
32 Writing Prompts About Voting and Election Days

In this blog, we’re diving into a topic that’s not just about marking X’s on a ballot but encompasses the pulse of democracy itself.

Yep, you guessed it – we’re talking about voting and election days!

Whether you’re a politics junkie, a curious observer, or just someone intrigued by the power of the people, get ready to explore 32 writing prompts that’ll have your creative gears turning faster than a political campaign slogan generator.

So, grab your favorite beverage, find a cozy spot, and let’s embark on this journey through the heart of civic engagement!

Writing Prompts About Voting

Imagine a world where one single vote decided the fate of an entire nation. In this scenario, two candidates are running for the highest office, and the final tally shows that they have received an equal number of votes. The last vote to be counted belongs to an ordinary citizen who had almost decided not to vote that day. Explore the internal conflict this individual faces and the repercussions of their decision.

In a twist of fate, a country has decided that only individuals between the ages of 18-25 are eligible to vote. This sudden shift in electoral power dramatically influences policy and national priorities. Delve into the challenges and the transformative energy this young electorate brings to governance.

A previously apathetic majority suddenly decides to engage in the voting process, radically reshaping the political landscape overnight. Traditionally marginalized groups now have significant sway in the electoral process. Unravel the stories of a few such individuals and how this newfound voice impacts their lives and the nation.

A series of letters and diary entries reveal the journey of a single absentee ballot from a soldier stationed overseas. The challenges in getting their vote counted illuminate the sacrifices many make to participate in democracy from afar. Highlight the resilience and determination of voters who overcome obstacles to ensure their voices are heard.

In a bid to increase political participation, a government mandates voting for all eligible citizens, implementing strict penalties for those who abstain. Citizens grapple with this new obligation – some eagerly participating, others resisting. Explore the dynamics in a society where casting a vote is no longer a choice but a duty.

In a tight electoral race, a box containing thousands of votes is discovered missing days after the election. The revelation causes a public uproar, with conspiracy theories, political maneuverings, and citizens’ protests. Dive into the investigation of the missing votes and the quest for electoral transparency and justice.

A coming-of-age tale centered around an 18-year-old voting for the first time. Amidst personal challenges and societal pressures, this milestone becomes a transformative experience for them, solidifying their place in the world. Narrate the journey of this young individual as they realize the weight of their democratic right.

The world has transitioned to an entirely digital voting system, where citizens cast their votes via a secured online platform. While it promises convenience, several citizens, especially the older generation, find it hard to trust this new method. Explore the societal divide and the evolution of trust in this digital democracy.

Inside a voting booth, individuals often face a moment of reflection, considering their choices and the implications. Imagine a series of interconnected stories from different people in the same town, all converging on a single election day. Delve into the private musings and life-altering decisions of these voters, revealing their humanity and hopes for the future.

To combat voter apathy, a town transforms its election day into a grand festival. This new tradition becomes a profound community-building experience, melding the solemnity of voting with the joy of unity. Showcase the vibrant, transformative energy of this day and its impact on the town’s spirit.

Follow the life of a 100-year-old as they prepare to vote in yet another election. Through their eyes, witness the drastic changes in political landscapes, societal shifts, and the evolution of the voting process over a century. Trace the historical and personal milestones that have shaped this centenarian’s perspective on democracy.

A staunch non-voter, believing their single vote never makes a difference, suddenly finds themselves in a position where their perspective on the electoral process is challenged. Through unexpected events and personal connections, they come to understand the ripple effect of civic participation. Narrate their transformation from political cynicism to democratic faith.

In an age of digitized election systems, there remains one small town that insists on voting the old-fashioned way: paper ballots, manually counted. The residents pride themselves on this tradition, but outsiders see it as a novelty or even a liability. Explore the dynamics between tradition and modernity, and what it truly means to be connected in the digital age.

Humanity has colonized another planet, and its first democratic election is about to take place. While many earthly traditions are retained, this new environment presents unique challenges and perspectives on governance and representation. Illustrate the intricacies of democracy in this new world and how settlers grapple with their dual identities.

