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24 Argumentative Writing Prompts for Middle School

Argumentative writing isn’t just yelling at your friend about who gets the remote – it’s about thinking critically, finding proof, and explaining why you believe what you believe.

Sound cool?

It is!

Not only will this sharpen your brain like a ninja sword, it’ll prepare you for all those debates you’ll have later in life (trust us, there will be debates).

So, we’ve got some awesome argumentative writing prompts, aimed at middle school kids that’ll get you thinking and talking.

These are topics you need to care about, so get ready to share your voice!

Argumentative Writing Prompts for Middle School

The Influence of Social Media on Middle School Students: Social media platforms have become an integral part of many people’s lives, especially for the younger generation. There’s a debate about whether these platforms are beneficial for middle school students, helping them connect and express themselves, or if they do more harm by exposing them to various online threats and distractions. Should middle school students be allowed unrestricted access to social media, or should there be stricter parental controls?

School Uniforms: A Blessing or a Curse?: Some schools mandate uniforms in a bid to promote equality and reduce distractions. Opponents argue that uniforms suppress individuality and are not necessarily effective in curbing behavioral issues. Should middle schools enforce a strict school uniform policy or allow students the freedom to choose their daily attire?

Length of the School Day: Studies have shown that younger students might benefit from shorter school days, as their concentration spans are limited. On the contrary, others believe a longer school day provides more instructional time and better prepares them for high school. Should middle schools have shorter or longer school days, and what would be the potential benefits or drawbacks of each choice?

Physical Education’s Role in Schools: While physical education (PE) promotes fitness and well-being, some students feel that it’s not as important as academic subjects. Given the rise in childhood obesity, however, PE might be more crucial than ever. Should PE be made optional in middle schools, or should it remain a compulsory subject for all students?

The Impact of Homework on Student Well-being: Homework is seen by many as a tool to reinforce classroom learning, but there’s a growing concern about the amount of stress it places on students. With extracurricular activities and other commitments, some believe it affects their work-life balance. Is the current amount of homework assigned to middle school students appropriate, or should it be reduced?

The Role of Technology in the Classroom: With the rise of tablets, smartboards, and other technologies, there’s a debate on how much technology should be integrated into the classroom. While some believe it enhances learning and prepares students for a digital future, others argue it can be a distraction and diminish basic skills. Should middle schools increase the use of technology in daily lessons, or should they focus on more traditional teaching methods?

Year-round Schooling: Beneficial or Burdensome?: Some educational experts believe that year-round schooling can improve retention and provide consistent learning opportunities. However, others argue that students need extended breaks to rest and rejuvenate. Would middle school students benefit more from a year-round schooling system or the traditional academic calendar with longer summer breaks?

The Value of Arts Education in Schools: Budget cuts often lead to arts programs being the first on the chopping block. Yet, arts play a significant role in fostering creativity and critical thinking. Should arts education be considered as important as core academic subjects in middle schools, or should they be given a secondary priority when budgeting?

Impact of Competitive Sports in Middle School: Competitive sports are a staple in many middle schools, fostering teamwork and discipline. However, some argue they may put undue pressure on students, overshadowing academics and leading to injuries. Should middle schools continue to emphasize competitive sports, or should they focus more on inclusive, non-competitive physical activities?

The Role of Field Trips in Education: Field trips can offer hands-on learning experiences outside the classroom. However, they also require time, money, and can sometimes disrupt the regular curriculum flow. Do field trips provide a valuable educational experience for middle school students, or are they just a fun distraction from serious learning?

Banning Junk Food in School Cafeterias: With rising concerns about childhood obesity, there’s a push to ban junk food in school cafeterias. Critics argue that schools shouldn’t police students’ diets, and personal choices should be respected. Should middle schools completely ban junk food offerings, or should they allow students to make their own dietary choices?

Integrating Life Skills in the Curriculum: While traditional subjects are crucial, some believe that life skills such as financial literacy, cooking, and basic home repair are equally essential. Should middle schools incorporate life skills into their regular curriculum, or should the focus remain purely academic?

The Merits of Single-Gender Classrooms: Historically, single-gender classrooms were common, and some argue they remove distractions and can cater to gender-specific learning styles. Opponents believe they can perpetuate stereotypes and hinder co-ed social skills development. Should middle schools consider reintroducing single-gender classrooms for certain subjects, or are co-ed environments more beneficial?

Value of Cursive Writing in the Digital Age: With the rise of digital communication tools, cursive writing has become less prevalent in curriculums. Some educators argue it aids cognitive development, while others see it as outdated. Should middle schools continue to teach cursive writing, or should they pivot entirely to keyboarding and digital communication skills?

Student Participation in School Governance: Involving students in school decision-making can empower them and provide a sense of ownership. Skeptics, however, feel that students might not have the maturity to make significant decisions. Should middle school students be given a more active role in school governance and decision-making processes?

The Pros and Cons of Grade Skipping: For academically gifted students, grade skipping can be a way to ensure they’re adequately challenged. However, concerns arise about their emotional and social readiness for advanced grades. Should middle schools offer grade skipping for exceptionally talented students, or should they provide enrichment opportunities within the student’s current grade?

Digital Textbooks vs. Physical Books: As technology continues to permeate the classroom, there’s a debate about the merits of digital textbooks over traditional paper books. While digital versions can be updated easily and are more portable, physical books don’t require power and can provide a tangible reading experience. Should middle schools transition entirely to digital textbooks, or is there inherent value in keeping physical books in the curriculum?

Mandatory Community Service Hours: Community service fosters empathy and civic responsibility. Some schools have started requiring students to complete a certain number of community service hours to graduate. Should middle schools make community service mandatory, or should volunteering remain a personal choice?

Flexible Seating in Classrooms: Traditional classroom setups are being challenged by flexible seating arrangements where students can choose where and how they sit. While proponents argue it promotes better concentration and comfort, critics believe it can be a distraction. Should middle schools adopt flexible seating arrangements or stick to traditional classroom setups?

The Importance of Learning a Second Language: Being bilingual can have cognitive and cultural benefits. However, learning a new language can also be challenging and time-consuming for some students. Should middle schools require students to take a foreign language course, or should it be an elective?

Restricting Mobile Phones During School Hours: Mobile phones can be both a tool and a distraction for students. Some schools have banned them entirely, while others allow limited use. Should middle schools implement a strict no-phone policy, or is there a place for mobile phones in the modern classroom?

Studying Contemporary vs. Classical Literature: While classic literature provides historical and cultural insights, contemporary works might resonate more with today’s youth and address current issues. Should middle school English classes focus more on contemporary literature, or is it essential to maintain a strong emphasis on the classics?

The Role of Online Learning in Traditional Schools: The pandemic showcased the potential of online learning. While it offers flexibility, some argue it lacks the social interaction and structure of a traditional classroom. Should middle schools integrate more online learning modules into their curriculum, or should they prioritize face-to-face instruction?

Incorporating Mindfulness and Meditation in Schools: With rising concerns about student stress and mental health, mindfulness and meditation practices are seen as potential remedies. These practices can help students focus and manage anxiety. Should middle schools have a dedicated time for mindfulness exercises during the school day, or are such practices better left for home and extracurricular activities?