
24 Writing Prompts About Money


It’s a strange thing.

This one little word can be a magic key to getting what you want, or a giant weight holding you down.

For thousands of years, people have been figuring out ways to trade stuff, from shiny gold coins to weird internet money.

But really, money is just a way of showing what something is worth, a kind of trust system, and a reflection of what people truly desire.

So, buckle up, because we’re about to explore how money has shaped our world, what it really means, and why it’s everywhere we look!

Even if you’re not aiming to be a famous writer, these prompts will get your brain working about money in a whole new way.

Writing Prompts About Money

Your protagonist inherits a coin collection from a distant relative. At first glance, it seems like a pile of old, worthless coins. However, upon closer inspection, they discover that one of the coins is extremely rare and could be worth a fortune. How does this newfound wealth change their life, and what challenges arise from it?

A financial journalist stumbles upon a massive scandal involving a prominent bank. The story could be the biggest break of their career, but revealing it could also lead to economic panic and the loss of jobs for thousands. Does the journalist prioritize their career or the greater good?

While on vacation in a foreign country, your main character loses their wallet containing all their money, credit cards, and identification. They meet a local who offers to help, but with a catch. How does the character navigate this situation, and what lessons about money and trust do they learn along the way?

A self-made millionaire, on their deathbed, decides to leave their entire fortune to a complete stranger instead of their family. The only condition is that the stranger must use the money in a way that benefits humanity. How does the stranger decide to use the money, and how does the family react?

In a small town, a financial crisis leads to the collapse of the local currency. The residents decide to revert to a barter system, trading goods and services directly. How does this change the dynamics of the community, and what does it reveal about the true value of money?

Two childhood friends had buried a box of money they had saved up over the years, promising to dig it up when they both turned 30. When the time comes, one of them is in dire need of money, while the other is financially stable. How does their past decision impact their present relationship and choices?

An investor realizes that their most profitable stocks are from companies with questionable ethics and environmental practices. Torn between their morals and the allure of wealth, they must decide whether to divest or continue reaping the profits. What decision do they make, and what are the consequences?

A successful entrepreneur takes on a challenge to live without money for a year, relying solely on their skills and bartering to survive. They document their journey, uncovering the complexities of our monetary system and society’s relationship with wealth. How does this experience transform their understanding of money and its role in their life?

In a world where time has become the new currency, people trade hours, days, or even years of their life for goods and services. Your protagonist, who has always been frugal with their time, suddenly faces a situation where they must decide whether to spend a significant portion of their life on something invaluable. How do they navigate this world, and what sacrifices are they willing to make?

A seasoned debt collector, known for their ruthless tactics, has an unexpected encounter with a debtor that changes their perspective on their job and the lives they impact. This leads them on a journey of redemption and reparation. How does the debt collector attempt to right their past wrongs, and how is their transformation received?

A struggling artist anonymously receives a significant sum of money with a note that simply reads, “For your next masterpiece.” With no clue about the donor’s identity or intentions, the artist grapples with the pressure of creating something worthy. How does this mysterious gift influence their art and personal journey?

A small town facing economic decline suddenly receives an anonymous donation large enough to revitalize the community. However, the money comes with a set of instructions on how it should be spent. How does the town decide to use the funds, and what conflicts arise from differing opinions?

A therapist specializing in financial well-being starts treating a client who has an unhealthy relationship with money due to past traumas. As they work together, the therapist realizes they too have unresolved issues about wealth and self-worth. How do both individuals confront and heal their financial wounds?

A family heirloom, believed to be of great monetary value, is about to be sold to save the family’s home. However, when its true worth is revealed to be much less than expected, the family must confront their beliefs about the heirloom’s sentimental versus monetary value. What choices do they make when faced with this revelation?

A billionaire, curious about the struggles of living paycheck to paycheck, decides to live on a minimum wage for a year without access to their vast resources. Along the way, they form bonds with people from different economic backgrounds and witness the daily challenges they face. How does this experiment reshape the billionaire’s perspective on wealth disparity and privilege?

In a futuristic society, money has been abolished, and all basic needs are provided for. However, luxury and status are earned through deeds and contributions to the community. Your protagonist, once wealthy in the old world, struggles to find their place in this new system. How do they adapt to a world where money no longer determines worth?

The world wakes up to find that a major currency, previously seen as stable, has crashed overnight. This leads to a global economic domino effect. Your protagonist, an economics teacher, tries to explain the situation to their students while grappling with their own financial instability. How do they navigate personal and professional challenges in this new economic landscape?

A renowned philanthropist leaves behind a will that distributes their vast wealth not to charities, but to random individuals with a challenge: they must use the money in a way that creates a lasting positive impact. How do the chosen individuals react, and what innovative solutions do they come up with?

Two friends bury a time capsule as children, including a small amount of a then-newly launched digital currency. Decades later, they unearth it to find that the currency has skyrocketed in value. How does this sudden windfall affect their relationship and their views on luck and foresight?

In a society where financial advisors are revered like shamans or spiritual healers, your protagonist is sought after for their uncanny ability to “heal” people’s finances. But when a skeptical journalist tries to debunk their methods, both are led on a journey of self-discovery. What truths about money and human nature do they uncover?

In a near-future world, technology allows people to sell their memories for money. While most memories have little value, rare and unique experiences fetch a high price. Your protagonist, possessing a memory that’s in high demand, faces a moral and emotional dilemma. Do they sell a precious part of their past for a potentially better future?

In a digitalized world, cash has become obsolete. Your protagonist finds the last known physical bill, leading them on a journey to discover its history and significance. Along the way, they encounter various individuals with diverse views on the evolution of money. How does this quest change their understanding of tangible versus digital value?

A city decides to conduct an experiment by equally redistributing all its wealth among its residents, aiming to study the outcomes over a decade. Your protagonist, who experiences both the highs and lows of this experiment, documents the societal shifts. How do the city’s dynamics change, and what lessons are learned about human nature and money?

Your protagonist inherits a house, only to discover it comes with a massive, undisclosed debt. As they dig deeper, they uncover family secrets tied to the debt and must decide whether to sell the house or try to honor their family’s legacy. How do they reconcile their family’s past with their own financial future?