
24 Writing Prompts About The Ocean

Want to use the ocean as a backdrop and still stuck in a writing rut?

Don’t worry, these ocean prompts will have your creativity splashing like a whale’s tail.

Whether you’re a novel-writing champion, a poetry pro, or just playing around, these ideas will launch you on an epic writing adventure.

So, grab a pen, fire up your laptop, and get ready to explore the deep waters of storytelling!

Buckle up, because things are about to get creative!

Writing Prompts about the Ocean

Exploring the Unseen Depths: Oceans make up 70% of the Earth’s surface, yet much of their depths remain a mystery. Consider the perspective of a marine biologist who has just received funding for a groundbreaking exploration initiative. They are tasked with reaching parts of the ocean never before studied. The biologist will encounter remarkable sea creatures and unimaginable landscapes. Write a narrative showcasing their expedition, focusing on their discoveries, the hardships they face, and the profound impacts on our understanding of marine life.

Ocean’s Connection to Humanity: Throughout history, oceans have influenced human culture, from the earliest seafaring societies to the bustling coastal cities of today. Write a historical analysis of a civilization that owed its prosperity to the ocean. Explore how the sea influenced their culture, economy, and technological advancements, as well as the perils they faced living so intimately with such a formidable force of nature.

Climate Change and the Ocean: The effects of climate change on the ocean cannot be overstated. Imagine a future where sea levels have risen significantly, impacting coastal communities worldwide. Write a story from the viewpoint of a person living in a seaside city dealing with these dramatic changes. Discuss how they adapt, the challenges they face, and the resilient human spirit in the face of adversity.

The Ocean’s Silence: The ocean is often portrayed as a place of solitude and peace, a stark contrast to bustling human life. Write from the perspective of an individual who seeks refuge in the solitude of a small uninhabited island, using the serene environment to cope with personal struggles. Describe their transformation, focusing on how the isolation and natural beauty of the ocean environment change their perspective on life.

Life as a Marine Biologist: Marine biologists play a crucial role in our understanding of oceanic life. Write a detailed account of a day in the life of a marine biologist stationed on a research vessel. Detail the highs and lows, the exciting discoveries, and the mundane tasks. Use this narrative to illustrate the passion that drives these scientists to dedicate their lives to the ocean.

Ocean Conservation Efforts: Many species in the ocean are endangered due to pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction. Write a persuasive essay encouraging readers to participate in ocean conservation efforts. Explain the importance of these efforts, the impact of individual actions, and offer practical ways to contribute.

The Tale of a Survivor: Shipwrecks and oceanic disasters have been a recurrent theme in literature and film, often used to test human endurance and resilience. Write a first-person narrative of a shipwreck survivor stranded in the middle of the ocean. Highlight their survival techniques, the psychological battles, and the relentless hope that keeps them alive.

The Ocean’s Influence on Art: The ocean has served as inspiration for countless artists, writers, and musicians over the centuries. Choose a particular art piece, novel, or composition inspired by the ocean and analyze its impact on the audience. Explore how the artist’s interpretation of the ocean’s beauty, power, and mystery contributes to our shared cultural and emotional connection to the sea.

Living on the Sea: Many societies around the world have adapted to live directly on the ocean, such as the Bajau people of Southeast Asia. Explore the day-to-day life of a character from one of these cultures. In your narrative, dive into the challenges and rewards of their lifestyle, including their unique relationship with the ocean and marine life.

The Ocean in Mythology: The ocean plays a prominent role in many myths and legends, often representing the mysterious or unknown. Choose a myth from any culture that heavily features the ocean. Write an analysis of the myth, discussing its significance in the culture it comes from, and how it shapes their perception and respect for the ocean.

The Call of the Deep Sea: The deep-sea is home to some of the most alien-looking creatures on Earth. Imagine you are a documentarian who’s been granted the opportunity to film in these extreme depths for the first time. Write a thrilling narrative capturing the journey to the bottom, the stunning creatures you encounter, and the technical challenges faced during the expedition.

The Impact of Oceanic Trade: Since ancient times, the ocean has been a critical route for trade and cultural exchange. Write an investigative piece about the role of a major historical trade route, such as the Silk Road or the transatlantic trade routes. Discuss its impact on the economies and cultures it connected, and how these exchanges shaped the course of history.

Ocean Acidification and its Consequences: Ocean acidification is a lesser-known, but critical consequence of climate change. Write from the perspective of a scientist who is trying to raise awareness about this issue. In your narrative, explain the concept of ocean acidification, the dangers it poses to marine life, and the potential long-term impact on human society.

Life as a Lighthouse Keeper: Lighthouse keepers have long been the solitary sentinels of the sea, guiding ships away from dangerous coastlines. Write a narrative from the perspective of a lighthouse keeper, describing their solitary life, their bond with the ocean, and the dramatic moments during stormy nights. Focus on their sense of duty, loneliness, and the beauty they find in their unique lifestyle.

From the Eyes of a Sea Creature: Choose a marine creature, like a dolphin or a sea turtle, and write a story from its perspective. Narrate its journey through the vast ocean, its encounters with other sea creatures, and the threats it faces from pollution, climate change, or human activities.

Fishing Communities and their Struggles: Fishing communities worldwide face a unique set of challenges, from dealing with overfishing to adjusting to changing marine ecosystems. Choose a specific fishing community and write an in-depth piece about their way of life. Describe their customs, their relationship with the ocean, the challenges they face, and their strategies for sustainable fishing.

Ocean Exploration and Technological Advances: The development of new technologies has allowed us to explore the ocean like never before. Write an engaging piece about a revolutionary piece of technology that has transformed our understanding of the ocean. Describe the technology, its development process, how it’s used in marine exploration, and the breakthroughs it has led to.

Rising Sea Temperatures: Rising sea temperatures are causing devastating effects on marine ecosystems worldwide. Write from the perspective of a researcher studying this phenomenon. Describe their research process, findings, and the crucial implications of rising sea temperatures on marine life and humanity as a whole.

Sailing Around the World: A solo journey sailing around the world presents an ultimate test of skill, resilience, and courage. Imagine you are a sailor undertaking this voyage. Write a narrative documenting your journey, highlighting the breathtaking beauty, unexpected challenges, personal reflections, and transformational moments experienced at sea.

Ocean’s Role in Literature: The ocean often serves as a powerful metaphor in literature. Choose a piece of literature where the ocean is a central theme. Write a critical analysis discussing how the ocean is portrayed, the symbolism attached to it, and its contribution to the overall theme of the work.

Life Beneath the Ice: The Arctic and Antarctic oceans are among the most inhospitable and least explored areas on Earth. Write a story about a team of scientists conducting research in these icy waters. Narrate their expedition, highlighting the unique creatures they encounter, the harsh environmental conditions, and the importance of their research in understanding climate change.

Coastal Erosion and its Impact: Coastal erosion is a growing problem, threatening seaside communities and ecosystems. Write an essay detailing the impact of coastal erosion on a specific community. Discuss the causes, the effects on the community’s way of life, and potential mitigation strategies.

A Day in the Life of a Marine Park Ranger: Marine park rangers play an essential role in protecting our oceans. Write a narrative about a day in the life of a marine park ranger. Describe their responsibilities, encounters with marine life, and the importance of their role in ocean conservation.

The Mysterious Language of Whales: Whale songs are among the most complex forms of non-human communication. Imagine you are a scientist who has made a breakthrough in deciphering these songs. Write a narrative about your research process, the moment of breakthrough, and what the ability to understand whale communication could mean for science and conservation efforts.