
32 September Writing Prompts

Summer’s starting to wind down, and the air’s getting that cool, crisp feeling that means fall is in the air. September always feels like a fresh start, which makes it the perfect time to get those creative juices flowing!

Whether you’re a pro at writing or just like to jot your thoughts down, here are some awesome September writing prompts to spark your imagination.

Let’s get ready to write!

September Writing Prompts

  1. Recount your most significant ‘Back to School’ memory. September is the month when children typically go back to school after summer vacation. Dive into your personal experiences, and describe your most vivid or transformative ‘Back to School’ moment. Was it a new school, a new city, or perhaps a special teacher that left a lasting impression? Use this opportunity to explore your feelings during that time and the impact it had on your present self.

  2. Craft a story around a Harvest Festival. Many cultures celebrate harvest festivals in September. Pick a culture, study their traditions and customs around harvest, and write a fictional narrative highlighting the festival’s significance. It could be a tale of joy, hardships, or a traditional lore that carries centuries of wisdom. Use your creativity to illustrate a vivid picture of the festival.

  3. Explore the phenomenon of September Syndrome. September Syndrome is a term often used to describe the stress and anxiety that can accompany the end of summer and the return to school or work routines. Detail a personal experience or invent a character who goes through this shift. Make it meaningful by discussing coping mechanisms and the process of adapting to new realities.

  4. Delve into the perspective of a deciduous tree welcoming Autumn. As September marks the beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere, imagine how a deciduous tree would feel as its leaves start changing color. Get into the tree’s ‘mind’, if you will, and describe the changing scenery, the weather, and the emotional journey the tree goes through during this transition.

  5. A letter to your future self in the next September. Consider where you are now in your life and where you would like to be in a year’s time. Write a letter to your future self for the next September, outlining your hopes, fears, and dreams. The goal here is to reflect on your personal growth, aspirations, and challenges, providing a potential roadmap for the year to come.

  6. Describe a significant historical event that happened in September. History is filled with important events that occurred in September. Choose an event that resonates with you and write an imaginative account of that event from the perspective of someone who was there. Remember to provide historical context, but don’t forget to inject personal feelings and thoughts to humanize the event.

  7. Write about a character experiencing the ‘September Effect’ in financial markets. The ‘September Effect’ is a perceived trend in financial markets where September is considered the worst month for stock market performance. Create a character who is a stock market investor, and illustrate their journey through a turbulent September. This is a chance to delve into the emotions, decisions, and the roller-coaster ride that such a character would experience.

  8. Create a story around a special September full moon. Every year, the full moon closest to the autumn equinox is known as the Harvest Moon, which often falls in September. Create a tale around this special moon, perhaps exploring its mystical effects on a small town, a couple’s love story, or how it might inspire a local festival. Use this as an opportunity to play with themes of change, cycles, or the magic in everyday life.

  9. Describe a ‘Summer’s End’ tradition from a non-human perspective. Some animals, like migratory birds or bears preparing for hibernation, have their unique rituals in September as summer ends. Choose a species and write a descriptive piece detailing their preparation for the coming seasons from their perspective. Remember to include sensory details and emotional elements that make the experience vivid and alive.

  10. Compose a dialogue between September and March. These two months represent transitional periods in different seasons. Imagine them as characters having a conversation about their experiences, challenges, and unique qualities. The objective is to anthropomorphize these months and explore how each contributes to the cyclic nature of life.

  11. Design a September-themed celebration. This could be a completely fictional festival or holiday that takes place in September. What would it celebrate? Why is it held in September? What are the traditions, foods, or activities that are part of this celebration? Your job is to craft an engaging narrative that not only describes the festival but also highlights its cultural or symbolic significance.

  12. Write a narrative revolving around the World Peace Day (21st September). Construct a narrative around this day which can involve a personal experience, a historical event, or even a fictional scenario emphasizing the importance of peace. Through your narrative, illustrate how peace can be promoted and how it impacts the lives of individuals and communities.

  13. Discuss the impact of September 11, 2001, on a character’s life. This date is a turning point in recent history. Narrate a story about a character deeply affected by this event. It could be a direct impact, like losing a loved one, or an indirect one, such as dealing with the socio-political changes that followed. The aim here is to explore personal narratives within larger historical events.

  14. Narrate a ‘Day in the Life’ of a winemaker during the harvest season. September is a crucial month for winemakers in the Northern Hemisphere. Write an account of a typical day in the life of a winemaker during the harvest season. Explore the highs and lows, the process, and the emotional investment in creating a new batch of wine.

  15. Write a piece on the impact of the September Equinox on different cultures. September Equinox is when day and night are approximately of equal length. Different cultures interpret this natural phenomenon in various ways. Write an informative yet engaging piece on how different cultures perceive and celebrate this day.

