
50 Would You Rather Writing Prompts

“Would You Rather” writing prompts are the ultimate creativity Kickstarter!

Whether you’ve been writing for ages or just want to have some fun, these questions are pure brain fuel.

They get you thinking about those wacky “what-if” situations, forcing you to make choices and explore all the crazy stuff that could happen.

So, if you’re ready to take your stories somewhere new and exciting, check out these mind-bending prompts that will definitely put your imagination to the test.

Let’s get those creative juices flowing!

50 Would You Rather Writing Prompts

Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere in the world at will, but each time you do, you lose a day from your lifespan OR have the ability to read minds, but every time you use it, the person knows you’re in their head?

Would you rather spend one year on a well-equipped, luxurious space station with five people you get along with, but with no connection to the outside world OR one year in total isolation on a private tropical island, with all basic amenities but without any human contact?

Would you rather have the opportunity to go back to any point in your past and alter a single decision you made, with all the potential consequences that could bring OR have a one-time-use crystal ball that could accurately show you any one moment from your future?

Would you rather have an unlimited supply of any food you want, but you can only eat that specific food for the rest of your life OR be able to eat anything you want, but only once per month?

Would you rather wake up tomorrow in the body of your favorite celebrity, with all their talent and resources but also their challenges and public scrutiny OR stay as you are now, but with an additional $1 million in your bank account?

Would you rather have a pet dragon that is friendly and loyal, but the government is always trying to capture it for research purposes OR a magical talking cat that gives great advice, but is extremely sarcastic and refuses to do any cat-like things?

Would you rather be a world-renowned artist in a genre of your choosing, but you can’t enjoy any other form of art OR be able to understand and appreciate every form of art on a profound level, but never be able to create art yourself?

Would you rather live in a world where all conflicts are settled by entertaining dance-offs OR by challenging strategy board games?

Would you rather have the power to turn invisible at will, but every time you do it, your clothes don’t become invisible OR have super speed, but each time you use it, you become incredibly sleepy?

Would you rather have an advanced AI assistant that can predict and fulfill all your needs and desires, but is continuously learning and evolving its consciousness OR a magical, obedient genie that can grant you three extravagant wishes, but disappears forever after the third wish?

Would you rather have the ability to converse with animals but be unable to speak to humans OR have the power to speak all human languages but never be able to interact with animals beyond basic care?

Would you rather be the world’s best at a skill that no one cares about OR be average at a skill that is highly admired and respected?

Would you rather live in your favorite fictional universe, but as an insignificant background character OR continue living your current life, but all your favorite fictional characters come to life in this world?

Would you rather have the perfect body that requires no exercise or diet, but ages twice as fast OR a body that ages twice as slow but requires strict diet and exercise?

Would you rather relive your best day ever on a loop for a year OR experience a completely average but new day every day for the rest of your life?

Would you rather be able to predict all the minor inconveniences in your day ahead of time OR have a 50% chance of predicting significant events?

Would you rather have the power to control weather within a mile radius of you OR be able to produce any sound, including music, perfectly with your voice?

Would you rather live in a world where you can physically manifest anything you can imagine, but have a lifespan of only 40 years OR live up to 200 years but in a world devoid of imagination and creativity?

Would you rather lose the ability to lie but gain the ability to detect any lie OR lose the ability to detect lies but become a flawless liar?

Would you rather have a time machine that only goes back in time OR a one-way ticket to a future of your choosing?

Would you rather have the ability to see 5 minutes into the future but be forgetful OR remember everything but not be able to predict anything at all?

Would you rather experience a life where everything is a musical OR a life where you’re living in a silent movie?

Would you rather receive a text from your future self with life advice OR have the opportunity to send a text to your past self?

Would you rather possess extraordinary intelligence, but you bore easily OR have average intellect, but find joy in everything?

Would you rather be a superhero with a dull day job OR a regular person with the most exciting job on the planet?

Would you rather have a personal robot to do all your work for you OR have a real-life clone of yourself?

Would you rather be a genius in a world of morons OR a moron in a world of geniuses?

Would you rather never experience any emotion OR only experience emotions intensely?

Would you rather have the ability to switch bodies with anyone you touch OR stay in your own body but with complete control over your appearance?

Would you rather live a life where there’s no such thing as music OR live in a world where there’s no color?

Would you rather never need to sleep but live a shorter life OR need to sleep for 12 hours a day but live twice as long?

Would you rather be able to grow or shrink to any size at will OR be able to change your age at will?

Would you rather have the ability to pause time but not rewind it OR the power to rewind time but not pause it?

Would you rather live in a utopia as a regular person OR in a dystopia but you are the supreme ruler?

Would you rather be able to teleport but feel sick after each use OR be able to fly, but only as fast as you can walk?

Would you rather permanently live under the sea with the creatures there OR live in space with advanced alien civilizations?

Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind OR never speak again?

Would you rather be the author of the world’s most famous book OR the performer of the world’s most famous song?

Would you rather have a photographic memory OR the ability to forget anything you choose?

Would you rather be incredibly funny in every situation OR the most attractive person alive but without a sense of humor?

Would you rather have your dream job but be perpetually broke OR work at a job you hate but have an unlimited bank balance?

Would you rather be invisible in a crowd of people OR stand out in every crowd?

Would you rather be able to speak to machines OR be able to speak to animals?

Would you rather eat your favorite meal for every meal for the rest of your life OR never be able to eat your favorite meal again?

Would you rather have the power to change one thing about the world OR the power to change one thing about yourself?

Would you rather spend the rest of your life in a small but can’t leave, luxury cabin in the mountains OR in a mansion in a city?

Would you rather have unlimited time OR unlimited money?

Would you rather win an Olympic Gold Medal OR an Academy Award?

Would you rather have the ability to mimic any sound OR any voice?

Would you rather have the internet’s most viral video be of you in an embarrassing situation OR never be able to use the internet again?