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60 Poetry Writing Prompts for Adults

Want to write some good poetry but finding it tough to begin?

Newbie or poetry pro, we’ve got a bunch of prompts to get your creative juices flowing again.

From pondering life’s big stuff to celebrating nature’s awesomeness, these prompts will have you stringing words together like a boss.

Get ready to play with language, explore your feelings, and maybe even surprise yourself with what you come up with.

It’s gonna be a wild ride!

60 Poetry Writing Prompts for Adults 

  • In the realm of shadows, create a sonnet that unveils the secret desires of the moon and the forbidden dances it witnesses at night.

  • Craft a villanelle that captures the relentless pursuit of a traveler through a labyrinthine city, where each street holds a tale untold.

  • Write an ode to the enchanted forest, where ancient trees whisper forgotten legends and mystical creatures frolic under the moon’s gentle gaze.

  • Pen a haiku that reflects the ephemeral beauty of cherry blossoms, their delicate petals dancing in the wind before vanishing into the abyss of time.

  • In a sestina, tell the tale of a painter who breathes life into his canvases, unaware that his creations hold the power to change reality.

  • Explore the duality of human nature through a pantoum that juxtaposes the masks we wear in the daylight and the shadows that haunt our dreams.

  • Compose a ghazal that weaves a longing and unrequited love, evoking the yearning of a heart lost in a desert of memories.

  • Write a free verse poem that unravels the essence of solitude, painting a vivid portrait of a solitary figure immersed in the symphony of silence.

  • In a terza rima, capture the tempestuous emotions of a stormy sea, reflecting the turmoil within a restless soul searching for calm.

  • Create a ballad that chronicles the adventures of a mischievous pirate, whose heart is torn between the allure of freedom and the embrace of love.

  • Pen a riddle poem that challenges readers to uncover the enigmatic secrets hidden within an ancient, forgotten tome.

  • Craft a limerick that whimsically recounts the misadventures of a mischievous cat, forever conspiring to outsmart its human companions.

  • Write a tanka that explores the bittersweet beauty of fleeting moments, capturing the essence of love‘s fragile nature.

  • In a dramatic monologue, give voice to a fallen angel, confessing their regrets and yearning for redemption in the depths of despair.

  • Create a triolet that spins a tale of unrequited passion between two star-crossed lovers, forever bound by the fickle whims of fate.

  • Craft a narrative poem that tells the story of a phoenix rising from the ashes, embodying resilience and rebirth in the face of adversity.

  • Pen a metaphorical poem that personifies the passage of time as a cunning thief, stealing precious moments from the pockets of our lives.

  • Write a concrete poem in the shape of a labyrinth, inviting readers to navigate its twists and turns while exploring the labyrinth of the mind.

  • In a villanelle, explore the complexities of memory, delving into how the mind constructs and reconstructs our personal narratives.

  • Create a haibun that transports readers to a serene garden, where the fragrance of blooming flowers intertwines with whispers of ancient wisdom.

  • Craft a sonnet that delves into the delicate balance between order and chaos, reflecting the eternal dance of the universe.

  • Pen an elegy that mourns the loss of a forgotten language, paying homage to the words that have slipped through the cracks of time.

  • Write a prose poem that captures the essence of a bustling city, evoking the symphony of honking horns, footsteps, and distant sirens.

  • In a pantoum, explore the transformative power of forgiveness, tracing the journey from resentment to healing in the tapestry of human connections.

  • Create a ghazal that unravels the mysteries of a distant star, whose light reaches us across the vastness of space, carrying whispers of ancient civilizations.

  • Craft a free verse poem that celebrates the beauty of imperfection, embracing the cracks and flaws that make us uniquely human.

  • Pen a terza rima that explores the fragility of innocence, juxtaposing the fleeting moments of childhood with the weight of growing up.

  • Write a ballad that tells the tale of a wanderer searching for meaning, following the trail of breadcrumbs left by the universe in the constellations above.

  • In a limerick, humorously depict a quirky character who possesses the uncanny ability to predict the outcome of every coin toss.

  • Create a tanka that captures the ethereal beauty of a moonlit lake, where ripples dance on the surface like whispers of forgotten dreams.

  • Craft a narrative poem that chronicles the plight of a lone wolf, wandering through a world that fears and misunderstands its wild spirit.

  • Pen a riddle poem that invites readers to decipher the cryptic messages hidden within a starry night sky.

  • Write a triolet that explores the dance of autumn leaves, as they twirl and pirouette in the wind before finding their final resting place.

  • In a dramatic monologue, give voice to a forgotten statue, reflecting on the passage of time and the transient nature of human existence.

  • Create a concrete poem in the shape of a broken heart, capturing the raw emotions of loss and heartbreak.

  • Craft a villanelle that embraces the contradictions of love, intertwining the sweetness of passion with the bitter sting of longing.

  • Pen a haiku that distills the essence of a thunderstorm, capturing the electrifying energy and the cleansing release of raindrops.

  • Write a sestina that explores the concept of identity, tracing the fragmented pieces that make up a person’s sense of self.

  • In a ghazal, evoke the intoxicating allure of a forbidden love, where desire and danger intertwine in a dance of seduction.

  • Create a free verse poem that gives voice to a forgotten place, whispering its stories through the rustling of forgotten leaves.

  • Craft a pantoum that unravels the intricate connections between past, present, and future, weaving a tapestry of time’s eternal embrace.

  • Pen an ode to the power of words, exploring how they shape our perceptions, ignite revolutions, and carry the weight of human history.

  • Write a ballad that tells the tale of a brave knight on a quest to slay a metaphorical dragon, representing the inner demons we must conquer.

  • In a terza rima, explore the delicate balance between solitude and companionship, reflecting on the joys and sorrows of human relationships.

  • Create a haibun that reflects on the fleeting beauty of a rainbow, capturing the ethereal colors that paint the sky before dissolving into nothingness.

  • Craft a sonnet that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit, finding strength in the face of adversity and embracing the scars of experience.

  • Pen a limerick that humorously portrays the misadventures of a time-traveling scientist who inadvertently alters history with every experiment.

  • Write a tanka that captures the serenity of a moonlit garden, where silence blossoms and nocturnal creatures whisper ancient secrets.

  • In a narrative poem, embark on a mythic journey through the depths of the underworld, guided by the flickering light of lost souls.

  • Create a triolet that reflects on the passage of seasons, tracing the cycles of life and reminding us of the impermanence of all things.

  • Craft a concrete poem in the shape of a labyrinth, inviting readers to explore the twists and turns of their own minds.

  • Pen a haiku that captures the essence of a dew-kissed morning, where sunlight dances on delicate spiderwebs.

  • Write a sestina that delves into the complexities of human desire, tracing the tangled threads that lead us astray.

  • In a free verse poem, celebrate the magic of everyday moments, finding beauty in the mundane and extraordinary in the ordinary.

  • Create a villanelle that explores the fragility of hope, weaving a tale of resilience in the face of despair.

  • Craft a ghazal that sings of the intoxicating aroma of freshly brewed coffee, igniting the senses and awakening the soul.

  • Pen a narrative poem that takes readers on a whimsical journey through a dreamscape, where imagination reigns supreme.

  • Write a sonnet that captures the essence of unrequited love, revealing the ache of a heart that beats in silence.

  • In a pantoum, explore the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature, tracing the interconnectedness of all living things.

  • Create a ballad that tells the tale of a troubadour wandering through ancient lands, carrying stories in his melodies.