
25 Nonfiction Writing Prompts

Nonfiction is awesome because it lets you share real stories and uncover those unexpected, super cool nuggets of truth. It’s not just biographies – think exciting investigative pieces, articles that make you go “huh, never thought of it that way”, and essays that dig deep.

If you ever hit that writer’s block and just don’t know what to write about, no worries!

We have got some awesome nonfiction prompts to get those creative juices flowing. Whether you’re totally new to nonfiction or a serious word pro, these ideas are enough to get you going.

25 Nonfiction Writing Prompts

Climate Change Impact in Your Local Area: Dive deep into the effects of climate change in your immediate environment. This could include noticeable changes in weather patterns, shifts in local flora and fauna, or effects on local industries (like farming, fishing, or tourism). You may need to interview local experts or community members to get first-hand accounts, which will lend credibility and depth to your writing.

Your Family’s Immigrant Story: Every family has a unique story, but those of immigrant families can often be especially poignant. Explore the struggles, successes, and cultural adaptations your family has undergone in the process of immigration. This will require you to do some family history research and potentially conduct interviews with older family members. Your goal should be to paint a vivid picture of your family’s journey and the impact of immigration on your family identity.

Impact of Technology on Children: With the rise of technology, children today are growing up in an entirely different environment than previous generations. Delve into the positives and negatives this rapid advancement brings about, focusing on topics like social interactions, education, or psychological health. Conduct interviews with educators, psychologists, parents, and the children themselves to gather a well-rounded perspective.

The Influence of a Local Legend or Historical Figure: Every area has its legends and heroes. Research a significant person from your locality, and explore how they’ve influenced the area’s culture, values, or development. Highlight their impact and legacy, and show why their life and work continue to be relevant today.

The Role of Art in Your Community: Explore the state of the arts in your local community. This might include visual arts, theater, music, or literature. Examine how the art scene shapes community identity, boosts the local economy, or promotes social change. You might want to interview local artists, community leaders, and attendees of art events to fully understand its impact.

Personal Experience with a Social Issue: Write about a social issue that has directly impacted you or someone close to you, such as poverty, racism, or mental health stigma. Discuss how the issue affects individuals on a personal level, and what societal structures contribute to its perpetuation. Your objective is to bring light to this issue through personal narrative, making it more relatable to your readers.

The Evolution of a Local Industry: Examine an industry that’s integral to your local area, like agriculture, manufacturing, or tourism. Trace its evolution over the years, the challenges it’s faced, and the strategies it has employed to adapt and thrive. You’ll need to do some deep research, perhaps involving interviews with industry veterans. Your goal is to provide a comprehensive history and outlook of this industry.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Your Local Education System: COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on education worldwide. Delve into how schools and universities in your area have adapted, how students and teachers have coped, and what long-term changes might stick around post-pandemic. Analyze the resilience and innovation shown by the education system in these trying times, incorporating multiple perspectives.

The State of Mental Health Services in Your Community: Explore the availability, accessibility, and quality of mental health resources in your local area. This can involve researching the number of mental health professionals available, the types of services they offer, the cost, and the societal attitudes towards mental health. Focus on both the strengths and weaknesses of the local mental health support system.

Living Through a Major Event: Write about your personal experiences during a significant event, such as a natural disaster, political upheaval, or public health crisis. Discuss how this event impacted your daily life, your community, and how it altered your perspective on the world. Your goal should be to provide an intimate, first-person account of this event.

The Importance of Local Cuisine in Cultural Identity: Investigate the role of food in shaping the cultural identity of your local community or region. This could involve exploring the history of specific dishes, how they’ve evolved, and what they symbolize. Speak with local chefs, food historians, and community elders to understand the culinary heritage fully.

Understanding the Local Wildlife: Research and write about the wildlife native to your area. Discuss the roles they play in the local ecosystem, the threats they face, and what steps are being taken to protect them. Detail their importance in maintaining the balance of nature, and stress on the necessity of conservation efforts.

Journey Through Your Career Path: Chronicle your journey through your chosen career field. Discuss the decisions you’ve made, the obstacles you’ve overcome, the successes you’ve achieved, and what you’ve learned along the way. Your aim is to provide insight into your profession and the realities of working within your industry.

Influence of Local Politics on Community Development: Examine how local politics have impacted the growth and development of your community over the years. This could involve looking at infrastructure development, social policies, or community engagement initiatives. Your focus should be on the intersection of politics and communal progress.

The Story of Your City’s Public Spaces: Explore the evolution of public spaces in your city such as parks, squares, or community centers. Delve into their history, their transformation, and their significance to residents. You might need to speak with city planners, local historians, or long-time residents. Highlight their role in shaping the community’s social fabric.

Exploring the Impact of a Local Non-profit: Research and write about a local non-profit organization and its impact on the community. This could involve detailing the services it provides, the population it serves, and its overall role in community improvement. Showcase the organization’s work and its contribution towards making a difference in people’s lives.

Economic Inequality in Your Community: Take a critical look at the issue of economic disparity in your local community. Discuss its origins, its manifestations, and the impact it has on people’s lives, including access to opportunities, quality of education, and overall quality of life. Your task is to shed light on this complex issue and perhaps suggest viable solutions or interventions.

The Changing Face of Retail: With the rapid growth of e-commerce, the retail landscape has changed dramatically. Investigate how this shift has affected local brick-and-mortar stores in your area. Focus on the strategies these businesses are using to adapt and the potential future of retail in your community.

The Impact of Urbanization on Local Culture: Explore how rapid urbanization has influenced your city’s culture and lifestyle. This could involve discussing changes in architecture, loss of green spaces, shifts in local traditions, or changes in community interaction. Highlight both the benefits and drawbacks of this urban expansion.

Life in the Post-Pandemic World: The COVID-19 pandemic has altered life as we knew it. Write about what has changed in your daily life, work, travel, social interactions, and how your community has adapted to this new normal. Focus on both the challenges and unexpected positive outcomes that have arisen from this global event.

The Role of Sports in Your Community: Sports can play a critical role in building community cohesion. Delve into how sports, whether local leagues or school teams, contribute to community spirit, create opportunities for young people, or act as a unifying force. Highlight the social and cultural significance of sports in your community’s fabric.

The Evolution of Public Transport in Your City: Public transport is a vital service in any city. Trace the history of your city’s public transport system, noting key changes, improvements, and ongoing challenges. Emphasize its importance in urban mobility and environmental sustainability.

Journey of a Local Entrepreneur: Document the journey of a successful local entrepreneur. Detail their humble beginnings, challenges faced, milestones achieved, and the impact they’ve had on the local economy. Your focus should be on their journey to success and the lessons aspiring entrepreneurs can learn.

Analyzing the Local Healthcare System: Dive into the state of healthcare services in your community. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the system, the accessibility and affordability of services, and how healthcare policies have shaped outcomes. Your goal is to provide a comprehensive overview of the healthcare landscape in your area.

Impact of a Popular Local Festival: Festivals are often a mirror to a community’s cultural heritage. Analyze the social, cultural, and economic impact of a major festival celebrated in your locality. Explore the festival’s history, traditions, and its significance to community bonding.