
30 Writing Prompts about Injustice

Stories are all around us, and sometimes the best ones come from stuff that’s just not right. This is your chance to jump in and write about injustice, people fighting for what’s fair, and how folks bounce back from tough times.

Whether you’re a pro writer or just getting started, these prompts will help you brainstorm stories that need to be heard.

So without further ado, let’s get those voices out there!

We’re about to shine a light on injustice with the power of words!

Writing Prompts about Injustice

The Silence of the Innocent: In a society where speaking out against wrongdoings is discouraged, one person becomes wrongfully accused and imprisoned for a crime they didn’t commit. Delve deep into the psyche of this person, exploring their daily struggles, how they maintain hope, and the ways they attempt to prove their innocence. Confront the ethical dilemmas of living in such a society and the price of truth.

Behind Corporate Walls: Major corporations often wield significant power and influence. What happens when one such entity, in its quest for profits, tramples over the rights of indigenous tribes, seizing their lands and resources without fair compensation or any at all? Write a tale highlighting the clash of traditions and modern capitalism, focusing on a single indigenous family’s journey to reclaim what’s rightfully theirs.

Legacy of the Unequal City: Urban development can sometimes lead to the sidelining of certain neighborhoods, especially those deemed “less worthy” by the city planners. Narrate the tale of a community that comes together to fight against such prejudices, shining a light on the stark contrast between skyscrapers and neglected neighborhoods. Explore the reasons behind such decisions and their implications on the lives of everyday people.

Educational Disparities: In a world where the quality of education one receives often depends on their socio-economic background, children from poorer backgrounds find themselves left behind. Following the life of a brilliant but underprivileged student, explore the challenges they face, the barriers in their path, and their efforts to break free from the chains of systemic educational injustice.

The Weight of an Unseen Chain: Modern-day slavery still exists, often hidden in plain sight. Dive into the life of someone trapped in forced labor, detailing their daily struggles, the little moments of hope they cling to, and their ultimate desire for freedom. By bringing to light the shadows of contemporary slavery, offer a perspective on what society often chooses to overlook.

Veteran’s Forgotten Battle: Veterans often return from wars, bearing both visible and invisible scars. However, instead of receiving the care and understanding they deserve, many are left to fend for themselves, facing unemployment, homelessness, and mental health issues. Write about a veteran’s journey, highlighting the battles they face on their home turf and the society’s inability to fully reintegrate its heroes.

Climate Refugees: The Unheard Victims: As climate change intensifies, many areas become uninhabitable, displacing millions. Yet, these “climate refugees” don’t often receive the attention or aid they deserve. Follow the life of a family displaced due to a natural disaster, portraying their search for a new home, the apathy they encounter, and their resilience. This story should shed light on the human side of climate change, often overshadowed by political debates.

Digital Chains: The Dark Side of Social Media: The rise of social media has brought a new form of bullying and harassment, where online platforms sometimes become a medium for spreading hate and discrimination. Dive into the life of a young individual who becomes the target of such virtual cruelty. As they navigate these digital challenges, explore the profound impact of words and the invisible scars left by cyberbullying.

Muted Voices: The Plight of Migrant Workers: Economic needs often push people to seek jobs far from home, where they become vulnerable to exploitation. Craft a narrative about migrant workers, perhaps in a foreign country or an unfamiliar city, facing unjust conditions, withheld wages, and a lack of rights. Highlight their struggles and the strength they muster to demand justice in the face of exploitation.

The Gray Area: Biases in the Legal System: Justice is expected to be blind, but sometimes personal biases influence judicial decisions. Narrate a story of an individual whose life is dramatically altered due to a judge’s or jury’s prejudices. By delving deep into the courtroom dynamics, expose the underlying biases that sometimes taint the scales of justice.

Shadows of the Past: Descendants of Historical Injustices: Generations after a major historical injustice, the descendants of the victims still grapple with its repercussions. Center your story on a protagonist who, while not directly affected, faces discrimination or social challenges due to their lineage. Explore the long shadows that historical events cast and the journey to overcome inherited pain.

Behind Closed Doors: The Silent Victims: Domestic abuse is an often-hidden form of injustice that victims suffer in silence. Taking the perspective of a neighbor or friend who begins to notice subtle signs, illustrate the complex emotions and decisions involved in intervening. Show the delicate balance of wanting to help against the fear of making things worse for the victim.

Tales from the Sweatshops: Global industries sometimes rely on sweatshops, where workers toil in inhumane conditions for meager wages. Through the eyes of a sweatshop worker, unravel the daily grind, dreams, and aspirations they have. Spotlight the stark difference between the glittering end products and the harsh realities of their production lines.

Forbidden Love: Societal Shackles: In various cultures, love can be restricted by caste, religion, or social status. Tell the tale of a couple from different backgrounds who defy societal norms to be together. As they face opposition and challenges, shine a light on the profound ways in which love challenges and transcends societal boundaries.

The Stolen Future: Child Soldiers: In conflict-ridden regions, children are sometimes forcibly recruited into armed groups, robbed of their innocence and future. Narrate the harrowing journey of a child soldier attempting to escape and reintegrate into society. In doing so, expose the unseen traumas of war and the cost of stolen childhoods.

