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24 Memorial Day Writing Prompts

Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor the super brave folks who gave their all for our country.

Sure, it’s a serious thing, but it’s also a chance to say “thanks a bunch!” to those heroes who made the biggest sacrifice.

To get you thinking, we put together some writing prompts about Memorial Day.

These aren’t super hard, but they’ll help you explore what this holiday means and how it affects us all.

So, without further ado, let’s use these prompts to remember these amazing people and keep their stories going!

Memorial Day Writing Prompts

Personal Connections: Memorial Day often has a profound impact on those with personal connections to the military. Think about someone you know who has served or is currently serving in the military. Write a personal narrative about them. How has their service affected you and your perspective on Memorial Day? How does their story intertwine with your experience and understanding of this holiday?

Memorial Day Through the Ages: Consider the various ways Memorial Day has been celebrated throughout American history, and how its meaning has evolved over time. Write a historical fiction piece that takes place on Memorial Day in a past era. How might the characters’ experiences and emotions during the holiday contrast or align with contemporary observances?

National Cemetery Visit: Envision a visit to a national cemetery on Memorial Day. This experience is often filled with emotion, as thousands of grave markers stand as a sobering reminder of those who have given their lives. Write a descriptive piece capturing the atmosphere, your imagined emotions, the sights, sounds, and feelings of such a visit. How would this visit deepen your appreciation for the sacrifices of our military service members?

Memorial Day Speech: You have been given the honor of delivering a speech at your town’s Memorial Day ceremony. Write this speech. What themes would you want to address? How would you articulate the importance of remembering and honoring those who have sacrificed for our freedoms? What message would you want to impart to your audience about the true significance of Memorial Day?

Interview with a Veteran: Imagine you have been given an opportunity to interview a veteran about their experiences. Write a list of questions you would ask them, and then compose their answers based on your understanding and research. How do their experiences provide a more personal and meaningful context for Memorial Day?

The Origin Story: Research and write about the origins of Memorial Day in the United States. Detail the history and significance of the holiday, as well as how it has changed over time. How does understanding the roots of this holiday deepen its meaning for you and your community?

A Moment of Silence: Write about a Memorial Day tradition that is commonly practiced across the United States: the National Moment of Remembrance, which is a minute of silence held at 3 p.m. local time. Narrate your thoughts and feelings during this minute. What memories or reflections surface during this moment of quiet contemplation?

The Other Side of War: Often, the stories of those left behind — families and loved ones of fallen soldiers — remain untold. Write a narrative from the perspective of a family member who lost a loved one in service. How do they commemorate their loved ones on Memorial Day, and how has the holiday’s meaning evolved for them over time?

The Memorial Day Parade: Memorial Day parades are a common way to celebrate and honor those who served. Write a story set during a Memorial Day parade. Detail the setting, the people involved, and the emotions evoked. What reflections or deeper understanding do the parade and its participants inspire about the significance of Memorial Day?

War Memorials and Monuments: War memorials and monuments stand as physical reminders of the sacrifices made by service members. Choose a famous war memorial or monument and write a piece describing it. How does this memorial contribute to the commemoration of Memorial Day and how does it personally affect you?

Memorial Day Traditions Around the World: While Memorial Day is an American holiday, many other countries have their own days to honor fallen soldiers. Research and compare a similar holiday in another country. How does this international perspective broaden your understanding of the universal human experiences of loss, memory, and honor in times of war?

The Cost of Freedom: Write a reflective piece on the phrase “Freedom isn’t free,” a saying often associated with Memorial Day. What does this phrase mean to you, and how does it relate to the concept of sacrifice? How does this phrase encapsulate the essence of Memorial Day and how does it influence your perception of freedom?

Unsung Heroes: Not all heroes in times of war are soldiers. Some are nurses, doctors, journalists, or local civilians who also risk their lives. Write a tribute to these unsung heroes. How do their contributions deepen the narrative of bravery and sacrifice associated with Memorial Day?

Memorial Day in the Future: Imagine Memorial Day 100 years from now. What would the ceremonies and celebrations look like? How would the memory of wars from our current era be preserved? How does envisioning the future of Memorial Day underline the importance of remembrance across generations?

A Soldier’s Keepsake: Write a story about a keepsake from a fallen soldier, perhaps a letter, a photo, or a piece of jewelry. Trace the journey of this item from the soldier to their family, and possibly beyond. How does this item symbolize personal loss and memory, and how does it represent the broader themes of Memorial Day?

In Their Shoes: Write a first-person narrative imagining you are a soldier serving overseas. Memorial Day rolls around, and you have the opportunity to communicate with folks back home. What would you want to say about Memorial Day from your perspective, and how does this perspective shift its meaning?

The Role of Art in Remembrance: Art often serves as a powerful medium for expressing the complex emotions tied to war and sacrifice. Imagine you are an artist creating a piece for a Memorial Day exhibition. Describe the artwork you would create, and how it would convey the significance and emotional gravity of Memorial Day.

Shared Stories: Consider a communal gathering on Memorial Day where people share stories about fallen soldiers. Write a story that you think someone might share at this gathering. How does the sharing of individual stories enrich the collective memory and understanding of Memorial Day?

Children and Memorial Day: Children may struggle to understand the meaning of Memorial Day. Imagine you are tasked with explaining the holiday to a child. Write a short story or parable that conveys the themes of Memorial Day in a way a child can understand.

Beyond the Headlines: Media often plays a significant role in shaping our understanding of war. Reflect on a historical or recent conflict that you’ve only experienced through news reports. How has the media coverage affected your perceptions of sacrifice and, consequently, your understanding of Memorial Day?

A Soldier’s Diary: Write a series of diary entries from a soldier who eventually loses their life in service. How do these entries provide a more personal lens to view the cost of war and the individuals we remember on Memorial Day?

The White Table Tradition: In many military and veterans’ events, a “White Table” is set in honor of POW/MIAs, or those missing or captured in action. Research this tradition and write an essay explaining it. How does understanding the “White Table” tradition expand your view of Memorial Day’s significance?

The Sound of Taps: The 24-note bugle call known as “Taps” is often played at military funerals and commemorative events. Imagine you are hearing “Taps” being played at a Memorial Day event. Describe the emotions and reflections the music stirs in you, and how it adds depth to the commemorative atmosphere of Memorial Day.

In Honor of the Unknown Soldier: Many war memorials honor “The Unknown Soldier.” Write an essay about this concept. How does honoring the unknown soldier embody the collective sacrifice and loss we remember on Memorial Day, and how does it affect your personal reflections on the holiday?