  16. Construct a tale about finding a ‘September Stone’. The September birthstone, Sapphire, is often associated with wisdom and royalty. Imagine a character finding a ‘September Stone’ that has special abilities or symbolic meaning. Weave a narrative around their journey – how does it affect their life, what challenges arise, how do they cope? Use this as a chance to create a symbolic narrative around personal growth.

  17. Write about an elderly person reminiscing about their childhood September. Describe a narrative where an elderly person looks back at their childhood days in September. They could be remembering their first day of school, the harvest season, or even a family tradition. Use this narrative to explore themes of nostalgia, time passage, and the changes that have taken place over the decades.

  18. Document the September journey of a college freshman. September often marks the start of the college year. Imagine a character embarking on their college journey, exploring the new environment, dealing with homesickness, making new friends, and grappling with academic challenges. The purpose of this prompt is to explore the emotions, experiences, and personal growth of the character during this transitional period.

  19. Compose a poem dedicated to September. Poetry allows us to express our emotions and observations in a creative and condensed manner. Capture the essence of September in a poem, including its colors, smells, feelings, and what it symbolizes for you. Make it a personal exploration of your relationship with this transitional month.

  20. Describe the process of a writer combating writer’s block in September. Writer’s block is a common affliction for many writers. Create a story around a writer struggling with this issue in September. How do they find inspiration in the changing season, back-to-school atmosphere, or the fading warmth of summer? The objective is to explore creativity, mental blocks, and the process of overcoming challenges.

  21. Create a mystery that starts with an unusual event on the first day of September. Mysteries always make for intriguing narratives. Begin with an unexpected event that takes place on the first day of September – maybe a stranger arrives in town, or a cherished town symbol disappears. Let the mystery unfold throughout the month. This prompt allows you to work on your suspense-building and problem-solving narrative skills.

  22. Write about a chef preparing for a September food festival. Food festivals are a popular event, and September provides a rich harvest for many regions. Construct a narrative around a chef who is preparing for such a festival. Discuss their process, the challenges they face, and how they incorporate seasonal produce into their menu.

  23. Develop a story about a character who ages a year each September. In this fictional narrative, every September, your character ages an entire year in just that month. Explore how they cope with this unusual phenomenon, the challenges and advantages it presents, and how it affects their relationships and life decisions.

  24. Document a significant climate change event in September. Climate change is a pressing issue in the modern world. Create a narrative around a significant climate event happening in September – perhaps a drastic weather shift, a natural disaster, or the discovery of a climate change breakthrough. Make it engaging by focusing on personal narratives and the human side of these global challenges.

  25. Construct a narrative around an artist creating a September-themed art exhibit. Consider an artist who draws inspiration from September’s transitional nature and is working on an art exhibit reflecting this theme. Describe the creative process, the challenges, the stories behind each artwork, and the public’s response. Use this narrative to explore the themes of creativity, interpretation, and public perception.

  26. Describe a grandparent’s experience attending their grandchild’s school on Grandparents’ Day. In the U.S., Grandparents’ Day often falls in September. Create a heartwarming narrative about a grandparent attending their grandchild’s school event. Explore the bond between the two generations, the grandparent’s feelings, and their observations about modern education.

  27. Compose a September journal entry of a gardener. September is a transition month for gardeners as they prepare for the coming fall and winter. Write a journal entry from a gardener’s perspective. What are the tasks they need to accomplish? How does their garden change during this month? This prompt will allow you to explore the daily life and the emotional connection between a gardener and their garden.

  28. Write a fictional narrative of a life-changing September event. Create a character and write a story around a significant event that happened to them in September, forever changing their life. It could be a chance encounter, an accident, a new job, or anything that had a profound impact on them. The objective is to focus on personal transformation and the ability to adapt to new situations.

  29. Craft a persuasive essay on why September is the best month of the year. This prompt requires you to make an argument in favor of September as the best month. Use observations, personal experiences, historical events, cultural aspects, or any compelling argument to make your case. Remember to make your points clear, structured, and engaging.

  30. Create a story around a couple who meet at a September music festival. Music festivals are often exciting places filled with energy, music, and connection. Craft a romantic narrative about a couple who first meet at such a festival. Discuss their journey – how do they meet, what draws them together, and how does their relationship evolve in the music-filled atmosphere?

  31. Imagine a scenario where September doesn’t exist. What if we only had eleven months in a year and September didn’t exist? How would it affect people’s lives, seasons, academic calendars, and celebrations? This prompt will allow you to engage your creativity and challenge you to think about how our lives are shaped by our calendar.

  32. Narrate a science fiction story that begins in September. This could be the discovery of a new planet, an alien encounter, a technological breakthrough, or any other sci-fi scenario. The catch is that it must start in September. This constraint challenges you to incorporate elements of this month into a genre that is usually forward-thinking and technology-based.