A first-time campaign volunteer for a grassroots candidate chronicles the ups and downs of a political race, from hopeful beginnings to the tense culmination on election day. Through their eyes, we witness the behind-the-scenes world of politics: the passion, the disillusionment, the camaraderie. Detail their journey, revealing the heart and soul of a political movement.

Imagine a parallel universe where societal decisions are made without voting. Whether through consensus, a unique algorithm, or another innovative method, this world has evolved without the concept of elections. Dive into the nuances of this society, comparing and contrasting its merits and flaws against our own democratic systems.

Election Day Writing Prompts

Voting is often considered a fundamental right and responsibility in democracies. It gives people the power to select their representatives and shape their country’s policies. Imagine the consequences in a society where only 10% of eligible voters decide to vote. Describe this society and explore the implications for democracy.

Running a campaign involves more than just the public speeches and advertisements. There’s a lot of strategizing, planning, and personal interactions that happen out of public view. Craft a story from the perspective of a campaign manager during the final 48 hours before Election Day.

For many young adults, casting their first vote is a rite of passage. This experience can be filled with a mixture of excitement, anxiety, and pride. Describe a young adult’s journey of casting their first vote, capturing their emotions and reflections on the process.

Not all countries have free and fair elections. Some elections are mere formalities with predetermined outcomes. Imagine you are a journalist in such a country, covertly writing an article about the true nature of the “elections”. Share your observations and challenges in getting the truth out.

History has shown that sometimes, a single vote can make a huge difference in an election’s outcome. Every voice truly matters. Write a narrative about a close local election where one person’s vote changed the trajectory of the community’s future.

Over time, the methods and means of voting have evolved – from paper ballots to electronic machines and even discussions of online voting. Delve into the future, 50 years from now, and describe the voting process, ensuring you discuss the benefits and potential challenges of the new system.

Media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and perceptions about candidates and their platforms. They can both inform and misinform the public. Examine a fictional election day where a significant media scandal breaks out. Discuss its impact on voters and the election’s outcome.

Imagine a world that has gone through a major catastrophe, yet the remnants of society are trying to rebuild and establish order. The importance of leadership and governance becomes even more crucial in such times. Describe the process of holding an election in this post-apocalyptic world and the challenges and hopes that come with it.

Politics often sees individuals from varied backgrounds, but occasionally a truly unconventional candidate emerges. Their background and methods could challenge the status quo. Write about an election where a professional comedian decides to run for a serious political office, exploring the public’s reactions and the changes they bring to the political discourse.

In some voting systems, there’s an option for voters to choose “None of the Above” if they’re dissatisfied with all candidates. Imagine an election where “None of the Above” receives the majority of votes. Describe the aftermath and the steps the political system takes to address such a unique result.

As humanity advances, imagine a future where Earth becomes part of an intergalactic federation, and aliens earn the right to vote in Earth’s elections. Craft a story about the first alien resident preparing to vote in an Earth election, detailing their perceptions of human politics and their own personal dilemmas in making a choice.

Schools sometimes hold elections for student councils to teach about the democratic process. Describe an elementary school’s election day for a “Children’s Council,” capturing the innocent yet profound insights kids have about leadership and responsibility.

Amid the hustle and bustle of an election, two volunteers from opposing campaigns meet and connect. While their political views differ, they find common ground elsewhere. Narrate the development of their relationship during the election season, highlighting the challenges and discoveries they encounter.

As technology evolves, advanced AI and robots become part of society. Imagine a time when there’s a movement advocating for their voting rights. Describe an election where the central issue is whether or not AI should be granted the right to vote, focusing on the ethical and societal implications.

Pick a significant historical election from the past. Now reimagine it by introducing a fictional twist or by changing a major event leading up to it. Write about how this alternate history election unfolds and how it impacts the world’s timeline.

An elderly person, having voted in every election since they were eligible, knows this might be their last time voting due to their health. Narrate their journey to the polling station, reflecting on past elections, the changes they’ve seen over the years, and the legacy they hope to leave with this final vote.