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25 Opinion Writing Prompts for 3rd Grade

Opinion writing is a great way to get young students thinking deeply and practicing how to share their ideas.

Thinking of fun opinion writing topics for 3rd graders can be a little tricky though.

That’s why we’ve put together a super list of some awesome opinion writing prompts just for 3rd graders.

Ready to take a peek?

Let’s check out the first one!

Opinion Writing Prompts for 3rd Grade

Physical activity is beneficial for everyone, especially children, as it can help keep them healthy and focused in school. However, many schools only offer physical education once or twice a week. Your task is to write an opinion piece on whether or not schools should include more physical education classes in their weekly schedules. Consider the potential benefits and drawbacks in your essay.

Video games are a popular pastime for many children. Some people believe they can be educational and improve skills like hand-eye coordination, while others think they can lead to unhealthy habits. Write an opinion piece about whether video games are more harmful or beneficial for children, using examples to support your argument.

Zoos can offer educational opportunities and protect endangered species, but some people argue that it’s cruel to keep animals in captivity. Write an essay explaining your opinion on whether or not animals should be kept in zoos. Make sure to include reasons for your stance and examples to support your points.

Many parents assign their children chores to teach them responsibility, while others believe children should focus on school and play. In your opinion, should children have chores at home? Write an essay supporting your viewpoint with specific examples and reasoning.

Some people think that school starting early is good because it prepares students for the future, while others believe a later start would allow students to get more sleep and perform better in class. Write an opinion piece on whether you think school should start later in the morning, and why.

Being a child has its perks like playing and having fewer responsibilities, while being an adult comes with freedom and the ability to make your own decisions. Which do you think is better and why? Write an essay expressing your opinion, making sure to provide reasons and examples.

Some believe that allowing students to grade their teachers can provide valuable feedback and improve the education system. However, others argue that it may lead to biased or unfair evaluations. Write an essay expressing your opinion on whether students should be allowed to grade their teachers, offering your reasons and examples.

School uniforms can foster a sense of unity and reduce distractions, but they can also suppress individuality. In your opinion, are school uniforms a good idea? Write an essay explaining your stance, using examples and reasonings to back up your viewpoint.

Cell phones can be helpful for learning and communication, but they can also cause distractions and other issues in a classroom setting. What’s your opinion? Write an essay on whether children should be allowed to use cell phones at school, supporting your argument with examples and reasoning.

Some believe that homework reinforces what students learn during the day, while others argue that students should have time to relax and pursue other interests after school. Write an opinion piece discussing whether you believe homework is beneficial or unnecessary. Be sure to include examples and reasons for your viewpoint.

Some people believe that students should go to school year-round with frequent short breaks, while others prefer the traditional schedule with a long summer break. What do you think? Write an essay expressing your opinion on whether school should be year-round, providing reasons and examples to support your argument.

Owning a pet can teach kids responsibility and provide companionship, but it can also be time-consuming and expensive. Do you think children should have pets at home? Write an essay expressing your viewpoint, using examples and reasons to back up your opinion.

Some people believe that vacations bring families closer together and offer a much-needed break from routine, while others might argue that they are too costly or stressful. What’s your opinion? Write an essay on whether you think vacations are necessary for a family, providing reasons and examples to support your viewpoint.

Providing children with a weekly allowance can teach them about money management, but some argue it could lead to a sense of entitlement. Do you think children should be given weekly allowances? Write an essay explaining your stance, making sure to use examples and reasoning to support your viewpoint.

Junk food can contribute to health problems, but it’s often what students prefer to eat. What do you think? Write an opinion piece on whether junk food should be banned in schools, supporting your argument with examples and reasoning.

Outdoor games can keep children physically active and healthy, but electronic devices offer many learning opportunities as well. In your opinion, should kids play more outdoor games instead of spending time on electronic devices? Write an essay explaining your viewpoint, backed by reasons and examples.

Some people believe that giving students a choice in their learning can make them more engaged and motivated, while others think that there are certain non-negotiable subjects that all students should study. Write an essay explaining your opinion on whether students should have a say in what they learn, supporting your argument with reasons and examples.

Fairy tales can spark children’s imaginations and teach them important lessons, but some people argue that they can also promote unrealistic expectations and stereotypes. Do you think fairy tales are good or bad for children? Write an essay expressing your viewpoint, using examples and reasons to support your opinion.

A class pet can teach students about responsibility and empathy, but it can also cause distractions and allergies. Write an opinion piece discussing whether you believe all classrooms should have a class pet. Be sure to include examples and reasons for your viewpoint.

Reading a book can improve your language skills and let your imagination run wild, while watching a movie can offer a more visually engaging experience. In your opinion, is it better to read a book or watch a movie? Write an essay expressing your stance, providing reasons and examples to back up your argument.

Learning to cook can be a fun way for children to become more independent and learn about nutrition, but some may argue it’s dangerous or time-consuming. Write an essay explaining whether or not you think children should learn to cook, and provide reasons and examples to support your viewpoint.

While healthy food can improve students’ focus and overall health, some argue that children should be allowed to choose what they eat. What’s your opinion? Write an essay on whether you think school cafeterias should only serve healthy food, providing reasons and examples to support your stance.

Some people believe that learning a second language early can benefit children in many ways, while others think it might be too challenging or unnecessary. Write an opinion piece on whether you think students should learn a second language from an early age, using examples and reasoning to back up your argument.

Celebrities often have a lot of influence over their fans, and some people think they can inspire children to achieve their dreams. However, others argue that celebrities often engage in behavior that’s not appropriate for children to emulate. In your opinion, do celebrities make good role models? Write an essay supporting your viewpoint with reasons and examples.

Playing a sport can teach children about teamwork, discipline, and physical fitness, but not all children enjoy competitive sports. Do you believe children should be required to play a sport? Write an essay expressing your opinion, making sure to provide specific examples and reasoning.

In case you want some more amazing prompts, we have this exclusive list for you.