write a farewell letter expressing your well-wishes and appreciation for your time together.

The ‘Thinking of You’ Letter to a Friend in Difficult Times: Consider a friend who might be going through a challenging period, such as illness, loss, or personal hardship. Think about your relationship with them and what words might provide comfort. Remember, sometimes acknowledging their struggle and offering your presence and support is more important than finding solutions. Craft a heartfelt letter to let your friend know they are in your thoughts and that you are there for them.

The Letter of Inquiry to a Mentor: Think of someone you view as a mentor or would like to have as a mentor, whether it’s in your professional field, a hobby, or any area of personal growth. Reflect on what you admire about them, what you hope to learn, and specific questions or guidance you’re seeking. Consider your current challenges and areas where their insight would be invaluable. Compose a letter to this potential mentor, expressing your admiration and seeking their guidance and advice.

Letter Writing Prompts for Kids

The Thank You Letter to a Favorite Teacher: Encourage the child to think about a teacher they really like and why they appreciate them. It could be because the teacher makes learning fun, is very patient, or has helped them with a difficult subject. Ask them to recall a specific time when this teacher made a big difference in their school life. Write a letter to thank this teacher and tell them what makes them special.

The Letter to a Storybook Character: Ask the child to think of their favorite character from a book they love. It could be a brave hero, a funny animal, or even a mischievous villain. Encourage them to think about why they like this character and what they would like to ask or tell them. Write a letter to this storybook character, sharing thoughts, asking questions, or even giving them advice.

The Letter to a Future Self: This is a fun exercise for children to imagine themselves in the future. Ask them to think about what they want to be when they grow up, what hobbies or interests they might have, and where they might live. They can also think about the advice or reminders they want to give to their future self. Write a letter to their future self, describing their current life, dreams, and advice.

The Letter of Apology to a Friend or Sibling: This prompt helps children understand the importance of saying sorry. Ask them to think of a time they might have upset a friend or sibling, whether it was by taking something without asking, saying something hurtful, or not including them in a game. Encourage them to express why they are sorry and how they plan to make things right. Write a letter to apologize and explain how they will try to be a better friend or sibling.

The Pet Care Promise Letter: If the child has a pet or would like to have one, this prompt can help them understand the responsibility that comes with pet ownership. They can think about the different needs of their pet (or future pet) such as feeding, walking, and love and attention. Write a letter making a promise to take good care of their pet, detailing all the things they will do.

The Dream Vacation Letter: Encourage the child to use their imagination and think about their dream vacation. It could be a real place or somewhere completely made up. Ask them to describe what they would see, do, and eat there. They can also think about who they would want to bring on this vacation. Write a letter describing this dream vacation in detail.

The Letter to a Grandparent or Elderly Relative: This prompt helps children connect with older family members. They can think about things they like to do with this person, stories they have heard from them, or questions they might have about the past. Encourage them to share something about their own life too. Write a letter to an older family member to share experiences, ask questions, and show they care.

The Letter to a Favorite Author or Illustrator: If the child enjoys reading, they can write to an author or illustrator whose work they admire. Encourage them to think about what they like about their books, how the stories or pictures make them feel, and any questions they might have about how they write or draw. Compose a letter to their favorite author or illustrator expressing their admiration and curiosity.

The Superhero Letter: Invite the child to imagine they are a superhero with special powers. They can think about what kind of powers they would have, the kind of hero they would want to be, and what problems or villains they would tackle. Encourage them to also consider why they chose these particular powers and how they would use them to help others. Write a letter as their superhero persona, describing their powers, missions, and the values they stand for.

The Letter to a Future Invention: This prompt is great for sparking creativity and futuristic thinking. Ask the child to imagine an invention that doesn’t exist yet but would be really cool or helpful. They can think about how this invention would work, what problem it would solve, and how it would make life better or more fun. Write a letter describing this future invention and explaining why it would be amazing.

The Letter to a Favorite Athlete or Performer: If the child is interested in sports, music, dance, or any other performance art, they can write to an athlete, musician, dancer, or performer they admire. Encourage them to explain what they admire about this person, how they inspire them, and any questions they might have about their skills or performances. Compose a letter to this favorite athlete or performer expressing their admiration and asking any burning questions.

The ‘Best Day Ever’ Letter: Encourage the child to think about the best day they have ever had. It could be a birthday, a family trip, a special outing, or just a really fun day at home. Ask them to describe what made that day so special, who they were with, and what they did. Write a letter recounting this ‘best day ever’ in vivid detail.

The Letter to an Imaginary Friend: This prompt allows children to tap into their imagination. They can create an imaginary friend with specific characteristics, hobbies, and personality traits. Encourage them to think about the adventures they would go on with this friend, the conversations they might have, and the support they would offer each other. Write a letter to this imaginary friend, sharing experiences and planning future adventures.

The Environmental Hero Letter: This prompt is for children to think about how they can be heroes for the environment. They can consider ways to save energy, recycle, or help nature and animals. Encourage them to think about why taking care of the environment is important and what specific actions they can take or encourage others to take. Compose a letter describing how they can be an environmental hero and the steps they plan to take.

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