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25 Opinion Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade

Hey second graders!

Did you know your opinions are like little bursts of magic?

They show the world how amazing and special your ideas are! Whether you love cuddly kittens, think pizza should be served every day at lunch, or wish homework would disappear… we’ve got super cool writing ideas to get your awesome opinions out there.

Let’s check out these prompts and make your brilliant ideas shine.

Opinion Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade

Your Favorite Season and Why: We have four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season is special and has its own beauty and characteristics. Think about which one is your favorite and why. Write an opinion piece explaining why your chosen season is the best and why other students should also like it.

The Best School Subject: Every day at school, we learn different subjects like math, science, reading, and social studies. Some subjects may be more enjoyable or interesting to you than others. Share your opinion on what you think is the best subject at school and why other students should also find it interesting.

The Most Important Job: There are so many jobs that people do such as doctors, firefighters, teachers, or chefs. Each job helps the community in a different way. Write an essay expressing your opinion about which job you think is the most important and why.

Choosing a Classroom Pet: Imagine your teacher has decided to get a pet for your classroom. She has asked for suggestions from all students. Think about what pet would be best for your classroom. State your opinion about the best classroom pet and provide reasons to convince your classmates and teacher.

The Most Fun Field Trip: Your school arranges field trips to different places like the zoo, museum, or a local farm. Think about the field trip that you enjoyed the most. Write your opinion about which field trip was the most fun and why you believe other classes should also visit this place.

Healthy Lunches at School: It’s important to eat healthy food to stay active and focus on your studies. Think about your favorite healthy lunch that is served at school. Express your opinion about why this lunch option is the best and how it helps you perform better at school.

The Most Valuable Lesson Learned: In school, we learn lots of lessons, both academic and life lessons. Think about a lesson that you think is the most valuable. Share your opinion on why this lesson is important and how it could help other students in their lives.

The Best Book in the Library: You probably have read many books in your school’s library. Think about the book that you like the most. Write an opinion piece explaining why this book is the best and why you think other students should read it too.

A Favorite Playground Game: There are many games you can play at the playground, like tag, hide-and-seek, or hopscotch. Think about which game is your favorite and why. Write an essay giving your opinion on why your chosen game is the most fun and why other students should play it.

Your Preferred Art Activity: Art class offers a variety of activities such as painting, drawing, sculpting, or collage-making. Pick the art activity that you like the most. Express your opinion on why this art activity is the best and why other students should also enjoy it.

The Most Useful Invention: Think about all the inventions you use daily, like electricity, cars, telephones, or computers. Select the one you think is the most useful. Share your opinion on why you believe this invention is the most important to our daily lives.

The Best School Event: Every year, your school may host different events such as a talent show, field day, science fair, or a book fair. Choose the event that you enjoyed the most. State your opinion on why this school event is the best and provide reasons why it should continue to be held every year.

The Perfect Weekend Activity: Imagine you could choose any activity for the weekend, like going to the park, visiting a museum, watching a movie, or baking cookies. Decide what your perfect weekend activity would be. Write an essay about why this activity makes your weekend perfect and why other students might also enjoy it.

The Most Beautiful Natural Landform: The world is full of beautiful natural features like mountains, oceans, deserts, and forests. Choose the landform you think is the most beautiful. Express your opinion about why this natural feature is the most beautiful and why others should appreciate it as well.

Favorite Holiday and Traditions: There are many holidays throughout the year, each with its own traditions like decorating a Christmas tree, hunting for Easter eggs, or lighting a menorah for Hanukkah. Choose the holiday you enjoy the most. Share your opinion on why this holiday and its traditions are the best, and how they bring joy to you and your family.

The Best Type of Exercise: Staying active is important for our health. You might like different types of exercises like running, swimming, dancing, or playing a sport. Write an opinion piece about which type of exercise is the best and why other students should also participate in it.

The Best Dessert: Think about all the desserts you have tried, like cookies, ice cream, cakes, or fruit salads. Choose your favorite one. Write an essay expressing your opinion on why your chosen dessert is the best and why other students should try it.

Ideal Classroom Decoration: Imagine your teacher has given you the chance to decide how to decorate the classroom. It could be a specific theme or color scheme. Express your opinion on what you think the ideal classroom decoration would be and why your classmates would also enjoy it.

The Best Superpower to Have: If you could have any superpower, like super strength, invisibility, flight, or mind-reading, which one would you choose? Share your opinion about why this superpower would be the best to have and how it could be used to help others.

The Most Helpful Household Chore: There are many chores we do at home like cleaning, cooking, laundry, or taking care of pets. Choose the chore you think is the most helpful. Write an essay giving your opinion on why this chore is the most beneficial and how it helps your family.

Your Favorite Cartoon Character: You’ve probably watched various cartoons and have a favorite character. Maybe it’s because they’re funny, brave, or smart. Express your opinion on why your chosen cartoon character is the best and why other students should also like this character.

The Importance of Recycling: Recycling helps us keep our planet clean and healthy. Think about why you believe recycling is important. Write an opinion piece about why you think every student should participate in recycling and how it can make a difference.

The Best Kind of Pet: Many children have pets or would like to have one. It could be a dog, cat, rabbit, or even a turtle. Share your opinion on what you think the best kind of pet is and why other kids might also enjoy having this pet.

Your Favorite Form of Transportation: There are many ways to get around, like walking, biking, driving a car, or riding a bus. Pick your favorite form of transportation. Express your opinion about why your chosen form of transportation is the best and how it benefits you and the environment.

The Most Important Room in a House: Think about all the rooms in a house, like the kitchen, living room, bedroom, or bathroom. Choose the one you believe is the most important. Write an essay explaining why this room is crucial in a house and why it’s valuable to you and your family.

In case you want some more amazing prompts, we have this exclusive list for you.