Beneath the Headlines: Journalists Under Siege: In many parts of the world, journalists risk their lives to report the truth. Dive into the story of a journalist in a conflict zone or a politically suppressed region, chronicling their pursuit of the truth amidst threats, censorship, and personal peril. Highlight the sacrifices made and the relentless pursuit of truth in the face of oppression.

The Forbidden Knowledge: Censorship in Education: Some governments selectively curate educational content, eliminating certain historical events or ideologies. Follow a curious student’s journey as they uncover hidden chapters of their nation’s past, experiencing enlightenment, anger, and motivation to seek change. Explore the danger of selective education and the power of knowledge.

The Disappearing Act: The Missing Indigenous Women: Indigenous communities, particularly women, face alarming rates of violence and disappearances. Craft a narrative centered on the quest of a sibling or friend to find a missing loved one, revealing the broader systemic issues at play and the neglect from mainstream society. Showcase the heartbreaking realities faced by marginalized communities.

Lost in Translation: Language and Assimilation: Language can be a strong cultural marker, but many minority groups are pressured into abandoning their native tongues for broader societal acceptance. Narrate the story of a family striving to hold onto their linguistic roots while facing challenges in assimilation and communication. Highlight the struggle between cultural preservation and societal adaptation.

In the Shadow of Wealth: The Invisible Homeless: Amidst the bustling cities with towering skyscrapers, the homeless often become an invisible part of the landscape. Dive deep into the life of someone struggling with homelessness, perhaps juxtaposed against the backdrop of a rapidly developing city. Expose the contrast between opulence and poverty and society’s often willful blindness to its less fortunate.

Fenced Dreams: Immigrant Detention Centers: Many dream of better futures in new lands, only to find themselves confined in immigrant detention centers upon arrival. Through the eyes of a detained individual, depict the realities of these centers—the despair, the fleeting hopes, and the longing for freedom. Address the complex morality surrounding immigration policies and human rights.

Silent Waters – The Plight of Overfished Communities: Global demands lead to overfishing, decimating local fish stocks and impacting coastal communities that rely on fishing. Journey with a fisher as they navigate the challenges of dwindling catches, economic hardships, and the looming threat of cultural extinction. Emphasize the interconnection between global consumption and local consequences.

Erased Roots: Forced Relocations and Cultural Genocide: Throughout history, many groups have been forcibly relocated, stripped of their lands, and subjected to cultural assimilation. Explore the journey of a family from such a group, recounting the pain of lost heritage, the challenge of rebuilding, and the aspiration to preserve their identity. Highlight the lasting impact of cultural erasures and the resilience of the human spirit.

Tech Titans: Monopolies and Their Shadows: In the digital age, a few corporations grow to control vast sections of the tech industry, sometimes sidelining competitors and stifling innovation. Dive into the journey of a budding tech entrepreneur, attempting to launch a groundbreaking product but facing the overshadowing might of a tech giant. Expose the challenges and ethical implications of corporate monopolies in the tech sphere.

Hidden in Plain Sight: Human Trafficking in Modern Cities: Beyond the glossy veneer of urban landscapes, dark trades thrive, one of them being human trafficking. Through the perspective of a brave individual who discovers this underworld in their city, uncover the networks, the silent victims, and the complicit silences. Bring to light the hidden horrors that often lurk in our very midst.

Phantom Illnesses: The Struggle of Invisible Disabilities: People with invisible disabilities—be it mental health issues, chronic pain, or other conditions—often face skepticism, ignorance, or outright dismissal. Chronicle the life of someone with such a disability, detailing their daily battles, both with their condition and societal prejudices. Emphasize the complexities of unseen challenges and the call for empathy.

Bound by Blood: The Curse of the Blood Diamond Trade: In regions rich with diamonds, the gem’s allure often comes at the price of human lives, forced labor, and conflicts. Unravel a tale that connects the journey of a single diamond—from a harrowed miner in Africa to a lavish jewelry store in a western city. Highlight the contrast between luxury and suffering, and the ethical implications of blood diamonds.

Outcasts of Progress: The Aged in a Digital World: As society accelerates into the digital age, the elderly sometimes find themselves lost and marginalized, unable to keep up with rapid technological advancements. Dive into the life of an older individual, battling loneliness, trying to adapt to a world of smart devices and social media. Showcase the emotional toll of rapid modernization on older generations.

Reaping the Whirlwind: Farmers and Climate Crisis: Global climate changes directly impact agriculture, with many farmers grappling with unpredictable weather patterns, unseasonal rains, or prolonged droughts. Through the eyes of a farmer, explore the challenges of sowing and reaping in a changing climate, juxtaposed against policymakers and corporations far removed from the ground realities. Address the urgent intersection of sustenance farming and global climate shifts.

False Narratives: Manipulation in the Age of Misinformation: In a society increasingly driven by digital media, the spread of misinformation and fake news can shape public opinion and lead to grave injustices. Follow a protagonist who becomes a victim of such a false narrative, battling not just the personal repercussions but also striving to correct the manipulated narrative. Highlight the dangers of unchecked misinformation and the power dynamics at play.