
24 Lent Writing Prompts

Lent is rolling in, and with it comes a wave of… well, let’s be honest, sometimes Lent feels a little… intense.

Maybe it’s the talks of sacrifice, or maybe it’s just giving up that afternoon latte (seriously, who can function without caffeine?).

But what if Lent could be more than just giving things up?

What if it was a chance to dig a little deeper, to ask yourself some interesting questions, and maybe even have a conversation with the big guy upstairs (or downstairs, depending on your theology).

That’s where these prompts comes in.

Forget long, guilt-inducing sermons.

These prompts are here to spark your reflection, nudge you towards some self-discovery, and maybe even leave you feeling a little closer to something bigger than yourself.

Let’s check them out.

Lent Writing Prompts

Reflect on a Personal Sacrifice: During Lent, Christians often give up something as a form of penance and mindfulness. Think about something you could give up that would be truly challenging for you, but also potentially beneficial. It could be a habit, a food item, or even a pattern of thought. Reflect on what this sacrifice would mean for you and how it might bring you closer to understanding the concept of self-discipline and sacrifice in your own life.

Contemplating Forgiveness: Lent is a time of forgiveness and reconciliation. Reflect on a situation where you have struggled to forgive someone or where you seek forgiveness. Consider the feelings involved, the challenges you face in offering or accepting forgiveness, and the steps you might take towards reconciliation. Write about how forgiveness can play a role in your personal growth and healing.

Acts of Kindness: Lent is not just about sacrifice, but also about giving back and showing kindness. Think of some acts of kindness you can perform during this period. These acts could range from helping a neighbor to volunteering for a cause you care about. Detail what these acts of kindness might be and how they can enhance your sense of compassion and empathy.

Exploring Faith Traditions: Lent offers an opportunity to learn more about your faith or explore other faith traditions. Research a tradition or practice within Christianity (or another faith) that is new to you. It could be a ritual, a prayer, a form of worship, or a theological concept. Discuss how learning about this new aspect can broaden your understanding and appreciation of faith.

Personal Prayer and Meditation: During Lent, prayer and meditation take on a special significance. Reflect on your personal prayer or meditation practice. Consider how you might deepen or change this practice during Lent, and what specific intentions or areas of focus you want to bring into your prayer life. Write about how a more focused or intensified prayer/meditation practice could impact your spiritual journey.

Gratitude in Times of Trial: Lent is a time of reflection, often on the challenges and trials of life. Reflect on a difficult time in your life and find aspects within that experience for which you can be grateful. This could be personal growth, the support of others, or newfound wisdom. Express how finding gratitude in hardship can transform your perspective on challenges.

Personal Growth and Change: Lent is a period of preparation and transformation leading up to Easter. Think about a personal change you wish to make or a goal you want to achieve. This could be related to your personal, professional, or spiritual life. Detail the steps you will take to work on this change or goal during Lent and how it will help you grow.

Community and Connection: Lent can also be a time to reflect on your role in your community. Consider how you connect with others and what community means to you. This could involve your local neighborhood, your place of worship, a group you belong to, or your family. Write about the importance of community in your life and how you can strengthen these connections during Lent.

Reflecting on Simplicity and Contentment: Lent is a time to strip back to the essentials and find joy in simplicity. Consider aspects of your life that may have become unnecessarily complicated or cluttered. This could be physical clutter, a packed schedule, or even complicated relationships. Think about ways you can simplify these areas of your life and how this simplicity might lead to greater contentment.

Confronting and Overcoming Temptations: Just as Jesus faced temptations in the desert, Lent can be a time to confront your own temptations or habitual sins. Reflect on what tempts you away from living your best life, whether it’s procrastination, unhealthy habits, or negative thinking. Write about strategies you can implement to overcome these temptations and strengthen your willpower and character.

Exploring a Biblical Story or Character: During Lent, the narrative of Jesus’ journey, crucifixion, and resurrection takes center stage. Choose a story or character from the Bible that resonates with you during this season. It could be a lesser-known figure or a well-known story seen in a new light. Reflect on what this story or character teaches you about faith, resilience, or morality.

Journaling for Empathy: Think of someone in your life or in the world who is facing challenges, and put yourself in their shoes. This exercise is about building empathy and understanding. Consider their feelings, struggles, and hopes. Write a journal entry from their perspective, and reflect on how this exercise affects your feelings towards them and others facing similar challenges.

Celebrating Small Victories: Often, we focus on big achievements or changes, but Lent can be a time to recognize and celebrate the small victories in our lives. Think about the minor successes or positive moments you’ve experienced recently. Reflect on why these small victories are important and how they contribute to your overall well-being and spiritual growth.

Dreams and Aspirations: Lent is not just a time of reflection, but also of looking forward. Consider your dreams and aspirations. These could be short-term goals or long-term life dreams. Write about these aspirations and how you can take steps, even small ones, during Lent to bring them closer to fruition.

Confronting Fear and Uncertainty: In the spirit of Lent’s introspection, confront your fears and uncertainties. Think about what currently causes you anxiety or fear in your life. This could be related to your personal life, work, global issues, or spiritual doubts. Journal about these fears and how facing them head-on can lead to personal growth and inner peace.

The Meaning of Sacrifice in Your Life: Reflect on the concept of sacrifice beyond just giving something up. Consider times in your life when you’ve had to make sacrifices for others or for a greater good. This could be in your family life, career, or personal aspirations. Contemplate how these sacrifices have shaped you and what they reveal about your values and priorities.

Discovering New Spiritual Practices: Lent is a time for spiritual exploration. Consider adopting a new spiritual practice during this period, whether it’s a form of prayer, meditation, reading spiritual texts, or engaging in nature walks. Reflect on how incorporating a new spiritual practice could enhance your Lenten journey and deepen your connection with the divine.

Learning from Nature’s Resilience: Nature often mirrors the themes of Lent, especially in climates where spring follows winter. Spend time observing the natural world — the return of leaves, the resilience of perennial plants, the arrival of migratory birds. Write about what these signs of resilience and rebirth in nature teach you about your own capacity for renewal and growth.

Balancing Solitude and Community: Lent is a balance of introspection (solitude) and connection (community). Reflect on how you balance these aspects in your life. Are you more inclined towards one over the other? Consider how you might find a healthier balance between solitude and community during Lent and what this balance looks like for you.

Embracing Humility and Service: Consider the role of humility and service in your life. Lent is a time to serve others and to embrace humility. Think about ways you can serve within your family, community, or workplace, and how these acts of service can foster humility. Reflect on how humility and service contribute to your personal and spiritual growth.

Overcoming a Personal Challenge: Think about a personal challenge you’ve been facing, whether it’s related to work, relationships, health, or personal habits. Lent is a time for overcoming and growing through these challenges. Journal about the steps you can take during Lent to address and possibly overcome this challenge.

The Power of Silence: In a world full of noise and distractions, embracing silence can be powerful. Spend some time in silence and then write about the experience. What did you notice about your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings? Reflect on how incorporating periods of silence into your daily routine during Lent can provide you with deeper insights and peace.

Reflecting on a Lenten Scripture: Choose a scripture passage related to Lent, such as a verse about fasting, repentance, or renewal. Read and meditate on this passage. Write about how this scripture speaks to you personally and how it can guide you during the Lenten season.

Lessons from a Global Perspective: Consider the global community during Lent. Think about an issue facing the world today, such as poverty, injustice, or environmental challenges. How does this issue resonate with the themes of Lent, and what can you learn from it? Reflect on how you can contribute to positive change in this area, both during Lent and beyond.

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